mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 02:02:39 -05:00
Or, in general, the same protocol as the registry; this is what npm seem to be doing. See issue #166 for details.
338 lines
9.8 KiB
338 lines
9.8 KiB
var Error = require('http-errors')
var request = require('request')
var Stream = require('stream')
var URL = require('url')
var zlib = require('zlib')
var parse_interval = require('./config').parse_interval
var Logger = require('./logger')
var MyStreams = require('./streams')
var Utils = require('./utils')
var encode = encodeURIComponent
module.exports = Storage
// Implements Storage interface
// (same for storage.js, local-storage.js, up-storage.js)
function Storage(config, mainconfig) {
var self = Object.create(Storage.prototype)
self.config = config
self.failed_requests = 0
self.userAgent = mainconfig.user_agent
self.ca = config.ca
self.logger = Logger.logger.child({sub: 'out'})
self.server_id = mainconfig.server_id
self.url = URL.parse(self.config.url)
_setupProxy.call(self, self.url.hostname, config, mainconfig, self.url.protocol === 'https:')
self.config.url = self.config.url.replace(/\/$/, '')
if (Number(self.config.timeout) >= 1000) {
self.logger.warn([ 'Too big timeout value: ' + self.config.timeout,
'We changed time format to nginx-like one',
'(see http://wiki.nginx.org/ConfigNotation)',
'so please update your config accordingly' ].join('\n'))
// a bunch of different configurable timers
self.maxage = parse_interval(config_get('maxage' , '2m' ))
self.timeout = parse_interval(config_get('timeout' , '30s'))
self.max_fails = Number(config_get('max_fails' , 2 ))
self.fail_timeout = parse_interval(config_get('fail_timeout', '5m' ))
return self
// just a helper (`config[key] || default` doesn't work because of zeroes)
function config_get(key, def) {
return config[key] != null ? config[key] : def
function _setupProxy(hostname, config, mainconfig, isHTTPS) {
var no_proxy
var proxy_key = isHTTPS ? 'https_proxy' : 'http_proxy'
// get http_proxy and no_proxy configs
if (proxy_key in config) {
this.proxy = config[proxy_key]
} else if (proxy_key in mainconfig) {
this.proxy = mainconfig[proxy_key]
if ('no_proxy' in config) {
no_proxy = config.no_proxy
} else if ('no_proxy' in mainconfig) {
no_proxy = mainconfig.no_proxy
// use wget-like algorithm to determine if proxy shouldn't be used
if (hostname[0] !== '.') hostname = '.' + hostname
if (typeof(no_proxy) === 'string' && no_proxy.length) {
no_proxy = no_proxy.split(',')
if (Array.isArray(no_proxy)) {
for (var i=0; i<no_proxy.length; i++) {
var no_proxy_item = no_proxy[i]
if (no_proxy_item[0] !== '.') no_proxy_item = '.' + no_proxy_item
if (hostname.lastIndexOf(no_proxy_item) === hostname.length - no_proxy_item.length) {
if (this.proxy) {
this.logger.debug({url: this.url.href, rule: no_proxy_item},
'not using proxy for @{url}, excluded by @{rule} rule')
this.proxy = false
// if it's non-string (i.e. "false"), don't use it
if (typeof(this.proxy) !== 'string') {
delete this.proxy
} else {
this.logger.debug( { url: this.url.href, proxy: this.proxy }
, 'using proxy @{proxy} for @{url}' )
Storage.prototype.request = function(options, cb) {
if (!this.status_check()) {
var req = new Stream.Readable()
process.nextTick(function() {
if (typeof(cb) === 'function') cb(Error('uplink is offline'))
req.emit('error', Error('uplink is offline'))
// preventing 'Uncaught, unspecified "error" event'
req.on('error', function(){})
return req
var self = this
var headers = options.headers || {}
headers['Accept'] = headers['Accept'] || 'application/json'
headers['Accept-Encoding'] = headers['Accept-Encoding'] || 'gzip'
headers['User-Agent'] = headers['User-Agent'] || this.userAgent
var method = options.method || 'GET'
var uri = options.uri_full || (this.config.url + options.uri)
method : method,
headers : headers,
uri : uri,
}, "making request: '@{method} @{uri}'")
if (Utils.is_object(options.json)) {
var json = JSON.stringify(options.json)
headers['Content-Type'] = headers['Content-Type'] || 'application/json'
var req = request({
url : uri,
method : method,
headers : headers,
body : json,
ca : this.ca,
proxy : this.proxy,
encoding : null,
timeout : this.timeout,
}, function(err, res, body) {
var error
var res_length = err ? 0 : body.length
do_gunzip(function() {
if (cb) cb(err, res, body)
function do_gunzip(cb) {
if (err) return cb()
if (res.headers['content-encoding'] !== 'gzip') return cb()
zlib.gunzip(body, function(er, buf) {
if (er) err = er
body = buf
return cb()
function do_decode() {
if (err) {
error = err.message
if (options.json && res.statusCode < 300) {
try {
body = JSON.parse(body.toString('utf8'))
} catch(_err) {
body = {}
err = _err
error = err.message
if (!err && Utils.is_object(body)) {
if (typeof(body.error) === 'string') {
error = body.error
function do_log() {
var message = '@{!status}, req: \'@{request.method} @{request.url}\''
message += error
? ', error: @{!error}'
: ', bytes: @{bytes.in}/@{bytes.out}'
err : err,
request : { method: method, url: uri },
level : 35, // http
status : res != null ? res.statusCode : 'ERR',
error : error,
bytes : {
in : json ? json.length : 0,
out : res_length || 0,
}, message)
var status_called = false
req.on('response', function(res) {
if (!req._sinopia_aborted && !status_called) {
status_called = true
req.on('error', function(_err) {
if (!req._sinopia_aborted && !status_called) {
status_called = true
return req
Storage.prototype.status_check = function(alive) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
if (this.failed_requests >= this.max_fails
&& Math.abs(Date.now() - this.last_request_time) < this.fail_timeout) {
return false
} else {
return true
} else {
if (alive) {
if (this.failed_requests >= this.max_fails) {
this.logger.warn({ host: this.url.host }, 'host @{host} is back online')
this.failed_requests = 0
} else {
if (this.failed_requests === this.max_fails) {
this.logger.warn({ host: this.url.host }, 'host @{host} is now offline')
this.last_request_time = Date.now()
Storage.prototype.can_fetch_url = function(url) {
url = URL.parse(url)
return url.protocol === this.url.protocol
&& url.host === this.url.host
&& url.path.indexOf(this.url.path) === 0
Storage.prototype.get_package = function(name, options, callback) {
if (typeof(options) === 'function') callback = options, options = {}
var headers = {}
if (options.etag) {
headers['If-None-Match'] = options.etag
headers['Accept'] = 'application/octet-stream'
this._add_proxy_headers(options.req, headers)
uri : '/' + encode(name),
json : true,
headers : headers,
}, function(err, res, body) {
if (err) return callback(err)
if (res.statusCode === 404) {
return callback( Error[404]("package doesn't exist on uplink") )
if (!(res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300)) {
var error = Error('bad status code: ' + res.statusCode)
error.remoteStatus = res.statusCode
return callback(error)
callback(null, body, res.headers.etag)
Storage.prototype.get_tarball = function(name, options, filename) {
if (!options) options = {}
return this.get_url(this.config.url + '/' + name + '/-/' + filename)
Storage.prototype.get_url = function(url) {
var stream = MyStreams.ReadTarballStream()
stream.abort = function() {}
var current_length = 0, expected_length
var rstream = this.request({
uri_full: url,
encoding: null,
headers: { Accept: 'application/octet-stream' },
rstream.on('response', function(res) {
if (res.statusCode === 404) {
return stream.emit('error', Error[404]("file doesn't exist on uplink"))
if (!(res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300)) {
return stream.emit('error', Error('bad uplink status code: ' + res.statusCode))
if (res.headers['content-length']) {
expected_length = res.headers['content-length']
stream.emit('content-length', res.headers['content-length'])
rstream.on('error', function(err) {
stream.emit('error', err)
rstream.on('data', function(d) {
current_length += d.length
rstream.on('end', function(d) {
if (d) current_length += d.length
if (expected_length && current_length != expected_length)
stream.emit('error', Error('content length mismatch'))
return stream
Storage.prototype._add_proxy_headers = function(req, headers) {
if (req) {
headers['X-Forwarded-For'] = (
req && req.headers['x-forwarded-for']
? req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] + ', '
: ''
) + req.connection.remoteAddress
// always attach Via header to avoid loops, even if we're not proxying
headers['Via'] =
req && req.headers['via']
? req.headers['via'] + ', '
: ''
headers['Via'] += '1.1 ' + this.server_id + ' (Sinopia)'