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//go:build !metrics
// +build !metrics
package monitoring
import (
const (
metricsNamespace = "zot"
// Counters.
httpConnRequests = metricsNamespace + ".http.requests"
repoDownloads = metricsNamespace + ".repo.downloads"
repoUploads = metricsNamespace + ".repo.uploads"
// Gauge.
repoStorageBytes = metricsNamespace + ".repo.storage.bytes"
serverInfo = metricsNamespace + ".info"
// Summary.
httpRepoLatencySeconds = metricsNamespace + ".http.repo.latency.seconds"
// Histogram.
httpMethodLatencySeconds = metricsNamespace + ".http.method.latency.seconds"
storageLockLatencySeconds = metricsNamespace + ".storage.lock.latency.seconds"
metricsScrapeTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
metricsScrapeCheckInterval = 30 * time.Second
type metricServer struct {
enabled bool
lastCheck time.Time
reqChan chan interface{}
cache *MetricsInfo
cacheChan chan *MetricsInfo
bucketsF2S map[float64]string // float64 to string conversion of buckets label
log log.Logger
lock *sync.RWMutex
type MetricsInfo struct {
Counters []*CounterValue
Gauges []*GaugeValue
Summaries []*SummaryValue
Histograms []*HistogramValue
// CounterValue stores info about a metric that is incremented over time,
// such as the number of requests to an HTTP endpoint.
type CounterValue struct {
Name string
Count int
LabelNames []string
LabelValues []string
// GaugeValue stores one value that is updated as time goes on, such as
// the amount of memory allocated.
type GaugeValue struct {
Name string
Value float64
LabelNames []string
LabelValues []string
// SummaryValue stores info about a metric that is incremented over time,
// such as the number of requests to an HTTP endpoint.
type SummaryValue struct {
Name string
Count int
Sum float64
LabelNames []string
LabelValues []string
type HistogramValue struct {
Name string
Count int
Sum float64
Buckets map[string]int
LabelNames []string
LabelValues []string
func GetDefaultBuckets() []float64 {
return []float64{.05, .5, 1, 5, 30, 60, 600, math.MaxFloat64}
func GetStorageLatencyBuckets() []float64 {
return []float64{.001, .01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, math.MaxFloat64}
// implements the MetricServer interface.
func (ms *metricServer) SendMetric(metric interface{}) {
if ms.enabled {
ms.reqChan <- metric
} else {
func (ms *metricServer) ForceSendMetric(metric interface{}) {
ms.reqChan <- metric
func (ms *metricServer) ReceiveMetrics() interface{} {
if !ms.enabled {
ms.enabled = true
ms.cacheChan <- &MetricsInfo{}
return <-ms.cacheChan
func (ms *metricServer) IsEnabled() bool {
defer ms.lock.RUnlock()
return ms.enabled
func (ms *metricServer) Run() {
sendAfter := make(chan time.Duration, 1)
// periodically send a notification to the metric server to check if we can disable metrics
go func() {
for {
t := metricsScrapeCheckInterval
sendAfter <- t
for {
select {
case <-ms.cacheChan:
ms.lastCheck = time.Now()
ms.cacheChan <- ms.cache
case m := <-ms.reqChan:
switch v := m.(type) {
case CounterValue:
cv := m.(CounterValue)
case GaugeValue:
gv := m.(GaugeValue)
case SummaryValue:
sv := m.(SummaryValue)
case HistogramValue:
hv := m.(HistogramValue)
ms.log.Error().Str("type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", v)).Msg("unexpected type")
case <-sendAfter:
// Check if we didn't receive a metrics scrape in a while and if so,
// disable metrics (possible node exporter down/crashed)
if ms.enabled {
lastCheckInterval := time.Since(ms.lastCheck)
if lastCheckInterval > metricsScrapeTimeout {
ms.enabled = false
func NewMetricsServer(enabled bool, log log.Logger) MetricServer {
mi := &MetricsInfo{
Counters: make([]*CounterValue, 0),
Gauges: make([]*GaugeValue, 0),
Summaries: make([]*SummaryValue, 0),
Histograms: make([]*HistogramValue, 0),
// convert to a map for returning easily the string corresponding to a bucket
bucketsFloat2String := map[float64]string{}
for _, fvalue := range append(GetDefaultBuckets(), GetStorageLatencyBuckets()...) {
if fvalue == math.MaxFloat64 {
bucketsFloat2String[fvalue] = "+Inf"
} else {
s := strconv.FormatFloat(fvalue, 'f', -1, 64)
bucketsFloat2String[fvalue] = s
ms := &metricServer{
enabled: enabled,
reqChan: make(chan interface{}),
cacheChan: make(chan *MetricsInfo),
cache: mi,
bucketsF2S: bucketsFloat2String,
log: log,
lock: &sync.RWMutex{},
go ms.Run()
return ms
// contains a map with key=CounterName and value=CounterLabels.
func GetCounters() map[string][]string {
return map[string][]string{
httpConnRequests: {"method", "code"},
repoDownloads: {"repo"},
repoUploads: {"repo"},
func GetGauges() map[string][]string {
return map[string][]string{
repoStorageBytes: {"repo"},
serverInfo: {"commit", "binaryType", "goVersion", "version"},
func GetSummaries() map[string][]string {
return map[string][]string{
httpRepoLatencySeconds: {"repo"},
func GetHistograms() map[string][]string {
return map[string][]string{
httpMethodLatencySeconds: {"method"},
storageLockLatencySeconds: {"storageName", "lockType"},
// return true if a metric does not have any labels or if the label
// values for searched metric corresponds to the one in the cached slice.
func isMetricMatch(lValues, metricValues []string) bool {
if len(lValues) == len(metricValues) {
for i, v := range metricValues {
if v != lValues[i] {
return false
return true
// returns {-1, false} in case metric was not found in the slice.
func findCounterValueIndex(metricSlice []*CounterValue, name string, labelValues []string) (int, bool) {
for i, m := range metricSlice {
if m.Name == name {
if isMetricMatch(labelValues, m.LabelValues) {
return i, true
return -1, false
// returns {-1, false} in case metric was not found in the slice.
func findGaugeValueIndex(metricSlice []*GaugeValue, name string, labelValues []string) (int, bool) {
for i, m := range metricSlice {
if m.Name == name {
if isMetricMatch(labelValues, m.LabelValues) {
return i, true
return -1, false
// returns {-1, false} in case metric was not found in the slice.
func findSummaryValueIndex(metricSlice []*SummaryValue, name string, labelValues []string) (int, bool) {
for i, m := range metricSlice {
if m.Name == name {
if isMetricMatch(labelValues, m.LabelValues) {
return i, true
return -1, false
// returns {-1, false} in case metric was not found in the slice.
func findHistogramValueIndex(metricSlice []*HistogramValue, name string, labelValues []string) (int, bool) {
for i, m := range metricSlice {
if m.Name == name {
if isMetricMatch(labelValues, m.LabelValues) {
return i, true
return -1, false
func (ms *metricServer) CounterInc(cv *CounterValue) {
labels, ok := GetCounters()[cv.Name] // known label names for the 'name' counter
err := sanityChecks(cv.Name, labels, ok, cv.LabelNames, cv.LabelValues)
if err != nil {
// The last thing we want is to panic/stop the server due to instrumentation
// thus log a message (should be detected during development of new metrics)
ms.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Instrumentation error")
index, ok := findCounterValueIndex(ms.cache.Counters, cv.Name, cv.LabelValues)
if !ok {
// cv not found in cache: add it
cv.Count = 1
ms.cache.Counters = append(ms.cache.Counters, cv)
} else {
func (ms *metricServer) GaugeSet(gv *GaugeValue) {
labels, ok := GetGauges()[gv.Name] // known label names for the 'name' counter
err := sanityChecks(gv.Name, labels, ok, gv.LabelNames, gv.LabelValues)
if err != nil {
ms.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Instrumentation error")
index, ok := findGaugeValueIndex(ms.cache.Gauges, gv.Name, gv.LabelValues)
if !ok {
// gv not found in cache: add it
ms.cache.Gauges = append(ms.cache.Gauges, gv)
} else {
ms.cache.Gauges[index].Value = gv.Value
func (ms *metricServer) SummaryObserve(sv *SummaryValue) {
labels, ok := GetSummaries()[sv.Name] // known label names for the 'name' summary
err := sanityChecks(sv.Name, labels, ok, sv.LabelNames, sv.LabelValues)
if err != nil {
ms.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Instrumentation error")
index, ok := findSummaryValueIndex(ms.cache.Summaries, sv.Name, sv.LabelValues)
if !ok {
// The SampledValue not found: add it
sv.Count = 1 // First value, no need to increment
ms.cache.Summaries = append(ms.cache.Summaries, sv)
} else {
ms.cache.Summaries[index].Sum += sv.Sum
func (ms *metricServer) HistogramObserve(hv *HistogramValue) {
labels, ok := GetHistograms()[hv.Name] // known label names for the 'name' counter
err := sanityChecks(hv.Name, labels, ok, hv.LabelNames, hv.LabelValues)
if err != nil {
ms.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Instrumentation error")
index, ok := findHistogramValueIndex(ms.cache.Histograms, hv.Name, hv.LabelValues)
if !ok {
// The HistogramValue not found: add it
buckets := make(map[string]int)
for _, fvalue := range GetBuckets(hv.Name) {
if hv.Sum <= fvalue {
buckets[ms.bucketsF2S[fvalue]] = 1
} else {
buckets[ms.bucketsF2S[fvalue]] = 0
hv.Count = 1 // First value, no need to increment
hv.Buckets = buckets
ms.cache.Histograms = append(ms.cache.Histograms, hv)
} else {
cachedH := ms.cache.Histograms[index]
cachedH.Sum += hv.Sum
for _, fvalue := range GetBuckets(hv.Name) {
if hv.Sum <= fvalue {
func sanityChecks(name string, knownLabels []string, found bool, labelNames, labelValues []string) error {
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("metric %s: not found", name)
if len(labelNames) != len(labelValues) ||
len(labelNames) != len(knownLabels) {
return fmt.Errorf("metric %s: label size mismatch", name)
// The list of label names defined in init() for the counter must match what was provided in labelNames
for i, label := range labelNames {
if label != knownLabels[i] {
return fmt.Errorf("metric %s: label size mismatch", name)
return nil
func IncHTTPConnRequests(ms MetricServer, lvs ...string) {
req := CounterValue{
Name: httpConnRequests,
LabelNames: []string{"method", "code"},
LabelValues: lvs,
func ObserveHTTPRepoLatency(ms MetricServer, path string, latency time.Duration) {
var lvs []string
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(path)
if len(match) > 1 {
lvs = []string{match[1]}
} else {
lvs = []string{"N/A"}
sv := SummaryValue{
Name: httpRepoLatencySeconds,
Sum: latency.Seconds(),
LabelNames: []string{"repo"},
LabelValues: lvs,
func ObserveHTTPMethodLatency(ms MetricServer, method string, latency time.Duration) {
h := HistogramValue{
Name: httpMethodLatencySeconds,
Sum: latency.Seconds(), // convenient temporary store for Histogram latency value
LabelNames: []string{"method"},
LabelValues: []string{method},
func IncDownloadCounter(ms MetricServer, repo string) {
dCounter := CounterValue{
Name: repoDownloads,
LabelNames: []string{"repo"},
LabelValues: []string{repo},
func IncUploadCounter(ms MetricServer, repo string) {
uCounter := CounterValue{
Name: repoUploads,
LabelNames: []string{"repo"},
LabelValues: []string{repo},
func SetStorageUsage(ms MetricServer, rootDir, repo string) {
dir := path.Join(rootDir, repo)
repoSize, err := getDirSize(dir)
if err != nil {
ms.(*metricServer).log.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to set storage usage")
storage := GaugeValue{
Name: repoStorageBytes,
Value: float64(repoSize),
LabelNames: []string{"repo"},
LabelValues: []string{repo},
func SetServerInfo(ms MetricServer, lvs ...string) {
info := GaugeValue{
Name: serverInfo,
Value: 0,
LabelNames: []string{"commit", "binaryType", "goVersion", "version"},
LabelValues: lvs,
// This metric is set once at zot startup (set it regardless of metrics enabled)
func ObserveStorageLockLatency(ms MetricServer, latency time.Duration, storageName, lockType string) {
h := HistogramValue{
Name: storageLockLatencySeconds,
Sum: latency.Seconds(), // convenient temporary store for Histogram latency value
LabelNames: []string{"storageName", "lockType"},
LabelValues: []string{storageName, lockType},
func GetMaxIdleScrapeInterval() time.Duration {
return metricsScrapeTimeout + metricsScrapeCheckInterval
func GetBuckets(metricName string) []float64 {
switch metricName {
case storageLockLatencySeconds:
return GetStorageLatencyBuckets()
return GetDefaultBuckets()