Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio.git synced 2025-03-04 02:02:39 -05:00
Alex Kocharin 6a778e8c17 change code style to jshttp
close #155, see reasons there

This is a huge commit, so let me know if it will cause
any trouble, I might consider reverting it if it's the case.
2014-11-12 17:37:43 +03:00

74 lines
3.5 KiB

// see https://secure.flickr.com/photos/girliemac/sets/72157628409467125
var images = {
100: 'aVvDhR', // '6512768893', // 100 - Continue
101: 'aXXExP', // '6540479029', // 101 - Switching Protocols
200: 'aVuVsF', // '6512628175', // 200 - OK
201: 'aXWm1Z', // '6540221577', // 201 - Created
202: 'aXXEyF', // '6540479079', // 202 - Accepted
204: 'aYyJ7B', // '6547319943', // 204 - No Content
206: 'aVEnUP', // '6514473163', // 206 - Partial Content
207: 'aVEnRD', // '6514472979', // 207 - Multi-Status
300: 'aW7mac', // '6519540181', // 300 - Multiple Choices
301: 'aW7mb4', // '6519540231', // 301 - Moved Permanently
302: 'aV6jKp', // '6508023829', // 302 - Found
303: 'aVxtaK', // '6513125065', // 303 - See Other
304: 'aXY3dH', // '6540551929', // 304 - Not Modified
305: 'aXX5LK', // '6540365403', // 305 - Use Proxy
307: 'aVwQnk', // '6513001269', // 307 - Temporary Redirect
400: 'aXYDeT', // '6540669737', // 400 - Bad Request
401: 'aV6jwe', // '6508023065', // 401 - Unauthorized
402: 'aVwQoe', // '6513001321', // 402 - Payment Required
403: 'aV6jFK', // '6508023617', // 403 - Forbidden
404: 'aV6juR', // '6508022985', // 404 - Not Found
405: 'aV6jE8', // '6508023523', // 405 - Method Not Allowed
406: 'aV6jxa', // '6508023119', // 406 - Not Acceptable
408: 'aV6jyc', // '6508023179', // 408 - Request Timeout
409: 'aV6jzz', // '6508023259', // 409 - Conflict
410: 'aVES2H', // '6514567755', // 410 - Gone
411: 'aXYVpT', // '6540724141', // 411 - Length Required
413: 'aV6jHZ', // '6508023747', // 413 - Request Entity Too Large
414: 'aV6jBa', // '6508023351', // 414 - Request-URI Too Long
416: 'aVxQvr', // '6513196851', // 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable
417: 'aV6jGP', // '6508023679', // 417 - Expectation Failed
418: 'aV6J7c', // '6508102407', // 418 - I'm a teapot
422: 'aVEnTt', // '6514473085', // 422 - Unprocessable Entity
423: 'aVEyVZ', // '6514510235', // 423 - Locked
424: 'aVEWZ6', // '6514584423', // 424 - Failed Dependency
425: 'aXYdzH', // '6540586787', // 425 - Unordered Collection
426: 'aVdo4M', // '6509400771', // 426 - Upgrade Required
429: 'aVdo8F', // '6509400997', // 429 - Too Many Requests
431: 'aVdo3n', // '6509400689', // 431 - Request Header Fields Too Large
444: 'aVdo1P', // '6509400599', // 444 - No Response
450: 'aVxtbK', // '6513125123', // 450 - Blocked by Windows Parental Controls
451: 'eTiGQd', // '9113233540', // 451 - Unavailable for Legal Reasons
500: 'aVdo6e', // '6509400855', // 500 - Internal Server Error
502: 'aV6jCv', // '6508023429', // 502 - Bad Gateway
503: 'aXYvop', // '6540643319', // 503 - Service Unavailable
506: 'aXYvnH', // '6540643279', // 506 - Variant Also Negotiates
507: 'aVdnZa', // '6509400503', // 507 - Insufficient Storage
508: 'aVdnYa', // '6509400445', // 508 - Loop Detected
509: 'aXXg1V', // '6540399865', // 509 - Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
599: 'aVdo7v', // '6509400929', // 599 - Network connect timeout error
module.exports.get_image = function(status) {
if (status in images) {
return 'http://flic.kr/p/' + images[status]
//return 'https://secure.flickr.com/photos/girliemac/'+images[status]+'/in/set-72157628409467125/lightbox/'
module.exports.middleware = function(req, res, next) {
var _writeHead = res.writeHead
res.writeHead = function(status) {
if (status in images) {
res.setHeader('X-Status-Cat', module.exports.get_image(status))
_writeHead.apply(res, arguments)