unified both local and s3 ImageStore logic into a single ImageStore
added a new driver interface for common file/dirs manipulations
to be implemented by different storage types
refactor(gc): drop umoci dependency, implemented internal gc
added retentionDelay config option that specifies
the garbage collect delay for images without tags
this will also clean manifests which are part of an index image
(multiarch) that no longer exist.
fix(dedupe): skip blobs under .sync/ directory
if startup dedupe is running while also syncing is running
ignore blobs under sync's temporary storage
fix(storage): do not allow image indexes modifications
when deleting a manifest verify that it is not part of a multiarch image
and throw a MethodNotAllowed error to the client if it is.
we don't want to modify multiarch images
Signed-off-by: Petu Eusebiu <peusebiu@cisco.com>
* fix: remove inline GC and set a default value of gc interval
- remove inline GC
- add a default value of GC interval
- run the GC periodically by default with the default value if no interval provided
- generate GC tasks with a random delay(0-30s) between
- add IsReady() method to scheduler.TaskGenerator interface
Signed-off-by: Andreea-Lupu <andreealupu1470@yahoo.com>
* ci: add test for gc with short interval
Signed-off-by: Andreea-Lupu <andreealupu1470@yahoo.com>
Signed-off-by: Andreea-Lupu <andreealupu1470@yahoo.com>
BREAKING CHANGE: The functionality provided by the mgmt endpoint has beed redesigned - see details below
BREAKING CHANGE: The API keys endpoint has been moved - see details below
BREAKING CHANGE: The mgmt extension config has been removed - endpoint is now enabled by having both the search and the ui extensions enabled
BREAKING CHANGE: The API keys configuration has been moved from extensions to http>auth>apikey
mgmt and imagetrust extensions:
- separate the _zot/ext/mgmt into 3 separate endpoints: _zot/ext/auth, _zot/ext/notation, _zot/ext/cosign
- signature verification logic is in a separate `imagetrust` extension
- better hanling or errors in case of signature uploads: logging and error codes (more 400 and less 500 errors)
- add authz on signature uploads (and add a new middleware in common for this purpose)
- remove the mgmt extension configuration - it is now enabled if the UI and the search extensions are enabled
userprefs estension:
- userprefs are enabled if both search and ui extensions are enabled (as opposed to just search)
apikey extension is removed and logic moved into the api folder
- Move apikeys code out of pkg/extensions and into pkg/api
- Remove apikey configuration options from the extensions configuration and move it inside the http auth section
- remove the build label apikeys
other changes:
- move most of the logic adding handlers to the extensions endpoints out of routes.go and into the extensions files.
- add warnings in case the users are still using configurations with the obsolete settings for mgmt and api keys
- add a new function in the extension package which could be a single point of starting backgroud tasks for all extensions
- more clear methods for verifying specific extensions are enabled
- fix http methods paired with the UI handlers
- rebuild swagger docs
Signed-off-by: Andrei Aaron <aaaron@luxoft.com>