mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 02:32:57 -05:00
This commit includes support for periodic repo sync in a scale-out cluster. Before this commit, all cluster members would sync all the repos as the config is shared. With this change, in periodic sync, the cluster member checks whether it manages the repo. If it does not manage the repo, it will skip the sync. This commit also includes a unit test to test on-demand sync too, but there are no logic changes for it as it is implicitly handled by the proxying logic. Signed-off-by: Vishwas Rajashekar <vrajashe@cisco.com>
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182 lines
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//go:build sync
// +build sync
package extensions
import (
zerr "zotregistry.dev/zot/errors"
syncconf "zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/extensions/config/sync"
mTypes "zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/meta/types"
func EnableSyncExtension(config *config.Config, metaDB mTypes.MetaDB,
storeController storage.StoreController, sch *scheduler.Scheduler, log log.Logger,
) (*sync.BaseOnDemand, error) {
if config.Extensions.Sync != nil && *config.Extensions.Sync.Enable {
onDemand := sync.NewOnDemand(log)
for _, registryConfig := range config.Extensions.Sync.Registries {
registryConfig := registryConfig
if len(registryConfig.URLs) > 1 {
if err := removeSelfURLs(config, ®istryConfig, log); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(registryConfig.URLs) == 0 {
log.Error().Err(zerr.ErrSyncNoURLsLeft).Msg("failed to start sync extension")
return nil, zerr.ErrSyncNoURLsLeft
isPeriodical := len(registryConfig.Content) != 0 && registryConfig.PollInterval != 0
isOnDemand := registryConfig.OnDemand
if !(isPeriodical || isOnDemand) {
tmpDir := config.Extensions.Sync.DownloadDir
credsPath := config.Extensions.Sync.CredentialsFile
clusterCfg := config.Cluster
service, err := sync.New(registryConfig, credsPath, clusterCfg, tmpDir, storeController, metaDB, log)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to initialize sync extension")
return nil, err
if isPeriodical {
// add to task scheduler periodic sync
interval := registryConfig.PollInterval
gen := sync.NewTaskGenerator(service, interval, log)
sch.SubmitGenerator(gen, interval, scheduler.MediumPriority)
if isOnDemand {
// onDemand services used in routes.go
return onDemand, nil
log.Info().Msg("sync config not provided or disabled, so not enabling sync")
return nil, nil //nolint: nilnil
func getLocalIPs() ([]string, error) {
var localIPs []string
ifaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil {
return []string{}, err
for _, i := range ifaces {
addrs, err := i.Addrs()
if err != nil {
return localIPs, err
for _, addr := range addrs {
if localIP, ok := addr.(*net.IPNet); ok {
localIPs = append(localIPs, localIP.IP.String())
return localIPs, nil
func getIPFromHostName(host string) ([]string, error) {
addrs, err := net.LookupIP(host)
if err != nil {
return []string{}, err
ips := make([]string, 0, len(addrs))
for _, ip := range addrs {
ips = append(ips, ip.String())
return ips, nil
func removeSelfURLs(config *config.Config, registryConfig *syncconf.RegistryConfig, log log.Logger) error {
// get IP from config
port := config.HTTP.Port
selfAddress := net.JoinHostPort(config.HTTP.Address, port)
// get all local IPs from interfaces
localIPs, err := getLocalIPs()
if err != nil {
return err
for idx := len(registryConfig.URLs) - 1; idx >= 0; idx-- {
registryURL := registryConfig.URLs[idx]
url, err := url.Parse(registryURL)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Str("url", registryURL).Msg("failed to parse sync registry url, removing it")
registryConfig.URLs = append(registryConfig.URLs[:idx], registryConfig.URLs[idx+1:]...)
// check self address
if strings.Contains(registryURL, selfAddress) {
log.Info().Str("url", registryURL).Msg("removing local registry url")
registryConfig.URLs = append(registryConfig.URLs[:idx], registryConfig.URLs[idx+1:]...)
// check dns
ips, err := getIPFromHostName(url.Hostname())
if err != nil {
// will not remove, maybe it will get resolved later after multiple retries
log.Warn().Str("url", registryURL).Msg("failed to lookup sync registry url's hostname")
var removed bool
for _, localIP := range localIPs {
// if ip resolved from hostname/dns is equal with any local ip
for _, ip := range ips {
if net.JoinHostPort(ip, url.Port()) == net.JoinHostPort(localIP, port) {
registryConfig.URLs = append(registryConfig.URLs[:idx], registryConfig.URLs[idx+1:]...)
removed = true
if removed {
return nil