mirror of
synced 2025-01-27 22:59:51 -05:00
* feat: proxy with got v12 * fix tests * refactor hooks module
631 lines
19 KiB
631 lines
19 KiB
import JSONStream from 'JSONStream';
import buildDebug from 'debug';
import got, {
Headers as gotHeaders,
} from 'got-cjs';
import _ from 'lodash';
import Stream, { PassThrough, Readable } from 'stream';
import { URL } from 'url';
import {
} from '@verdaccio/core';
import { Manifest } from '@verdaccio/types';
import { Config, Logger, UpLinkConf } from '@verdaccio/types';
import { buildToken } from '@verdaccio/utils';
import CustomAgents, { AgentOptionsConf } from './agent';
import { parseInterval } from './proxy-utils';
const debug = buildDebug('verdaccio:proxy');
const encode = function (thing): string {
return encodeURIComponent(thing).replace(/^%40/, '@');
const jsonContentType = HEADERS.JSON;
const contentTypeAccept = `${jsonContentType};`;
* Just a helper (`config[key] || default` doesn't work because of zeroes)
const setConfig = (config: UpLinkConfLocal, key: string, def): string => {
return _.isNil(config[key]) === false ? config[key] : def;
export type UpLinkConfLocal = UpLinkConf & {
no_proxy?: string;
export interface ProxyList {
[key: string]: IProxy;
export type ProxySearchParams = {
url: string;
abort: AbortController;
query?: searchUtils.SearchQuery;
headers?: Headers;
retry?: Partial<RetryOptions>;
export interface IProxy {
config: UpLinkConfLocal;
failed_requests: number;
userAgent: string;
ca?: string | void;
logger: Logger;
server_id: string;
url: URL;
maxage: number;
timeout: Delays;
max_fails: number;
fail_timeout: number;
upname: string;
search(options: ProxySearchParams): Promise<Stream.Readable>;
name: string,
options: Partial<ISyncUplinksOptions>
): Promise<[Manifest, string]>;
url: string,
options: Partial<Pick<ISyncUplinksOptions, 'remoteAddress' | 'etag' | 'retry'>>
): PassThrough;
// this type is need it by storage
export { Options as FetchOptions };
export interface ISyncUplinksOptions extends Options {
uplinksLook?: boolean;
etag?: string;
remoteAddress?: string;
* Implements Storage interface
* (same for storage.js, local-storage.js, up-storage.js)
class ProxyStorage implements IProxy {
public config: UpLinkConfLocal;
public failed_requests: number;
public userAgent: string;
public ca: string | void;
public logger: Logger;
public server_id: string;
public url: URL;
public maxage: number;
public timeout: Delays;
public max_fails: number;
public fail_timeout: number;
public agent_options: AgentOptionsConf;
// FIXME: upname is assigned to each instance
// @ts-ignore
public upname: string;
public proxy: string | undefined;
private agent: Agents;
// @ts-ignore
public last_request_time: number | null;
public strict_ssl: boolean;
private retry: Partial<RetryOptions>;
public constructor(config: UpLinkConfLocal, mainConfig: Config, logger: Logger, agent?: Agents) {
this.config = config;
this.failed_requests = 0;
this.userAgent = mainConfig.user_agent ?? 'hidden';
this.ca = config.ca;
this.logger = logger;
this.server_id = mainConfig.server_id;
this.agent_options = setConfig(this.config, 'agent_options', {
keepAlive: true,
maxSockets: 40,
maxFreeSockets: 10,
}) as AgentOptionsConf;
this.url = new URL(this.config.url);
const isHTTPS = this.url.protocol === 'https:';
this._setupProxy(this.url.hostname, config, mainConfig, isHTTPS);
this.agent = agent ?? this.getAgent();
this.config.url = this.config.url.replace(/\/$/, '');
if (this.config.timeout && Number(this.config.timeout) >= 1000) {
'Too big timeout value: ' + this.config.timeout,
'We changed time format to nginx-like one',
'(see http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)',
'so please update your config accordingly',
// a bunch of different configurable timers
this.maxage = parseInterval(setConfig(this.config, 'maxage', '2m'));
// https://github.com/sindresorhus/got/blob/main/documentation/6-timeout.md
this.timeout = {
request: parseInterval(setConfig(this.config, 'timeout', '30s')),
debug('set timeout %s', this.timeout);
this.max_fails = Number(setConfig(this.config, 'max_fails', this.config.max_fails ?? 2));
this.fail_timeout = parseInterval(setConfig(this.config, 'fail_timeout', '5m'));
this.strict_ssl = Boolean(setConfig(this.config, 'strict_ssl', true));
this.retry = { limit: this.max_fails ?? 2 };
private getAgent() {
if (!this.agent) {
// TODO: the config.ca (certificates) is not yet injected here
const agentInstance = new CustomAgents(this.config.url, this.proxy, this.agent_options);
return agentInstance.get();
} else {
return this.agent;
public getHeaders(headers = {}): gotHeaders {
const accept = HEADERS.ACCEPT;
const acceptEncoding = HEADERS.ACCEPT_ENCODING;
const userAgent = HEADERS.USER_AGENT;
headers[accept] = headers[accept] || contentTypeAccept;
headers[acceptEncoding] = headers[acceptEncoding] || 'gzip';
// registry.npmjs.org will only return search result if user-agent include string 'npm'
headers[userAgent] = headers[userAgent] || `npm (${this.userAgent})`;
return this.setAuthNext(headers);
* Validate configuration auth and assign Header authorization
* @param {Object} headers
* @return {Object}
* @private
private setAuthNext(headers: gotHeaders): gotHeaders {
const { auth } = this.config;
if (typeof auth === 'undefined' || typeof headers[HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION] === 'string') {
return headers;
if (_.isObject(auth) === false && _.isObject(auth.token) === false) {
this._throwErrorAuth('Auth invalid');
// get NPM_TOKEN http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules
// or get other variable export in env
// https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/releases/tag/v2.5.0
let token: any;
const tokenConf: any = auth;
if (_.isNil(tokenConf.token) === false && _.isString(tokenConf.token)) {
token = tokenConf.token;
} else if (_.isNil(tokenConf.token_env) === false) {
if (typeof tokenConf.token_env === 'string') {
token = process.env[tokenConf.token_env];
} else if (typeof tokenConf.token_env === 'boolean' && tokenConf.token_env) {
token = process.env.NPM_TOKEN;
} else {
} else {
token = process.env.NPM_TOKEN;
if (typeof token === 'undefined') {
// define type Auth allow basic and bearer
const type = tokenConf.type || TOKEN_BASIC;
this._setHeaderAuthorization(headers, type, token);
return headers;
* @param {string} message
* @throws {Error}
* @private
private _throwErrorAuth(message: string): Error {
throw new Error(message);
* Assign Header authorization with type authentication
* @param {Object} headers
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} token
* @private
private _setHeaderAuthorization(headers: any, type: string, token: any): void {
const _type: string = type.toLowerCase();
if (_type !== TOKEN_BEARER.toLowerCase() && _type !== TOKEN_BASIC.toLowerCase()) {
this._throwErrorAuth(`Auth type '${_type}' not allowed`);
type = _.upperFirst(type);
headers[HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION] = buildToken(type, token);
* It will add or override specified headers from config file.
* Eg:
* uplinks:
url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
Accept: "application/vnd.npm.install-v2+json; q=1.0"
url: https://mycompany.com/npm
Accept: "application/json"
authorization: "Basic YourBase64EncodedCredentials=="
* @param {Object} headers
* @private
* @deprecated use applyUplinkHeaders
private _overrideWithUpLinkConfLocaligHeaders(headers: Headers): any {
if (!this.config.headers) {
return headers;
// add/override headers specified in the config
/* eslint guard-for-in: 0 */
for (const key in this.config.headers) {
headers[key] = this.config.headers[key];
private applyUplinkHeaders(headers: gotHeaders): gotHeaders {
if (!this.config.headers) {
return headers;
// add/override headers specified in the config
/* eslint guard-for-in: 0 */
for (const key in this.config.headers) {
headers[key] = this.config.headers[key];
return headers;
public async getRemoteMetadata(
name: string,
options: Partial<ISyncUplinksOptions>
): Promise<[Manifest, string]> {
if (this._ifRequestFailure()) {
throw errorUtils.getInternalError(API_ERROR.UPLINK_OFFLINE);
// FUTURE: allow mix headers that comes from the client
debug('getting metadata for package %s', name);
let headers = this.getHeaders(options?.headers);
headers = this.addProxyHeaders(headers, options.remoteAddress);
headers = this.applyUplinkHeaders(headers);
// the following headers cannot be overwritten
if (_.isNil(options.etag) === false) {
headers[HEADERS.NONE_MATCH] = options.etag;
headers[HEADERS.ACCEPT] = contentTypeAccept;
const method = options.method || 'GET';
const uri = this.config.url + `/${encode(name)}`;
debug('set retry limit is %s', this.retry.limit);
let response;
let responseLength = 0;
try {
const retry = options?.retry ?? this.retry;
debug('retry initial count %s', retry);
response = await got(uri, {
responseType: 'json',
agent: this.agent,
timeout: this.timeout,
hooks: {
afterResponse: [
(afterResponse) => {
const code = afterResponse.statusCode;
debug('after response code is %s', code);
if (this.failed_requests >= this.max_fails) {
this.failed_requests = 0;
host: this.url.host,
'host @{host} is now online'
return afterResponse;
beforeRetry: [
(error: RequestError, count: number) => {
debug('retry %s count: %s', uri, count);
this.failed_requests = count ?? 0;
request: {
method: method,
url: uri,
error: error.message,
retryCount: this.failed_requests,
"retry @{retryCount} req: '@{request.method} @{request.url}'"
if (this.failed_requests >= this.max_fails) {
host: this.url.host,
'host @{host} is now offline'
.on('request', () => {
this.last_request_time = Date.now();
.on<any>('response', (eventResponse) => {
const message = "@{!status}, req: '@{request.method} @{request.url}' (streaming)";
request: {
method: method,
url: uri,
status: _.isNull(eventResponse) === false ? eventResponse.statusCode : 'ERR',
.on('downloadProgress', (progress) => {
if (progress.total) {
debug('responseLength %s', progress.total);
responseLength = progress.total;
const etag = response.headers.etag as string;
const data = response.body;
// not modified status (304) registry does not return any payload
// it is handled as an error
if (response?.statusCode === HTTP_STATUS.NOT_MODIFIED) {
debug('uri %s success', uri);
const message = "@{!status}, req: '@{request.method} @{request.url}'";
// if error is null/false change this to undefined so it wont log
request: { method: method, url: uri },
status: response.statusCode,
bytes: {
in: options?.json ? JSON.stringify(options?.json).length : 0,
out: responseLength || 0,
return [data, etag];
} catch (err: any) {
debug('error %s on uri %s', err.code, uri);
if (err.code === 'ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE') {
const code = err.response.statusCode;
debug('error code %s', code);
if (code === HTTP_STATUS.NOT_FOUND) {
throw errorUtils.getNotFound(errorUtils.API_ERROR.NOT_PACKAGE_UPLINK);
const error = errorUtils.getInternalError(
`${errorUtils.API_ERROR.BAD_STATUS_CODE}: ${code}`
// we need this code to identify outside which status code triggered the error
error.remoteStatus = code;
throw error;
} else if (err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT') {
debug('error code timeout');
const code = err.code;
const error = errorUtils.getInternalError(
`${errorUtils.API_ERROR.SERVER_TIME_OUT}: ${code}`
// we need this code to identify outside which status code triggered the error
error.remoteStatus = code;
throw error;
throw err;
// FIXME: handle stream and retry
public fetchTarball(
url: string,
overrideOptions: Pick<ISyncUplinksOptions, 'remoteAddress' | 'etag' | 'retry'>
): any {
debug('fetching url for %s', url);
const options = { ...this.config, ...overrideOptions };
let headers = this.getHeaders(options?.headers);
headers = this.addProxyHeaders(headers, options.remoteAddress);
headers = this.applyUplinkHeaders(headers);
// the following headers cannot be overwritten
if (_.isNil(options.etag) === false) {
headers[HEADERS.NONE_MATCH] = options.etag;
headers[HEADERS.ACCEPT] = contentTypeAccept;
const method = 'GET';
// const uri = this.config.url + `/${encode(name)}`;
debug('request uri for %s', url);
const readStream = got
.stream(url, {
agent: this.agent,
// FIXME: this should be taken from construtor as priority
retry: this.retry ?? options?.retry,
timeout: this.timeout,
.on('request', () => {
this.last_request_time = Date.now();
return readStream;
* Perform a stream search.
* @param {*} options request options
* @return {Stream}
public async search({ url, abort, retry }: ProxySearchParams): Promise<Stream.Readable> {
try {
const fullURL = new URL(`${this.url}${url}`);
// FIXME: a better way to remove duplicate slashes?
const uri = fullURL.href.replace(/([^:]\/)\/+/g, '$1');
this.logger.http({ uri, uplink: this.upname }, 'search request to uplink @{uplink} - @{uri}');
debug('searching on %s', uri);
const response = got(uri, {
signal: abort ? abort.signal : {},
agent: this.agent,
timeout: this.timeout,
retry: retry ?? this.retry,
const res = await response.text();
const streamSearch = new PassThrough({ objectMode: true });
const streamResponse = Readable.from(res);
// objects is one of the properties on the body, it ignores date and total
streamResponse.pipe(JSONStream.parse('objects')).pipe(streamSearch, { end: true });
return streamSearch;
} catch (err: any) {
debug('search error %s', err);
if (err.response.statusCode === 409) {
throw errorUtils.getInternalError(`bad status code ${err.response.statusCode} from uplink`);
{ errorMessage: err?.message, name: this.upname },
'proxy uplink @{name} search error: @{errorMessage}'
throw err;
private addProxyHeaders(headers: gotHeaders, remoteAddress?: string): gotHeaders {
// Only submit X-Forwarded-For field if we don't have a proxy selected
// in the config file.
// Otherwise misconfigured proxy could return 407
if (!this.proxy) {
(headers['x-forwarded-for'] ? headers['x-forwarded-for'] + ', ' : '') + remoteAddress;
// always attach Via header to avoid loops, even if we're not proxying
headers['via'] = headers['via'] ? headers['via'] + ', ' : '';
headers['via'] += '1.1 ' + this.server_id + ' (Verdaccio)';
return headers;
* If the request failure.
* @return {boolean}
* @private
private _ifRequestFailure(): boolean {
return (
this.failed_requests >= this.max_fails &&
Math.abs(Date.now() - (this.last_request_time as number)) < this.fail_timeout
* Set up a proxy.
* @param {*} hostname
* @param {*} config
* @param {*} mainconfig
* @param {*} isHTTPS
private _setupProxy(
hostname: string,
config: UpLinkConfLocal,
mainconfig: Config,
isHTTPS: boolean
): void {
let noProxyList;
const proxy_key: string = isHTTPS ? 'https_proxy' : 'http_proxy';
// get http_proxy and no_proxy configs
if (proxy_key in config) {
this.proxy = config[proxy_key];
} else if (proxy_key in mainconfig) {
this.proxy = mainconfig[proxy_key];
if ('no_proxy' in config) {
noProxyList = config.no_proxy;
} else if ('no_proxy' in mainconfig) {
noProxyList = mainconfig.no_proxy;
// use wget-like algorithm to determine if proxy shouldn't be used
if (hostname[0] !== '.') {
hostname = '.' + hostname;
if (_.isString(noProxyList) && noProxyList.length) {
noProxyList = noProxyList.split(',');
if (_.isArray(noProxyList)) {
for (let i = 0; i < noProxyList.length; i++) {
let noProxyItem = noProxyList[i];
if (noProxyItem[0] !== '.') {
noProxyItem = '.' + noProxyItem;
if (hostname.endsWith(noProxyItem)) {
if (this.proxy) {
{ url: this.url.href, rule: noProxyItem },
'not using proxy for @{url}, excluded by @{rule} rule'
this.proxy = undefined;
if (typeof this.proxy === 'string') {
{ url: this.url.href, proxy: this.proxy },
'using proxy @{proxy} for @{url}'
export { ProxyStorage };