run: timeout: 60m linters: enable-all: true disable: - gomnd - funlen - gocognit - paralleltest - forbidigo - ireturn - wrapcheck - exhaustive - maintidx - exhaustruct - rowserrcheck - sqlclosecheck - revive - musttag - depguard - execinquery - inamedparam - intrange - promlinter - protogetter - contextcheck # needs to revisit: - copyloopvar # needs to revisit: - typecheck - exportloopref linters-settings: dupl: threshold: 200 nestif: min-complexity: 26 cyclop: max-complexity: 40 skip-tests: true varnamelen: check-return: true ignore-type-assert-ok: true ignore-map-index-ok: true ignore-chan-recv-ok: true ignore-names: - err - ok - gc - wg ignore-decls: - n int - i int - r *os.File - w *os.File - to int64 - l *ldap.Conn - w http.ResponseWriter - r *http.Request gci: sections: - standard - default - prefix( wsl: allow-assign-and-anything: true force-err-cuddling: true nolintlint: allow-unused: true mnd: checks: - argument - case - condition - operation - return - assign ignored-numbers: - "10" - "64" gomoddirectives: replace-allow-list: - - issues: exclude-dirs: - "internal" exclude-rules: - path: pkg/extensions/search/schema.resolvers.go linters: - lll - varnamelen - gci - path: _test\.go linters: - dupl