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import {Config, RemoteUser, Security} from "@verdaccio/types";
import {AuthMiddlewarePayload, AuthTokenHeader, BasicPayload, IAuthWebUI} from "@verdaccio/dev-types";
import _ from "lodash";
import {HTTP_STATUS, TOKEN_BASIC, TOKEN_BEARER} from "@verdaccio/dev-commons";
import {
} from "@verdaccio/utils";
export function parseAuthTokenHeader(authorizationHeader: string): AuthTokenHeader {
const parts = authorizationHeader.split(' ');
const [scheme, token] = parts;
return { scheme, token };
export function parseAESCredentials(authorizationHeader: string, secret: string) {
const { scheme, token } = parseAuthTokenHeader(authorizationHeader);
// basic is deprecated and should not be enforced
if (scheme.toUpperCase() === TOKEN_BASIC.toUpperCase()) {
const credentials = convertPayloadToBase64(token).toString();
return credentials;
} else if (scheme.toUpperCase() === TOKEN_BEARER.toUpperCase()) {
const tokenAsBuffer = convertPayloadToBase64(token);
const credentials = aesDecrypt(tokenAsBuffer, secret).toString('utf8');
return credentials;
export function getMiddlewareCredentials(security: Security, secret: string, authorizationHeader: string): AuthMiddlewarePayload {
if (isAESLegacy(security)) {
const credentials = parseAESCredentials(authorizationHeader, secret);
if (!credentials) {
const parsedCredentials = parseBasicPayload(credentials);
if (!parsedCredentials) {
return parsedCredentials;
const { scheme, token } = parseAuthTokenHeader(authorizationHeader);
if (_.isString(token) && scheme.toUpperCase() === TOKEN_BEARER.toUpperCase()) {
return verifyJWTPayload(token, secret);
export function isAESLegacy(security: Security): boolean {
const { legacy, jwt } = security.api;
return _.isNil(legacy) === false && _.isNil(jwt) && legacy === true;
export async function getApiToken(auth: IAuthWebUI, config: Config, remoteUser: RemoteUser, aesPassword: string): Promise<string> {
const security: Security = getSecurity(config);
if (isAESLegacy(security)) {
// fallback all goes to AES encryption
return await new Promise((resolve): void => {
resolve(auth.aesEncrypt(buildUserBuffer(remoteUser.name as string, aesPassword)).toString('base64'));
// i am wiling to use here _.isNil but flow does not like it yet.
const { jwt } = security.api;
if (jwt && jwt.sign) {
return await auth.jwtEncrypt(remoteUser, jwt.sign);
return await new Promise((resolve): void => {
resolve(auth.aesEncrypt(buildUserBuffer(remoteUser.name as string, aesPassword)).toString('base64'));
export function getSecurity(config: Config): Security {
if (_.isNil(config.security) === false) {
return _.merge(defaultSecurity, config.security);
return defaultSecurity;
export const expireReasons: string[] = ['JsonWebTokenError', 'TokenExpiredError'];
export function verifyJWTPayload(token: string, secret: string): RemoteUser {
try {
const payload: RemoteUser = verifyPayload(token, secret);
return payload;
} catch (error) {
// #168 this check should be removed as soon AES encrypt is removed.
if (expireReasons.includes(error.name)) {
// it might be possible the jwt configuration is enabled and
// old tokens fails still remains in usage, thus
// we return an anonymous user to force log in.
return createAnonymousRemoteUser();
throw ErrorCode.getCode(HTTP_STATUS.UNAUTHORIZED, error.message);
export function isAuthHeaderValid(authorization: string): boolean {
return authorization.split(' ').length === 2;
export function parseBasicPayload(credentials: string): BasicPayload {
const index = credentials.indexOf(':');
if (index < 0) {
const user: string = credentials.slice(0, index);
const password: string = credentials.slice(index + 1);
return { user, password };