Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio.git synced 2025-03-04 02:02:39 -05:00
Juan Picado @jotadeveloper 49c6191bb5
refactor: relocate unit test
no logic change, just path updates
2018-06-23 20:57:12 +02:00

153 lines
5.1 KiB

// @flow
import assert from 'assert';
import {generateGravatarUrl, GRAVATAR_DEFAULT} from '../../../src/utils/user';
import {spliceURL} from '../../../src/utils/string';
import Package from "../../../src/webui/src/components/Package/index";
import {validateName as validate, convertDistRemoteToLocalTarballUrls, parseReadme} from '../../../src/lib/utils';
import Logger, {setup} from '../../../src/lib/logger';
import { readFile } from '../../functional/lib/test.utils';
const readmeFile = (fileName: string = 'markdown.md') => readFile(`../../unit/partials/readme/${fileName}`);
describe('Utilities', () => {
describe('String utilities', () => {
test('should splice two strings and generate a url', () => {
const url: string = spliceURL('http://domain.com', '/-/static/logo.png');
test('should splice a empty strings and generate a url', () => {
const url: string = spliceURL('', '/-/static/logo.png');
describe('User utilities', () => {
test('should generate gravatar url with email', () => {
const gravatarUrl: string = generateGravatarUrl('user@verdaccio.org');
test('should generate generic gravatar url', () => {
const gravatarUrl: string = generateGravatarUrl();
describe('Validations', () => {
test('good ones', () => {
assert( validate('verdaccio') );
assert( validate('some.weird.package-zzz') );
assert( validate('old-package@0.1.2.tgz') );
test('uppercase', () => {
assert( validate('EVE') );
assert( validate('JSONStream') );
test('no package.json', () => {
assert( !validate('package.json') );
test('no path seps', () => {
assert( !validate('some/thing') );
assert( !validate('some\\thing') );
test('no hidden', () => {
assert( !validate('.bin') );
test('no reserved', () => {
assert( !validate('favicon.ico') );
assert( !validate('node_modules') );
assert( !validate('__proto__') );
test('other', () => {
assert( !validate('pk g') );
assert( !validate('pk\tg') );
assert( !validate('pk%20g') );
assert( !validate('pk+g') );
assert( !validate('pk:g') );
describe('Packages utilities', () => {
const metadata: Package = {
"name": "npm_test",
"versions": {
"1.0.0": {
"dist": {
"tarball": "http:\/\/registry.org\/npm_test\/-\/npm_test-1.0.0.tgz"
"1.0.1": {
"dist": {
"tarball": "http:\/\/registry.org\/npm_test\/-\/npm_test-1.0.1.tgz"
const buildURI = (host, version) => `http://${host}/npm_test/-/npm_test-${version}.tgz`;
const host = 'fake.com';
test('convertDistRemoteToLocalTarballUrls', () => {
// $FlowFixMe
const convertDist = convertDistRemoteToLocalTarballUrls(Object.assign({}, metadata), {
headers: {
get: ()=> 'http',
protocol: 'http'
}, '');
expect(convertDist.versions['1.0.0'].dist.tarball).toEqual(buildURI(host, '1.0.0'));
expect(convertDist.versions['1.0.1'].dist.tarball).toEqual(buildURI(host, '1.0.1'));
describe('parseReadme', () => {
test('should pass for ascii/makrdown text to html template', () => {
const markdown = '# markdown';
const ascii = "= AsciiDoc";
expect(parseReadme('testPackage', markdown)).toEqual('<h1 id="markdown">markdown</h1>\n');
expect(parseReadme('testPackage', ascii)).toEqual('<h1>AsciiDoc</h1>\n');
expect(parseReadme('testPackage', String(readmeFile('markdown.md')))).toMatchSnapshot();
expect(parseReadme('testPackage', String(readmeFile('ascii.adoc')))).toMatchSnapshot();
test('should pass for conversion of non-ascii to markdown text', () => {
const simpleText = 'simple text';
const randomText = '%%%%%**##==';
const randomTextNonAscii = 'simple text \n = ascii';
const randomTextMarkdown = 'simple text \n # markdown';
expect(parseReadme('testPackage', randomText)).toEqual('<p>%%%%%**##==</p>\n');
expect(parseReadme('testPackage', simpleText)).toEqual('<p>simple text</p>\n');
expect(parseReadme('testPackage', randomTextNonAscii))
.toEqual('<p>simple text \n = ascii</p>\n');
expect(parseReadme('testPackage', randomTextMarkdown))
.toEqual('<p>simple text </p>\n<h1 id="markdown">markdown</h1>\n');
test('should show error for no readme data', () => {
const noData = '';
const spy = jest.spyOn(Logger.logger, 'error')
expect(parseReadme('testPackage', noData))
.toEqual('<p>ERROR: No README data found!</p>\n');
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({'packageName': 'testPackage'}, '@{packageName}: No readme found');