package sync import ( "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/url" "os" "path" "strings" glob "" "" "" "" "" guuid "" ispec "" artifactspec "" "" "" zerr "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type ReferenceList struct { References []artifactspec.Descriptor `json:"references"` } // getTagFromRef returns a tagged reference from an image reference. func getTagFromRef(ref types.ImageReference, log log.Logger) reference.Tagged { tagged, isTagged := ref.DockerReference().(reference.Tagged) if !isTagged { log.Warn().Msgf("internal server error, reference %s does not have a tag, skipping", ref.DockerReference()) } return tagged } // parseRepositoryReference parses input into a reference.Named, and verifies that it names a repository, not an image. func parseRepositoryReference(input string) (reference.Named, error) { ref, err := reference.ParseNormalizedNamed(input) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !reference.IsNameOnly(ref) { return nil, zerr.ErrInvalidRepositoryName } return ref, nil } // filterRepos filters repos based on prefix given in the config. func filterRepos(repos []string, contentList []Content, log log.Logger) map[int][]string { filtered := make(map[int][]string) for _, repo := range repos { for contentID, content := range contentList { var prefix string // handle prefixes starting with '/' if strings.HasPrefix(content.Prefix, "/") { prefix = content.Prefix[1:] } else { prefix = content.Prefix } matched, err := glob.Match(prefix, repo) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Str("pattern", prefix).Msg("error while parsing glob pattern, skipping it...") continue } if matched { filtered[contentID] = append(filtered[contentID], repo) break } } } return filtered } // findRepoContentID return the contentID that maches the localRepo path for a given RegistryConfig in the config file. func findRepoMatchingContentID(localRepo string, contentList []Content) (int, error) { contentID := -1 localRepo = strings.Trim(localRepo, "/") for cID, content := range contentList { // make sure prefix ends in "/" to extract the meta characters prefix := strings.Trim(content.Prefix, "/") + "/" destination := strings.Trim(content.Destination, "/") var patternSlice []string if content.StripPrefix { _, metaCharacters := glob.SplitPattern(prefix) patternSlice = append(patternSlice, destination, metaCharacters) } else { patternSlice = append(patternSlice, destination, prefix) } pattern := strings.Trim(strings.Join(patternSlice, "/"), "/") matched, err := glob.Match(pattern, localRepo) if err != nil { continue } if matched { contentID = cID break } } if contentID == -1 { return -1, zerr.ErrRegistryNoContent } return contentID, nil } func getRepoSource(localRepo string, content Content) string { localRepo = strings.Trim(localRepo, "/") destination := strings.Trim(content.Destination, "/") prefix := strings.Trim(content.Prefix, "/*") var localRepoSlice []string localRepo = strings.TrimPrefix(localRepo, destination) localRepo = strings.Trim(localRepo, "/") if content.StripPrefix { localRepoSlice = append([]string{prefix}, localRepo) } else { localRepoSlice = []string{localRepo} } repoSource := strings.Join(localRepoSlice, "/") if repoSource == "/" { return repoSource } return strings.Trim(repoSource, "/") } // getRepoDestination returns the local storage path of the synced repo based on the specified destination. func getRepoDestination(remoteRepo string, content Content) string { remoteRepo = strings.Trim(remoteRepo, "/") destination := strings.Trim(content.Destination, "/") prefix := strings.Trim(content.Prefix, "/*") var repoDestSlice []string if content.StripPrefix { remoteRepo = strings.TrimPrefix(remoteRepo, prefix) remoteRepo = strings.Trim(remoteRepo, "/") repoDestSlice = append(repoDestSlice, destination, remoteRepo) } else { repoDestSlice = append(repoDestSlice, destination, remoteRepo) } repoDestination := strings.Join(repoDestSlice, "/") if repoDestination == "/" { return "/" } return strings.Trim(repoDestination, "/") } // Get sync.FileCredentials from file. func getFileCredentials(filepath string) (CredentialsFile, error) { credsFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath) if err != nil { return nil, err } var creds CredentialsFile err = json.Unmarshal(credsFile, &creds) if err != nil { return nil, err } return creds, nil } func getHTTPClient(regCfg *RegistryConfig, upstreamURL string, credentials Credentials, log log.Logger, ) (*resty.Client, *url.URL, error) { client := resty.New() if !common.Contains(regCfg.URLs, upstreamURL) { return nil, nil, zerr.ErrSyncInvalidUpstreamURL } registryURL, err := url.Parse(upstreamURL) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Str("url", upstreamURL).Msg("couldn't parse url") return nil, nil, err } if regCfg.CertDir != "" { log.Debug().Msgf("sync: using certs directory: %s", regCfg.CertDir) clientCert := path.Join(regCfg.CertDir, "client.cert") clientKey := path.Join(regCfg.CertDir, "client.key") caCertPath := path.Join(regCfg.CertDir, "ca.crt") caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(caCertPath) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("couldn't read CA certificate") return nil, nil, err } caCertPool := x509.NewCertPool() caCertPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCert) client.SetTLSClientConfig(&tls.Config{RootCAs: caCertPool, MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12}) cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(clientCert, clientKey) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("couldn't read certificates key pairs") return nil, nil, err } client.SetCertificates(cert) } // nolint: gosec if regCfg.TLSVerify != nil && !*regCfg.TLSVerify && registryURL.Scheme == "https" { client.SetTLSClientConfig(&tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}) } if credentials.Username != "" && credentials.Password != "" { log.Debug().Msgf("sync: using basic auth") client.SetBasicAuth(credentials.Username, credentials.Password) } return client, registryURL, nil } func pushSyncedLocalImage(localRepo, tag, localCachePath string, imageStore storage.ImageStore, log log.Logger, ) error { log.Info().Msgf("pushing synced local image %s/%s:%s to local registry", localCachePath, localRepo, tag) metrics := monitoring.NewMetricsServer(false, log) cacheImageStore := storage.NewImageStore(localCachePath, false, storage.DefaultGCDelay, false, false, log, metrics) manifestContent, _, _, err := cacheImageStore.GetImageManifest(localRepo, tag) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Str("dir", path.Join(cacheImageStore.RootDir(), localRepo)). Msg("couldn't find index.json") return err } var manifest ispec.Manifest if err := json.Unmarshal(manifestContent, &manifest); err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Str("dir", path.Join(cacheImageStore.RootDir(), localRepo)). Msg("invalid JSON") return err } for _, blob := range manifest.Layers { blobReader, _, err := cacheImageStore.GetBlob(localRepo, blob.Digest.String(), blob.MediaType) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Str("dir", path.Join(cacheImageStore.RootDir(), localRepo)).Str("blob digest", blob.Digest.String()).Msg("couldn't read blob") return err } if found, _, _ := imageStore.CheckBlob(localRepo, blob.Digest.String()); !found { _, _, err = imageStore.FullBlobUpload(localRepo, blobReader, blob.Digest.String()) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Str("blob digest", blob.Digest.String()).Msg("couldn't upload blob") return err } } } blobReader, _, err := cacheImageStore.GetBlob(localRepo, manifest.Config.Digest.String(), manifest.Config.MediaType) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Str("dir", path.Join(cacheImageStore.RootDir(), localRepo)).Str("blob digest", manifest.Config.Digest.String()).Msg("couldn't read config blob") return err } if found, _, _ := imageStore.CheckBlob(localRepo, manifest.Config.Digest.String()); !found { _, _, err = imageStore.FullBlobUpload(localRepo, blobReader, manifest.Config.Digest.String()) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Str("blob digest", manifest.Config.Digest.String()).Msg("couldn't upload config blob") return err } } _, err = imageStore.PutImageManifest(localRepo, tag, ispec.MediaTypeImageManifest, manifestContent) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("couldn't upload manifest") return err } return nil } // sync needs transport to be stripped to not be wrongly interpreted as an image reference // at a non-fully qualified registry (hostname as image and port as tag). func StripRegistryTransport(url string) string { return strings.Replace(strings.Replace(url, "http://", "", 1), "https://", "", 1) } // get an ImageReference given the registry, repo and tag. func getImageRef(registryDomain, repo, tag string) (types.ImageReference, error) { repoRef, err := parseRepositoryReference(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", registryDomain, repo)) if err != nil { return nil, err } taggedRepoRef, err := reference.WithTag(repoRef, tag) if err != nil { return nil, err } imageRef, err := docker.NewReference(taggedRepoRef) if err != nil { return nil, err } return imageRef, err } // get a local ImageReference used to temporary store one synced image. func getLocalImageRef(localCachePath, repo, tag string) (types.ImageReference, error) { if _, err := os.ReadDir(localCachePath); err != nil { return nil, err } localRepo := path.Join(localCachePath, repo) localTaggedRepo := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", localRepo, tag) localImageRef, err := layout.ParseReference(localTaggedRepo) if err != nil { return nil, err } return localImageRef, nil } // Returns the localCachePath with an UUID at the end. Only to be called once per repo. func getLocalCachePath(imageStore storage.ImageStore, repo string) (string, error) { localRepoPath := path.Join(imageStore.RootDir(), repo, SyncBlobUploadDir) // check if SyncBlobUploadDir exists, create if not var err error if _, err = os.ReadDir(localRepoPath); os.IsNotExist(err) { if err = os.MkdirAll(localRepoPath, storage.DefaultDirPerms); err != nil { return "", err } } if err != nil { return "", err } // create uuid folder uuid, err := guuid.NewV4() // hard to reach test case, injected error, see pkg/test/dev.go if err := test.Error(err); err != nil { return "", err } localCachePath := path.Join(localRepoPath, uuid.String()) cachedRepoPath := path.Join(localCachePath, repo) if err = os.MkdirAll(cachedRepoPath, storage.DefaultDirPerms); err != nil { return "", err } return localCachePath, nil } // canSkipImage returns whether or not we already synced this image. func canSkipImage(repo, tag, digest string, imageStore storage.ImageStore, log log.Logger) (bool, error) { // check image already synced _, localImageManifestDigest, _, err := imageStore.GetImageManifest(repo, tag) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrRepoNotFound) || errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrManifestNotFound) { return false, nil } log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("couldn't get local image %s:%s manifest", repo, tag) return false, err } if localImageManifestDigest != digest { log.Info().Msgf("upstream image %s:%s digest changed, syncing again", repo, tag) return false, nil } return true, nil } func manifestsEqual(manifest1, manifest2 ispec.Manifest) bool { if manifest1.Config.Digest == manifest2.Config.Digest && manifest1.Config.MediaType == manifest2.Config.MediaType && manifest1.Config.Size == manifest2.Config.Size { if descriptorsEqual(manifest1.Layers, manifest2.Layers) { return true } } return false } func artifactDescriptorsEqual(desc1, desc2 []artifactspec.Descriptor) bool { if len(desc1) != len(desc2) { return false } for id, desc := range desc1 { if desc.Digest != desc2[id].Digest || desc.Size != desc2[id].Size || desc.MediaType != desc2[id].MediaType || desc.ArtifactType != desc2[id].ArtifactType { return false } } return true } func descriptorsEqual(desc1, desc2 []ispec.Descriptor) bool { if len(desc1) != len(desc2) { return false } for id, desc := range desc1 { if desc.Digest != desc2[id].Digest || desc.Size != desc2[id].Size || desc.MediaType != desc2[id].MediaType || desc.Annotations[static.SignatureAnnotationKey] != desc2[id].Annotations[static.SignatureAnnotationKey] { return false } } return true }