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//go:build !metrics
// +build !metrics
package api
import (
const (
idleTimeout = 120 * time.Second
readHeaderTimeout = 5 * time.Second
type Collector struct {
Client *monitoring.MetricsClient
MetricsDesc map[string]*prometheus.Desc // all known metrics descriptions
invalidChars *regexp.Regexp
// Implements prometheus.Collector interface.
func (zc Collector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
for _, metricDescription := range zc.MetricsDesc {
ch <- metricDescription
// Implements prometheus.Collector interface.
func (zc Collector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
metrics, err := zc.Client.GetMetrics()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error getting metrics: %v\n", err)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(zc.MetricsDesc["zot_up"], prometheus.GaugeValue, 0)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(zc.MetricsDesc["zot_up"], prometheus.GaugeValue, 1)
for _, g := range metrics.Gauges {
name := zc.invalidChars.ReplaceAllLiteralString(g.Name, "_")
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
zc.MetricsDesc[name], prometheus.GaugeValue, g.Value, g.LabelValues...)
for _, c := range metrics.Counters {
name := zc.invalidChars.ReplaceAllLiteralString(c.Name, "_")
name += "_total"
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
zc.MetricsDesc[name], prometheus.CounterValue, float64(c.Count), c.LabelValues...)
for _, summary := range metrics.Summaries {
mname := zc.invalidChars.ReplaceAllLiteralString(summary.Name, "_")
name := mname + "_count"
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
zc.MetricsDesc[name], prometheus.CounterValue, float64(summary.Count), summary.LabelValues...)
name = mname + "_sum"
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
zc.MetricsDesc[name], prometheus.CounterValue, summary.Sum, summary.LabelValues...)
for _, h := range metrics.Histograms {
mname := zc.invalidChars.ReplaceAllLiteralString(h.Name, "_")
name := mname + "_count"
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
zc.MetricsDesc[name], prometheus.CounterValue, float64(h.Count), h.LabelValues...)
name = mname + "_sum"
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
zc.MetricsDesc[name], prometheus.CounterValue, h.Sum, h.LabelValues...)
if h.Buckets != nil {
for _, fvalue := range monitoring.GetBuckets(h.Name) {
var svalue string
if fvalue == math.MaxFloat64 {
svalue = "+Inf"
} else {
svalue = strconv.FormatFloat(fvalue, 'f', -1, 64)
name = mname + "_bucket"
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
zc.MetricsDesc[name], prometheus.CounterValue, float64(h.Buckets[svalue]), append(h.LabelValues, svalue)...)
func panicOnDuplicateMetricName(m map[string]*prometheus.Desc, name string, log log.Logger) {
if _, present := m[name]; present {
log.Fatal().Msg("Duplicate keys: metric " + name + " already present")
func GetCollector(c *Controller) *Collector {
// compute all metrics description map
MetricsDesc := map[string]*prometheus.Desc{
"zot_up": prometheus.NewDesc(
"Connection to zot server was successfully established.",
nil, nil,
invalidChars := regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9:_]")
for metricName, metricLabelNames := range monitoring.GetCounters() {
name := invalidChars.ReplaceAllLiteralString(metricName, "_")
name += "_total"
panicOnDuplicateMetricName(MetricsDesc, name, c.Log)
MetricsDesc[name] = prometheus.NewDesc(name, "Metric "+name, metricLabelNames, nil)
for metricName, metricLabelNames := range monitoring.GetGauges() {
name := invalidChars.ReplaceAllLiteralString(metricName, "_")
panicOnDuplicateMetricName(MetricsDesc, name, c.Log)
MetricsDesc[name] = prometheus.NewDesc(name, "Metric "+name, metricLabelNames, nil)
for metricName, metricLabelNames := range monitoring.GetSummaries() {
mname := invalidChars.ReplaceAllLiteralString(metricName, "_")
name := mname + "_count"
panicOnDuplicateMetricName(MetricsDesc, name, c.Log)
MetricsDesc[name] = prometheus.NewDesc(name, "Metric "+name, metricLabelNames, nil)
name = mname + "_sum"
panicOnDuplicateMetricName(MetricsDesc, name, c.Log)
MetricsDesc[name] = prometheus.NewDesc(name, "Metric "+name, metricLabelNames, nil)
for metricName, metricLabelNames := range monitoring.GetHistograms() {
mname := invalidChars.ReplaceAllLiteralString(metricName, "_")
name := mname + "_count"
panicOnDuplicateMetricName(MetricsDesc, name, c.Log)
MetricsDesc[name] = prometheus.NewDesc(name, "Metric "+name, metricLabelNames, nil)
name = mname + "_sum"
panicOnDuplicateMetricName(MetricsDesc, name, c.Log)
MetricsDesc[name] = prometheus.NewDesc(name, "Metric "+name, metricLabelNames, nil)
name = mname + "_bucket"
panicOnDuplicateMetricName(MetricsDesc, name, c.Log)
// Append a new label to hitogram bucket - le - 'lower or equal'
MetricsDesc[name] = prometheus.NewDesc(name, "Metric "+name, append(metricLabelNames, "le"), nil)
// parameters to connect to the zot server
serverAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%s", c.Config.Server.Protocol,
c.Config.Server.Host, c.Config.Server.Port)
cfg := &monitoring.MetricsConfig{Address: serverAddr}
return &Collector{
Client: monitoring.NewMetricsClient(cfg, c.Log),
MetricsDesc: MetricsDesc,
invalidChars: invalidChars,
func runExporter(c *Controller) {
exporterAddr := fmt.Sprintf(":%s", c.Config.Exporter.Port)
server := &http.Server{
Addr: exporterAddr,
IdleTimeout: idleTimeout,
ReadHeaderTimeout: readHeaderTimeout,
err := prometheus.Register(GetCollector(c))
if err != nil {
c.Log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Expected error in testing")
http.Handle(c.Config.Exporter.Metrics.Path, promhttp.Handler())
c.Log.Info().Msgf("Exporter is listening on %s & exposes metrics on %s path",
exporterAddr, c.Config.Exporter.Metrics.Path)
serverAddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%s", c.Config.Server.Protocol,
c.Config.Server.Host, c.Config.Server.Port)
c.Log.Info().Msgf("Scraping metrics from %s", serverAddr)
c.Log.Fatal().Err(server.ListenAndServe()).Msg("Exporter stopped")