#!/bin/bash set -e BATS_FLAGS=${BATS_FLAGS:-"--print-output-on-failure"} SCRIPTPATH="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )" BATS=${SCRIPTPATH}/../../hack/tools/bin/bats PATH=$PATH:${SCRIPTPATH}/../../hack/tools/bin tests=("pushpull" "pushpull_authn" "delete_images" "referrers" "metadata" "anonymous_policy" "annotations" "detect_manifest_collision" "cve" "sync" "sync_docker" "sync_replica_cluster" "scrub" "garbage_collect" "metrics" "metrics_minimal" "multiarch_index" "docker_compat" "redis_local") for test in ${tests[*]}; do ${BATS} ${BATS_FLAGS} ${SCRIPTPATH}/${test}.bats > ${test}.log & pids+=($!) done i=0 success="true" for pid in ${pids[*]}; do if ! wait $pid; then echo "${tests[$i]} test returns an error !!!" cat ${tests[$i]}.log success="false" # we still need to wait for other PIDs to finish for the script to return properly else echo "${tests[$i]} test completed successfully." fi rm ${tests[$i]}.log i=$((i+1)) done if [ "$success" == "false" ]; then exit 1 fi echo "Successfully run all tests"