mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 02:02:39 -05:00
* refactor: download manifest endpoint and integrate fastify * fix file not found issue * add temporary migration method to storage memory * sanitize fs methods * restore tests * chore: restore sanitilize will do later * add tests * add changeset * lint * trying something test * chore: lint * restore code * fix e2e * fix lint
1046 lines
32 KiB
1046 lines
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import assert from 'assert';
import buildDebug from 'debug';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { PassThrough } from 'stream';
import UrlNode from 'url';
import { errorUtils, pkgUtils, pluginUtils, searchUtils, validatioUtils } from '@verdaccio/core';
import { API_ERROR, DIST_TAGS, HTTP_STATUS, SUPPORT_ERRORS, USERS } from '@verdaccio/core';
import { VerdaccioError } from '@verdaccio/core';
import { loadPlugin } from '@verdaccio/loaders';
import LocalDatabase from '@verdaccio/local-storage';
import { ReadTarball, UploadTarball } from '@verdaccio/streams';
import {
} from '@verdaccio/types';
import { getLatestVersion, isObject } from '@verdaccio/utils';
import { createTarballHash, normalizeContributors } from '@verdaccio/utils';
import {
} from './storage-utils';
const debug = buildDebug('verdaccio:storage:local');
export type IPluginStorage = pluginUtils.IPluginStorage<Config>;
export function normalizeSearchPackage(
pkg: Package,
searchItem: searchUtils.SearchItem
): searchUtils.SearchPackageBody {
const latest = pkgUtils.getLatest(pkg);
const version: Version = pkg.versions[latest];
const result: searchUtils.SearchPackageBody = {
name: version.name,
scope: '',
description: version.description,
version: latest,
keywords: version.keywords,
date: pkg.time[latest],
// FIXME: type
author: version.author as any,
// FIXME: not possible fill this out from a private package
publisher: {},
// FIXME: type
maintainers: version.maintainers as any,
links: {
npm: '',
homepage: version.homepage,
repository: version.repository,
bugs: version.bugs,
if (typeof searchItem.package.scoped === 'string') {
result.scope = searchItem.package.scoped;
return result;
export const PROTO_NAME = '__proto__';
* Implements Storage interface (same for storage.js, local-storage.js, up-storage.js).
class LocalStorage {
public config: Config;
public storagePlugin: IPluginStorage;
public logger: Logger;
public constructor(config: Config, logger: Logger) {
debug('local storage created');
this.logger = logger.child({ sub: 'fs' });
this.config = config;
// @ts-expect-error
this.storagePlugin = null;
public async init() {
if (this.storagePlugin === null) {
this.storagePlugin = this._loadStorage(this.config, this.logger);
debug('storage plugin init');
await this.storagePlugin.init();
debug('storage plugin initialized');
} else {
this.logger.warn('storage plugin has been already initialized');
public addPackage(name: string, pkg: Package, callback: Callback): void {
debug(`creating a package for`, name);
const storage: any = this._getLocalStorage(name);
if (_.isNil(storage)) {
debug(`storage is missing for %o package cannot be added`, name);
return callback(errorUtils.getNotFound('this package cannot be added'));
storage.createPackage(name, generatePackageTemplate(name), (err) => {
if (
_.isNull(err) === false &&
) {
debug(`error on creating a package for %o with error %o`, name, err.message);
return callback(errorUtils.getConflict());
const latest = getLatestVersion(pkg);
if (_.isNil(latest) === false && pkg.versions[latest]) {
debug('latest version found %o for %o', latest, name);
return callback(null, pkg.versions[latest]);
debug('no latest version found for %o', name);
return callback();
* Remove package with all it contents.
public async removePackage(name: string): Promise<void> {
debug('remove package %s', name);
const storage: any = this._getLocalStorage(name);
if (_.isNil(storage)) {
throw errorUtils.getNotFound();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
storage.readPackage(name, async (err, data: Package): Promise<void> => {
if (_.isNil(err) === false) {
if (err.code === STORAGE.NO_SUCH_FILE_ERROR || err.code === HTTP_STATUS.NOT_FOUND) {
debug(`error on not found %o with error %o`, name, err.message);
return reject(errorUtils.getNotFound());
return reject(err);
data = normalizePackage(data);
try {
await this.storagePlugin.remove(name);
// remove each attachment
const attachments = Object.keys(data._attachments);
debug('attachments to remove %s', attachments?.length);
for (let attachment of attachments) {
debug('remove attachment %s', attachment);
await storage.deletePackage(attachment);
// remove package.json
debug('remove package.json');
await storage.deletePackage(STORAGE.PACKAGE_FILE_NAME);
// remove folder
debug('remove package folder');
await storage.removePackage();
} catch (err: any) {
this.logger.error({ err }, 'removed package has failed @{err.message}');
throw errorUtils.getBadData(err.message);
* Synchronize remote package info with the local one
* @param {*} name
* @param {*} packageInfo
* @param {*} callback
public updateVersions(name: string, packageInfo: Package, callback: Callback): void {
debug(`updating versions for package %o`, name);
this._readCreatePackage(name, (err, packageLocalJson): void => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
let change = false;
// updating readme
packageLocalJson.readme = getLatestReadme(packageInfo);
if (packageInfo.readme !== packageLocalJson.readme) {
change = true;
debug('update versions');
for (const versionId in packageInfo.versions) {
if (_.isNil(packageLocalJson.versions[versionId])) {
let version = packageInfo.versions[versionId];
// we don't keep readme for package versions,
// only one readme per package
version = cleanUpReadme(version);
debug('clean up readme for %o', versionId);
version.contributors = normalizeContributors(version.contributors as Author[]);
change = true;
packageLocalJson.versions[versionId] = version;
if (version?.dist?.tarball) {
const urlObject: any = UrlNode.parse(version.dist.tarball);
const filename = urlObject.pathname.replace(/^.*\//, '');
// we do NOT overwrite any existing records
if (_.isNil(packageLocalJson._distfiles[filename])) {
const hash: DistFile = (packageLocalJson._distfiles[filename] = {
url: version.dist.tarball,
sha: version.dist.shasum,
const upLink: string = version[Symbol.for('__verdaccio_uplink')];
if (_.isNil(upLink) === false) {
this._updateUplinkToRemoteProtocol(hash, upLink);
debug('update dist-tags');
for (const tag in packageInfo[DIST_TAGS]) {
if (
!packageLocalJson[DIST_TAGS][tag] ||
packageLocalJson[DIST_TAGS][tag] !== packageInfo[DIST_TAGS][tag]
) {
change = true;
packageLocalJson[DIST_TAGS][tag] = packageInfo[DIST_TAGS][tag];
for (const up in packageInfo._uplinks) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(packageInfo._uplinks, up)) {
const need_change =
!isObject(packageLocalJson._uplinks[up]) ||
packageInfo._uplinks[up].etag !== packageLocalJson._uplinks[up].etag ||
packageInfo._uplinks[up].fetched !== packageLocalJson._uplinks[up].fetched;
if (need_change) {
change = true;
packageLocalJson._uplinks[up] = packageInfo._uplinks[up];
debug('update time');
if ('time' in packageInfo && !_.isEqual(packageLocalJson.time, packageInfo.time)) {
packageLocalJson.time = packageInfo.time;
change = true;
if (change) {
debug('updating package info %o', name);
this._writePackage(name, packageLocalJson, function (err): void {
callback(err, packageLocalJson);
} else {
callback(null, packageLocalJson);
* Add a new version to a previous local package.
* @param {*} name
* @param {*} version
* @param {*} metadata
* @param {*} tag
* @param {*} callback
public addVersion(
name: string,
version: string,
metadata: Version,
tag: StringValue,
callback: Callback
): void {
debug(`add version %s package for %s`, version, name);
async (data, cb: Callback): Promise<void> => {
debug('%s package is being updated', name);
// keep only one readme per package
data.readme = metadata.readme;
debug('%s` readme mutated', name);
// TODO: lodash remove
metadata = cleanUpReadme(metadata);
metadata.contributors = normalizeContributors(metadata.contributors as Author[]);
debug('%s` contributors normalized', name);
const hasVersion = data.versions[version] != null;
if (hasVersion) {
debug('%s version %s already exists', name, version);
return cb(errorUtils.getConflict());
// if uploaded tarball has a different shasum, it's very likely that we
// have some kind of error
if (validatioUtils.isObject(metadata.dist) && _.isString(metadata.dist.tarball)) {
const tarball = metadata.dist.tarball.replace(/.*\//, '');
if (validatioUtils.isObject(data._attachments[tarball])) {
if (
_.isNil(data._attachments[tarball].shasum) === false &&
_.isNil(metadata.dist.shasum) === false
) {
if (data._attachments[tarball].shasum != metadata.dist.shasum) {
const errorMessage =
`shasum error, ` +
`${data._attachments[tarball].shasum} != ${metadata.dist.shasum}`;
return cb(errorUtils.getBadRequest(errorMessage));
const currentDate = new Date().toISOString();
// some old storage do not have this field #740
if (_.isNil(data.time)) {
data.time = {};
data.time['modified'] = currentDate;
if ('created' in data.time === false) {
data.time.created = currentDate;
data.time[version] = currentDate;
data._attachments[tarball].version = version;
data.versions[version] = metadata;
tagVersion(data, version, tag);
try {
debug('%s` add on database', name);
await this.storagePlugin.add(name);
} catch (err: any) {
* Merge a new list of tags for a local packages with the existing one.
* @param {*} pkgName
* @param {*} tags
* @param {*} callback
public mergeTags(pkgName: string, tags: MergeTags, callback: Callback): void {
debug(`merge tags for`, pkgName);
(data, cb): void => {
/* eslint guard-for-in: 0 */
for (const tag in tags) {
// this handle dist-tag rm command
if (_.isNull(tags[tag])) {
delete data[DIST_TAGS][tag];
if (_.isNil(data.versions[tags[tag]])) {
return cb(errorUtils.getNotFound(API_ERROR.VERSION_NOT_EXIST));
const version: string = tags[tag];
tagVersion(data, version, tag);
* Update the package metadata, tags and attachments (tarballs).
* Note: Currently supports unpublishing and deprecation.
* @param {*} name
* @param {*} incomingPkg
* @param {*} revision
* @param {*} callback
* @return {Function}
public changePackage(
name: string,
incomingPkg: Package,
revision: string | void,
callback: Callback
): void {
debug(`change package tags for %o revision %s`, name, revision);
if (
!validatioUtils.isObject(incomingPkg.versions) ||
) {
debug(`change package bad data for %o`, name);
return callback(errorUtils.getBadData());
debug(`change package udapting package for %o`, name);
(localData: Package, cb: CallbackAction): void => {
for (const version in localData.versions) {
const incomingVersion = incomingPkg.versions[version];
if (_.isNil(incomingVersion)) {
this.logger.info({ name: name, version: version }, 'unpublishing @{name}@@{version}');
// FIXME: I prefer return a new object rather mutate the metadata
delete localData.versions[version];
delete localData.time![version];
for (const file in localData._attachments) {
if (localData._attachments[file].version === version) {
delete localData._attachments[file].version;
} else if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(incomingVersion, 'deprecated')) {
const incomingDeprecated = incomingVersion.deprecated;
if (incomingDeprecated != localData.versions[version].deprecated) {
if (!incomingDeprecated) {
{ name: name, version: version },
'undeprecating @{name}@@{version}'
delete localData.versions[version].deprecated;
} else {
{ name: name, version: version },
'deprecating @{name}@@{version}'
localData.versions[version].deprecated = incomingDeprecated;
localData.time!.modified = new Date().toISOString();
localData[USERS] = incomingPkg[USERS];
localData[DIST_TAGS] = incomingPkg[DIST_TAGS];
function (err): void {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
* Remove a tarball.
* @param {*} name
* @param {*} filename
* @param {*} revision
* @param {*} callback
public removeTarball(
name: string,
filename: string,
revision: string,
callback: CallbackAction
): void {
debug('remove tarball %s for %s', filename, name);
(data, cb): void => {
if (data._attachments[filename]) {
// TODO: avoid using delete
delete data._attachments[filename];
} else {
cb(errorUtils.getNotFound('no such file available'));
(err: VerdaccioError) => {
if (err) {
this.logger.error({ err }, 'remove tarball error @{err.message}');
return callback(err);
const storage = this._getLocalStorage(name);
if (storage) {
debug('removing %s from storage', filename);
.then((): void => {
debug('package %s removed', filename);
return callback(null);
.catch((err) => {
this.logger.error({ err }, 'error removing %s from storage');
return callback(null);
} else {
* Add a tarball.
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} filename
* @return {Stream}
public addTarball(name: string, filename: string): IUploadTarball {
debug(`add a tarball for %o`, name);
let length = 0;
const shaOneHash = createTarballHash();
const uploadStream: IUploadTarball = new UploadTarball({});
const _transform = uploadStream._transform;
const storage = this._getLocalStorage(name);
uploadStream.abort = function (): void {};
uploadStream.done = function (): void {};
uploadStream._transform = function (data, ...args): void {
// measure the length for validation reasons
length += data.length;
const appliedData = [data, ...args];
// FIXME: not sure about this approach, tsc complains
// @ts-ignore
_transform.apply(uploadStream, appliedData);
if (name === PROTO_NAME) {
process.nextTick((): void => {
uploadStream.emit('error', errorUtils.getForbidden());
return uploadStream;
// FIXME: this condition will never met, storage is always defined
if (!storage) {
process.nextTick((): void => {
uploadStream.emit('error', "can't upload this package");
return uploadStream;
const writeStream: IUploadTarball = storage.writeTarball(filename);
writeStream.on('error', (err) => {
// @ts-ignore
if (err.code === STORAGE.FILE_EXIST_ERROR || err.code === HTTP_STATUS.CONFLICT) {
uploadStream.emit('error', errorUtils.getConflict());
// @ts-ignore
} else if (err.code === STORAGE.NO_SUCH_FILE_ERROR || err.code === HTTP_STATUS.NOT_FOUND) {
// check if package exists to throw an appropriate message
this.getPackageMetadata(name, function (_err: VerdaccioError): void {
if (_err) {
uploadStream.emit('error', _err);
} else {
uploadStream.emit('error', err);
} else {
uploadStream.emit('error', err);
writeStream.on('open', function (): void {
// re-emitting open because it's handled in storage.js
writeStream.on('success', (): void => {
function updater(data, cb): void {
// FUTURE: move this to tarballUtils
data._attachments[filename] = {
shasum: shaOneHash.digest('hex'),
function (err): void {
if (err) {
// FIXME: if the update package fails, remove tarball to avoid left
// orphan tarballs
uploadStream.emit('error', err);
} else {
uploadStream.abort = function (): void {
uploadStream.done = function (): void {
if (!length) {
uploadStream.emit('error', errorUtils.getBadData('refusing to accept zero-length file'));
} else {
return uploadStream;
* Get a tarball.
* @param {*} name
* @param {*} filename
* @return {ReadTarball}
public getTarball(name: string, filename: string): IReadTarball {
const storage: IPackageStorage = this._getLocalStorage(name);
if (_.isNil(storage)) {
return this._createFailureStreamResponse();
return this._streamSuccessReadTarBall(storage, filename);
* Return a stream that emits a read failure.
* @private
* @return {ReadTarball}
private _createFailureStreamResponse(): IReadTarball {
const stream: IReadTarball = new ReadTarball({});
process.nextTick((): void => {
stream.emit('error', errorUtils.getNotFound('no such file available'));
return stream;
* Return a stream that emits the tarball data
* @param {Object} storage
* @param {String} filename
* @private
* @return {ReadTarball}
private _streamSuccessReadTarBall(storage: any, filename: string): IReadTarball {
const stream: IReadTarball = new ReadTarball({});
const readTarballStream = storage.readTarball(filename);
const e404 = errorUtils.getNotFound;
stream.abort = function (): void {
if (_.isNil(readTarballStream) === false) {
readTarballStream.on('error', function (err) {
// @ts-ignore
if (err.code === STORAGE.NO_SUCH_FILE_ERROR || err.code === HTTP_STATUS.NOT_FOUND) {
stream.emit('error', e404('no such file available'));
} else {
stream.emit('error', err);
readTarballStream.on('content-length', function (content): void {
stream.emit('content-length', content);
readTarballStream.on('open', function (): void {
// re-emitting open because it's handled in storage.js
return stream;
public async getPackageMetadataNext(name: string): Promise<Package> {
const storage: IPackageStorage = this._getLocalStorage(name);
debug('get package metadata for %o', name);
if (typeof storage === 'undefined') {
// TODO: this might be a better an error to throw
// if storage is not there cannot be 404.
throw errorUtils.getNotFound();
return await this._readPackageNext(name, storage);
* Retrieve a package by name.
* @param {*} name
* @param {*} callback
* @return {Function}
* @deprecated
public getPackageMetadata(name: string, callback: Callback = (): void => {}): void {
const storage: IPackageStorage = this._getLocalStorage(name);
debug('get package metadata for %o', name);
if (typeof storage === 'undefined') {
return callback(errorUtils.getNotFound());
this._readPackage(name, storage, callback);
public async search(searchStream: PassThrough, query: searchUtils.SearchQuery): Promise<void> {
debug('search on each package');
{ t: query.text, q: query.quality, p: query.popularity, m: query.maintenance, s: query.size },
'search by text @{t}| maintenance @{m}| quality @{q}| popularity @{p}'
const getMetadata = (searchItem: searchUtils.SearchItem) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(err: VerdaccioError, pkg: Package): void => {
if (err) {
{ err, pkgName: searchItem?.package?.name },
'error on load package @{pkgName} metaadata @{err.message}'
const searchPackage = normalizeSearchPackage(pkg, searchItem);
const searchPackageItem: searchUtils.SearchPackageItem = {
package: searchPackage,
score: searchItem.score,
flags: searchItem?.flags,
// FUTURE: find a better way to calculate the score
searchScore: 1,
debug('push to stream %o', searchItem?.package?.name);
if (typeof this.storagePlugin.search === 'undefined') {
this.logger.info('plugin search not implemented yet');
} else {
debug('search on each package by plugin');
const items = await this.storagePlugin.search(query);
try {
for (const item of items) {
const metadata = await getMetadata(item);
debug('search local stream end');
} catch (err) {
this.logger.error({ err, query }, 'error on search by plugin @{err.message}');
searchStream.emit('error', err);
* Retrieve a wrapper that provide access to the package location.
* @param {Object} pkgName package name.
* @return {Object}
private _getLocalStorage(pkgName: string): IPackageStorage {
debug('get local storage for %o', pkgName);
return this.storagePlugin.getPackageStorage(pkgName);
* Read a json file from storage.
* @param {Object} storage
* @param {Function} callback
* @deprecated
private _readPackage(name: string, storage: any, callback: Callback): void {
storage.readPackage(name, (err, result): void => {
if (err) {
if (err.code === STORAGE.NO_SUCH_FILE_ERROR || err.code === HTTP_STATUS.NOT_FOUND) {
debug('package %s not found', name);
return callback(errorUtils.getNotFound());
return callback(this._internalError(err, STORAGE.PACKAGE_FILE_NAME, 'error reading'));
callback(err, normalizePackage(result));
private async _readPackageNext(name: string, storage: any): Promise<Package> {
try {
const result: Package = await storage.readPackageNext(name);
return normalizePackage(result);
} catch (err: any) {
if (err.code === STORAGE.NO_SUCH_FILE_ERROR || err.code === HTTP_STATUS.NOT_FOUND) {
debug('package %s not found', name);
throw errorUtils.getNotFound();
{ err: err, file: STORAGE.PACKAGE_FILE_NAME },
`error reading @{file}: @{!err.message}`
throw errorUtils.getInternalError();
* Retrieve either a previous created local package or a boilerplate.
* @param {*} pkgName
* @param {*} callback
* @return {Function}
private _readCreatePackage(pkgName: string, callback: Callback): void {
const storage: any = this._getLocalStorage(pkgName);
if (_.isNil(storage)) {
this._createNewPackage(pkgName, callback);
storage.readPackage(pkgName, (err, data): void => {
// TODO: race condition
if (_.isNil(err) === false) {
if (err.code === STORAGE.NO_SUCH_FILE_ERROR || err.code === HTTP_STATUS.NOT_FOUND) {
data = generatePackageTemplate(pkgName);
} else {
return callback(this._internalError(err, STORAGE.PACKAGE_FILE_NAME, 'error reading'));
callback(null, normalizePackage(data));
private _createNewPackage(name: string, callback: Callback): Callback {
return callback(null, normalizePackage(generatePackageTemplate(name)));
* Handle internal error
* @param {*} err
* @param {*} file
* @param {*} message
* @return {Object} Error instance
private _internalError(err: string, file: string, message: string): VerdaccioError {
this.logger.error({ err: err, file: file }, `${message} @{file}: @{!err.message}`);
return errorUtils.getInternalError();
* @param {*} name package name
* @param {*} updateHandler function(package, cb) - update function
* @param {*} callback callback that gets invoked after it's all updated
* @return {Function}
private _updatePackage(
name: string,
updateHandler: StorageUpdateCallback,
callback: Callback
): void {
const storage: IPackageStorage = this._getLocalStorage(name);
if (!storage) {
return callback(errorUtils.getNotFound());
* Update the revision (_rev) string for a package.
* @param {*} name
* @param {*} json
* @param {*} callback
* @return {Function}
private _writePackage(name: string, json: Package, callback: Callback): void {
const storage: any = this._getLocalStorage(name);
if (_.isNil(storage)) {
return callback();
storage.savePackage(name, this._setDefaultRevision(json), callback);
private _setDefaultRevision(json: Package): Package {
// calculate revision from couch db
if (_.isString(json._rev) === false) {
// this is intended in debug mode we do not want modify the store revision
if (_.isNil(this.config._debug)) {
json._rev = generateRevision(json._rev);
return json;
// private _deleteAttachments(storage: any, attachments: string[], callback: Callback): void {
// debug('deleting %o attachments total %o', attachments?.length);
// const unlinkNext = function (cb): void {
// if (_.isEmpty(attachments)) {
// return cb();
// }
// const attachment = attachments.shift();
// storage.deletePackage(attachment, function (): void {
// unlinkNext(cb);
// });
// };
// unlinkNext(function (): void {
// // try to unlink the directory, but ignore errors because it can fail
// storage.removePackage(function (err): void {
// callback(err);
// });
// });
// }
* Ensure the dist file remains as the same protocol
* @param {Object} hash metadata
* @param {String} upLinkKey registry key
* @private
private _updateUplinkToRemoteProtocol(hash: DistFile, upLinkKey: string): void {
// if we got this information from a known registry,
// use the same protocol for the tarball
// see https://github.com/rlidwka/sinopia/issues/166
const tarballUrl: any = UrlNode.parse(hash.url);
const uplinkUrl: any = UrlNode.parse(this.config.uplinks[upLinkKey].url);
if (uplinkUrl.host === tarballUrl.host) {
tarballUrl.protocol = uplinkUrl.protocol;
hash.registry = upLinkKey;
hash.url = UrlNode.format(tarballUrl);
public async getSecret(config: Config): Promise<void> {
const secretKey = await this.storagePlugin.getSecret();
return this.storagePlugin.setSecret(config.checkSecretKey(secretKey));
private _loadStorage(config: Config, logger: Logger): IPluginStorage {
const Storage = this._loadStorePlugin();
if (_.isNil(Storage)) {
assert(this.config.storage, 'CONFIG: storage path not defined');
return new LocalDatabase(this.config, logger);
return Storage as IPluginStorage;
private _loadStorePlugin(): IPluginStorage | void {
const plugin_params = {
config: this.config,
logger: this.logger,
const plugins: IPluginStorage[] = loadPlugin<IPluginStorage>(
(plugin): IPluginStorage => {
return plugin.getPackageStorage;
return _.head(plugins);
public saveToken(token: Token): Promise<any> {
if (_.isFunction(this.storagePlugin.saveToken) === false) {
return Promise.reject(
return this.storagePlugin.saveToken(token);
public deleteToken(user: string, tokenKey: string): Promise<any> {
if (_.isFunction(this.storagePlugin.deleteToken) === false) {
return Promise.reject(
return this.storagePlugin.deleteToken(user, tokenKey);
public readTokens(filter: TokenFilter): Promise<Token[]> {
if (_.isFunction(this.storagePlugin.readTokens) === false) {
return Promise.reject(
return this.storagePlugin.readTokens(filter);
export { LocalStorage };