mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 23:55:46 -05:00
* ref: Relocate utils functions to web pkg * ref: Refactor utils functions * ref: Relocate utils functions to api pkg * ref: Relocate utils functions to config pkg * ref: Relocate utils functions to middleware pkg * ref: Relocate utils functions to storage pkg * ref: relocate utils functions to proxy pkg * ref: relocate utils functions to middleware pkg * ref: refactor utils functions * Fix compilation errors
431 lines
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431 lines
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import Path from 'path';
import _ from 'lodash';
import mime from 'mime';
import { Router } from 'express';
import buildDebug from 'debug';
import { API_MESSAGE, HEADERS, DIST_TAGS, API_ERROR, HTTP_STATUS } from '@verdaccio/commons-api';
import { validateMetadata, isObject, ErrorCode, hasDiffOneKey } from '@verdaccio/utils';
import { media, expectJson, allow } from '@verdaccio/middleware';
import { notify } from '@verdaccio/hooks';
import { Config, Callback, MergeTags, Version, Package } from '@verdaccio/types';
import { logger } from '@verdaccio/logger';
import { IAuth } from '@verdaccio/auth';
import { IStorageHandler } from '@verdaccio/store';
import { $RequestExtend, $ResponseExtend, $NextFunctionVer } from '../types/custom';
import star from './star';
import { isPublishablePackage, isRelatedToDeprecation } from './utils';
const debug = buildDebug('verdaccio:api:publish');
export default function publish(
router: Router,
auth: IAuth,
storage: IStorageHandler,
config: Config
): void {
const can = allow(auth);
* Publish a package / update package / un/start a package
* There are multiples scenarios here to be considered:
* 1. Publish scenario
* Publish a package consist of at least 1 step (PUT) with a metadata payload.
* When a package is published, an _attachment property is present that contains the data
* of the tarball.
* Example flow of publish.
* npm http fetch PUT 201 http://localhost:4873/@scope%2ftest1 9627ms
npm info lifecycle @scope/test1@1.0.1~publish: @scope/test1@1.0.1
npm info lifecycle @scope/test1@1.0.1~postpublish: @scope/test1@1.0.1
+ @scope/test1@1.0.1
npm verb exit [ 0, true ]
* 2. Unpublish scenario
* Unpublish consist in 3 steps.
* 1. Try to fetch metadata -> if it fails, return 404
* 2. Compute metadata locally (client side) and send a mutate payload excluding the version to
* be unpublished
* eg: if metadata reflects 1.0.1, 1.0.2 and 1.0.3, the computed metadata won't include 1.0.3.
* 3. Once the second step has been successfully finished, delete the tarball.
* All these steps are consecutive and required, there is no transacions here, if step 3 fails,
* metadata might get corrupted.
* Note the unpublish call will suffix in the url a /-rev/14-5d500cfce92f90fd revision number,
* this not
* used internally.
* Example flow of unpublish.
* npm http fetch GET 200 http://localhost:4873/@scope%2ftest1?write=true 1680ms
* npm http fetch PUT 201 http://localhost:4873/@scope%2ftest1/-rev/14-5d500cfce92f90fd
* 956606ms attempt #2
* npm http fetch GET 200 http://localhost:4873/@scope%2ftest1?write=true 1601ms
* npm http fetch DELETE 201 http://localhost:4873/@scope%2ftest1/-/test1-1.0.3.tgz/-rev/16
* -e11c8db282b2d992 19ms
* 3. Star a package
* Permissions: start a package depends of the publish and unpublish permissions, there is no
* specific flag for star or un start.
* The URL for star is similar to the unpublish (change package format)
* npm has no enpoint for star a package, rather mutate the metadata and acts as, the difference
* is the users property which is part of the payload and the body only includes
* {
"_id": pkgName,
"_rev": "3-b0cdaefc9bdb77c8",
"users": {
[username]: boolean value (true, false)
publishPackage(storage, config, auth)
* Un-publishing an entire package.
* This scenario happens when the first call detect there is only one version remaining
* in the metadata, then the client decides to DELETE the resource
* npm http fetch GET 304 http://localhost:4873/@scope%2ftest1?write=true 1076ms (from cache)
npm http fetch DELETE 201 http://localhost:4873/@scope%2ftest1/-rev/18-d8ebe3020bd4ac9c 22ms
router.delete('/:package/-rev/*', can('unpublish'), unPublishPackage(storage));
// removing a tarball
// uploading package tarball
// adding a version
* Publish a package
export function publishPackage(storage: IStorageHandler, config: Config, auth: IAuth): any {
const starApi = star(storage);
return function (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, next: $NextFunctionVer): void {
const packageName = req.params.package;
debug('publishing or updating a new version for %o', packageName);
* Write tarball of stream data from package clients.
const createTarball = function (filename: string, data, cb: Callback): void {
const stream = storage.addTarball(packageName, filename);
stream.on('error', function (err) {
'error on stream a tarball %o for %o with error %o',
stream.on('success', function () {
debug('success on stream a tarball %o for %o', filename, packageName);
// this is dumb and memory-consuming, but what choices do we have?
// flow: we need first refactor this file before decides which type use here
stream.end(Buffer.from(data.data, 'base64'));
* Add new package version in storage
const createVersion = function (version: string, metadata: Version, cb: Callback): void {
debug('add a new package version %o to storage %o', version, metadata);
storage.addVersion(packageName, version, metadata, null, cb);
* Add new tags in storage
const addTags = function (tags: MergeTags, cb: Callback): void {
debug('add new tag %o to storage', packageName);
storage.mergeTags(packageName, tags, cb);
const afterChange = function (error, okMessage, metadata: Package): void {
const metadataCopy: Package = { ...metadata };
debug('after change metadata %o', metadata);
const { _attachments, versions } = metadataCopy;
// `npm star` wouldn't have attachments
// and `npm deprecate` would have attachments as a empty object, i.e {}
if (_.isNil(_attachments) || JSON.stringify(_attachments) === '{}') {
debug('no attachments detected');
if (error) {
debug('no_attachments: after change error with %o', error.message);
return next(error);
debug('no_attachments: after change success');
return next({
ok: okMessage,
success: true,
* npm-registry-client 0.3+ embeds tarball into the json upload
* issue https://github.com/rlidwka/sinopia/issues/31, dealing with it here:
const isInvalidBodyFormat =
isObject(_attachments) === false ||
hasDiffOneKey(_attachments) ||
isObject(versions) === false ||
if (isInvalidBodyFormat) {
// npm is doing something strange again
// if this happens in normal circumstances, report it as a bug
debug('invalid body format');
logger.info({ packageName }, `wrong package format on publish a package @{packageName}`);
return next(ErrorCode.getBadRequest(API_ERROR.UNSUPORTED_REGISTRY_CALL));
if (error && error.status !== HTTP_STATUS.CONFLICT) {
debug('error on change or update a package with %o', error.message);
return next(error);
// at this point document is either created or existed before
const [firstAttachmentKey] = Object.keys(_attachments);
function (error) {
debug('creating a tarball %o', firstAttachmentKey);
if (error) {
debug('error on create a tarball for %o with error %o', packageName, error.message);
return next(error);
const versionToPublish = Object.keys(versions)[0];
versions[versionToPublish].readme =
_.isNil(metadataCopy.readme) === false ? String(metadataCopy.readme) : '';
createVersion(versionToPublish, versions[versionToPublish], function (error) {
if (error) {
debug('error on create a version for %o with error %o', packageName, error.message);
return next(error);
addTags(metadataCopy[DIST_TAGS], async function (error) {
if (error) {
debug('error on create a tag for %o with error %o', packageName, error.message);
return next(error);
try {
await notify(
} catch (error) {
'error on notify add a new tag %o',
logger.error({ error }, 'notify batch service has failed: @{error}');
debug('add a tag succesfully for %o', `${metadataCopy.name}@${versionToPublish}`);
return next({ ok: okMessage, success: true });
if (isPublishablePackage(req.body) === false && isObject(req.body.users)) {
debug('starting star a package');
return starApi(req, res, next);
try {
debug('pre validation metadata to publish %o', req.body);
const metadata = validateMetadata(req.body, packageName);
debug('post validation metadata to publish %o', metadata);
// treating deprecation as updating a package
if (req.params._rev || isRelatedToDeprecation(req.body)) {
debug('updating a new version for %o', packageName);
// we check unpublish permissions, an update is basically remove versions
const remote = req.remote_user;
auth.allow_unpublish({ packageName }, remote, (error) => {
debug('allowed to unpublish a package %o', packageName);
if (error) {
debug('not allowed to unpublish a version for %o', packageName);
return next(error);
debug('update a package');
storage.changePackage(packageName, metadata, req.params.revision, function (error) {
afterChange(error, API_MESSAGE.PKG_CHANGED, metadata);
} else {
debug('adding a new version for the package %o', packageName);
storage.addPackage(packageName, metadata, function (error) {
debug('package metadata updated %o', metadata);
afterChange(error, API_MESSAGE.PKG_CREATED, metadata);
} catch (error) {
debug('error on publish, bad package format %o', packageName);
logger.error({ packageName }, 'error on publish, bad package data for @{packageName}');
return next(ErrorCode.getBadData(API_ERROR.BAD_PACKAGE_DATA));
* un-publish a package
export function unPublishPackage(storage: IStorageHandler) {
return function (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, next: $NextFunctionVer): void {
const packageName = req.params.package;
logger.debug({ packageName }, `unpublishing @{packageName}`);
storage.removePackage(packageName, function (err) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
return next({ ok: API_MESSAGE.PKG_REMOVED });
* Delete tarball
export function removeTarball(storage: IStorageHandler) {
return function (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, next: $NextFunctionVer): void {
const packageName = req.params.package;
const { filename, revision } = req.params;
{ packageName, filename, revision },
`removing a tarball for @{packageName}-@{tarballName}-@{revision}`
storage.removeTarball(packageName, filename, revision, function (err) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
{ packageName, filename, revision },
`success remove tarball for @{packageName}-@{tarballName}-@{revision}`
return next({ ok: API_MESSAGE.TARBALL_REMOVED });
* Adds a new version
export function addVersion(storage: IStorageHandler) {
return function (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, next: $NextFunctionVer): void {
const { version, tag } = req.params;
const packageName = req.params.package;
debug('add a new version %o and tag %o for %o', version, tag, packageName);
storage.addVersion(packageName, version, req.body, tag, function (error) {
if (error) {
debug('error on add new version');
return next(error);
debug('success on add new version');
return next({
* uploadPackageTarball
export function uploadPackageTarball(storage: IStorageHandler) {
return function (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, next: $NextFunctionVer): void {
const packageName = req.params.package;
const stream = storage.addTarball(packageName, req.params.filename);
// checking if end event came before closing
let complete = false;
req.on('end', function () {
complete = true;
req.on('close', function () {
if (!complete) {
stream.on('error', function (err) {
return res.locals.report_error(err);
stream.on('success', function () {
return next({