//go:build sync && scrub && metrics && search && lint && userprefs && mgmt && imagetrust && ui // +build sync,scrub,metrics,search,lint,userprefs,mgmt,imagetrust,ui package api_test import ( "testing" . "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey" "zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/api" ) func TestGetLocalMemberClusterSocket(t *testing.T) { Convey("Should return an error if a domain name doesn't exist", t, func() { localSockets := []string{"", ""} members := []string{"", "thisdoesnotexist:9000", ""} index, socket, err := api.GetLocalMemberClusterSocket(members, localSockets) So(err.Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "lookup thisdoesnotexist") So(index, ShouldEqual, -1) So(socket, ShouldEqual, "") }) Convey("Should return an error if a local socket is missing a port", t, func() { localSockets := []string{"", ""} members := []string{"", "www.github.com:443", ""} index, socket, err := api.GetLocalMemberClusterSocket(members, localSockets) So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "address missing port in address") So(index, ShouldEqual, -1) So(socket, ShouldEqual, "") }) Convey("Should return an error if a member socket is missing a port", t, func() { localSockets := []string{"", ""} members := []string{"", "www.github.com", ""} index, socket, err := api.GetLocalMemberClusterSocket(members, localSockets) So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "address www.github.com: missing port in address") So(index, ShouldEqual, -1) So(socket, ShouldEqual, "") }) Convey("Should return the right socket when a local socket is part of members", t, func() { localSockets := []string{"", ""} members := []string{"", "www.github.com:443", ""} index, socket, err := api.GetLocalMemberClusterSocket(members, localSockets) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(index, ShouldEqual, 2) So(socket, ShouldEqual, "") }) Convey("Should return empty when no local socket is part of members", t, func() { localSockets := []string{"", ""} members := []string{"", "", "www.github.com:443"} index, socket, err := api.GetLocalMemberClusterSocket(members, localSockets) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(index, ShouldEqual, -1) So(socket, ShouldBeEmpty) }) }