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CSS classes reference
This is a full list of available classes corresponding to languages'
syntactic structures. The parentheses after language name contain identifiers
used as class names in ``<code>`` element.
Python ("python", "py", "gyp")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``built_in``: built-in objects (None, False, True and Ellipsis)
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string (of any type)
* ``comment``: comment
* ``decorator``: @-decorator for functions
* ``function``: function header "def some_name(...):"
* ``class``: class header "class SomeName(...):"
* ``title``: name of a function or a class inside a header
* ``params``: everything inside parentheses in a function's or class' header
Python profiler results ("profile")
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``built_in``: built-in function entry
* ``filename``: filename in an entry
* ``summary``: profiling summary
* ``header``: header of table of results
* ``keyword``: column header
* ``function``: function name in an entry (including parentheses)
* ``title``: actual name of a function in an entry (excluding parentheses)
* ``prompt``: interpreter prompt (>>> or ...)
Ruby ("ruby", "rb", "gemspec", "podspec", "thor", "irb")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``string``: string
* ``subst``: in-string substitution (#{...})
* ``comment``: comment
* ``yardoctag``: YARD tag
* ``function``: function header "def some_name(...):"
* ``class``: class header "class SomeName(...):"
* ``title``: name of a function or a class inside a header
* ``parent``: name of a parent class
* ``symbol``: symbol
* ``input``: complete input line (interpreter)
* ``output``: complete output line (interpreter)
* ``prompt``: interpreter prompt (>>)
* ``status``: interpreter response (=>)
Haml ("haml")
* ``tag``: any tag starting with "%"
* ``title``: tag's name
* ``attribute``: tag's attribute
* ``keyword``: tag's attribute that is a keyword
* ``string``: attribute's value that is a string
* ``value``: attribute's value, shorthand id or class for tag
* ``comment``: comment
* ``doctype``: !!! declaration
* ``bullet``: line defined by variable
Perl ("perl", "pl")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``regexp``: regular expression
* ``sub``: subroutine header (from "sub" till "{")
* ``variable``: variable starting with "$", "%", "@"
* ``operator``: operator
* ``pod``: plain old doc
PHP ("php", "php3", "php4", "php5", "php6")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string (of any type)
* ``comment``: comment
* ``phpdoc``: phpdoc params in comments
* ``variable``: variable starting with "$"
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor marks: "<?php" and "?>"
* ``class``: class header
* ``function``: header of a function
* ``title``: name of a function inside a header
* ``params``: parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
Scala ("scala")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``annotation``: annotation
* ``javadoc``: javadoc comment
* ``javadoctag``: @-tag in javadoc
* ``class``: class header
* ``title``: class name inside a header
* ``params``: everything in parentheses inside a class header
* ``inheritance``: keywords "extends" and "with" inside class header
Groovy ("groovy)
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string, map string keys and named argument labels
* ``regex``: regular expression
* ``comment``: comment
* ``annotation``: annotation
* ``javadoc``: javadoc comment
* ``javadoctag``: @-tag in javadoc
* ``class``: class header
* ``title``: class name inside a header
* ``label``: label
* ``shebang``: Groovy shell script header
Go ("go", "golang")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string constant
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: language keywords
* ``constant``: true false nil iota
* ``typename``: built-in plain types (int, string etc.)
* ``built_in``: built-in functions
Gradle ("gradle")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string and character
* ``comment``: comment
* ``regexp``: regular expression
HTML, XML ("xml", "html", "xhtml", "rss", "atom", "xsl", "plist")
* ``tag``: any tag from "<" till ">"
* ``attribute``: tag's attribute with or without value
* ``value``: attribute's value
* ``comment``: comment
* ``pi``: processing instruction (<? ... ?>)
* ``doctype``: <!DOCTYPE ... > declaration
* ``cdata``: CDATA section
Lasso ("lasso", "ls", "lassoscript")
* ``preprocessor``: delimiters and interpreter flags
* ``shebang``: Lasso 9 shell script header
* ``comment``: single- or multi-line comment
* ``javadoc``: doc comment
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``literal``: keyword representing a value
* ``built_in``: built-in types and variables
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``variable``: variable reference starting with "#" or "$"
* ``tag``: tag literal
* ``attribute``: named or rest parameter in method signature
* ``subst``: unary/binary/ternary operator symbols
* ``class``: type, trait, or method header
* ``title``: name following "define" inside a header
CSS ("css")
* ``tag``: tag in selectors
* ``id``: #some_name in selectors
* ``class``: .some_name in selectors
* ``at_rule``: @-rule till first "{" or ";"
* ``keyword``: name of @-rule after @ sign
* ``attr_selector``: attribute selector (square brackets in a[href^=http://])
* ``pseudo``: pseudo classes and elements (:after, ::after etc.)
* ``comment``: comment
* ``rules``: everything from "{" till "}"
* ``rule``: rule itself — everything inside "{" and "}"
* ``attribute``: property name inside a rule
* ``value``: property value inside a rule, from ":" till ";" or till the end of rule block
* ``number``: number within a value
* ``string``: string within a value
* ``hexcolor``: hex color (#FFFFFF) within a value
* ``function``: CSS function within a value
* ``important``: "!important" symbol
SCSS ("scss")
* ``tag``: tag in selectors
* ``id``: #some_name in selectors
* ``class``: .some_name in selectors
* ``at_rule``: @-rule till first "{" or ";"
* ``attr_selector``: attribute selector (square brackets in a[href^=http://])
* ``pseudo``: pseudo classes and elements (:after, ::after etc.)
* ``comment``: comment
* ``rules``: everything from "{" till "}"
* ``attribute``: property name inside a rule
* ``value``: property value inside a rule, from ":" till ";" or till the end of rule block
* ``number``: number within a value
* ``string``: string within a value
* ``hexcolor``: hex color (#FFFFFF) within a value
* ``function``: CSS function within a value
* ``important``: "!important" symbol
* ``variable``: variable starting with "$"
* ``preprocessor``: keywords after @
Less ("less")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``attribute``: property name
* ``variable``: @var, @@var or @{var}
* ``keyword``: Less keywords (when, extend etc.)
* ``function``: Less and CSS functions (rgba, unit etc.)
* ``tag``: tag
* ``id``: #id
* ``class``: .class
* ``at_rule``: at-rule keyword (@media, @keyframes etc.)
* ``attr_selector``: attribute selector (e.g. [href^=http://])
* ``pseudo``: pseudo classes and elements (:hover, ::before etc.)
* ``hexcolor``: hex color (#FFF)
* ``built_in``: inline javascript (or whatever host language) string
Stylus ("stylus", "styl")
* ``at_rule``: @-rule till first "{" or ";"
* ``attribute``: property name inside a rule
* ``class``: .some_name in selectors
* ``comment``: comment
* ``function``: Stylus function
* ``hexcolor``: hex color (#FFFFFF) within a value
* ``id``: #some_name in selectors
* ``number``: number within a value
* ``pseudo``: pseudo classes and elements (:after, ::after etc.)
* ``string``: string within a value
* ``tag``: tag in selectors
* ``variable``: variable starting with "$"
Markdown ("markdown", "md", "mkdown", "mkd")
* ``header``: header
* ``bullet``: list bullet
* ``emphasis``: emphasis
* ``strong``: strong emphasis
* ``blockquote``: blockquote
* ``code``: code
* ``horizontal_rule``: horizontal rule
* ``link_label``: link label
* ``link_url``: link url
* ``link_reference``: link reference
AsciiDoc ("asciidoc")
* ``header``: heading
* ``bullet``: list or labeled bullet
* ``emphasis``: emphasis
* ``strong``: strong emphasis
* ``blockquote``: blockquote
* ``code``: inline or block code
* ``horizontal_rule``: horizontal rule
* ``link_label``: link or image label
* ``link_url``: link or image url
* ``comment``: comment
* ``attribute``: document attribute, block attributes
* ``label``: admonition label
Django ("django", "jinja")
* ``keyword``: HTML tag in HTML, default tags and default filters in templates
* ``tag``: any tag from "<" till ">"
* ``comment``: template comment, both {# .. #} and {% comment %}
* ``doctype``: <!DOCTYPE ... > declaration
* ``attribute``: tag's attribute with or without value
* ``value``: attribute's value
* ``template_tag``: template tag {% .. %}
* ``variable``: template variable {{ .. }}
* ``filter``: filter from "|" till the next filter or the end of tag
* ``argument``: filter argument
Twig ("twig", "craftcms")
* ``keyword``: HTML tag in HTML, default tags and default filters in templates
* ``tag``: any tag from "<" till ">"
* ``comment``: template comment {# .. #}
* ``doctype``: <!DOCTYPE ... > declaration
* ``attribute``: tag's attribute with or withou value
* ``value``: attribute's value
* ``template_tag``: template tag {% .. %}
* ``variable``: template variable {{ .. }}
* ``filter``: filter from "|" till the next filter or the end of tag
* ``argument``: filter argument
Handlebars ("handlebars", "hbs", "html.hbs", "html.handlebars")
* ``expression``: expression to be evaluated
* ``variable``: variable
* ``begin-block``: the beginning of a block
* ``end-block``: the ending of a block
* ``string``: string
Dust ("dust", "dst")
* ``expression``: expression to be evaluated
* ``variable``: variable
* ``begin-block``: the beginning of a block
* ``end-block``: the ending of a block
* ``string``: string
JSON ("json")
* ``number``: number
* ``literal``: "true", "false" and "null"
* ``string``: string value
* ``attribute``: name of an object property
* ``value``: value of an object property
Mathematica ("mathematica", "mma")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string
* ``list``: a list { .. } - the basic Mma structure
JavaScript ("javascript", "js")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``literal``: special literal: "true", "false" and "null"
* ``built_in``: built-in objects and functions ("window", "console", "require", etc...)
* ``string``: string
* ``regexp``: regular expression
* ``function``: header of a function
* ``title``: name of a function inside a header
* ``params``: parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
* ``pi``: 'use strict' processing instruction
TypeScript ("typescript", "ts")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``literal``: special literal: "true", "false" and "null"
* ``built_in``: built-in objects and functions ("window", "console", "require", etc...)
* ``string``: string
* ``regexp``: regular expression
* ``function``: header of a function
* ``title``: name of a function inside a header
* ``params``: parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
* ``pi``: 'use strict' processing instruction
CoffeeScript ("coffeescript", "coffee", "cson", "iced")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``literal``: special literal: "true", "false" and "null"
* ``built_in``: built-in objects and functions ("window", "console", "require", etc...)
* ``string``: string
* ``subst``: #{ ... } interpolation in double-quoted strings
* ``regexp``: regular expression
* ``function``: header of a function
* ``class``: header of a class
* ``title``: name of a function variable inside a header
* ``params``: parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
* ``property``: @-property within class and functions
Dart ("dart")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``literal``: keyword that can be uses as identifier but have special meaning in some cases
* ``built_in``: some of basic built in classes and function
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``subst``: in-string substitution (${...})
* ``comment``: commment
* ``annotation``: annotation
* ``dartdoc``: dartdoc comment
* ``class``: class header from "class" till "{"
* ``title``: class name
LiveScript ("livescript", "ls")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``literal``: special literal: "true", "false" and "null"
* ``built_in``: built-in objects and functions ("window", "console", "require", etc...)
* ``string``: string
* ``subst``: #{ ... } interpolation in double-quoted strings
* ``regexp``: regular expression
* ``function``: header of a function
* ``class``: header of a class
* ``title``: name of a function variable inside a header
* ``params``: parentheses and everything inside them in a function's header
* ``property``: @-property within class and functions
ActionScript ("actionscript", "as")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: keywords
* ``literal``: literal
* ``reserved``: reserved keyword
* ``title``: name of declaration (package, class or function)
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive (import, include)
* ``type``: type of returned value (for functions)
* ``package``: package (named or not)
* ``class``: class/interface
* ``function``: function
* ``param``: params of function
* ``rest_arg``: rest argument of function
Haxe ("haxe", "hx")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: keywords
* ``literal``: literal
* ``reserved``: reserved keyword
* ``title``: name of declaration (package, class or function)
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive (if, else, elseif, error)
* ``type``: type of returned value (for functions)
* ``package``: package (named or not)
* ``class``: class/interface
* ``function``: function
* ``param``: params of function
* ``rest_arg``: rest argument of function
VBScript ("vbscript", "vbs")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``built_in``: built-in function
VB.Net ("vbnet", "vb")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``built_in``: built-in types
* ``literal``: "true", "false" and "nothing"
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``xmlDocTag``: xmldoc tag ("'''", "<!--", "-->", "<..>")
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
Protocol Buffers ("protobuf")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``built_in``: built-in types (e.g. `int64`, `string`)
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``literal``: "true" and "false"
* ``comment``: comment
* ``class``: message, service or enum definition header
* ``title``: message, service or enum identifier
* ``function``: RPC call identifier
Cap’n Proto ("capnproto", "capnp")
* ``shebang``: message identifier
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``built_in``: built-in types (e.g. `Int64`, `Text`)
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number or field number (e.g. @N)
* ``literal``: "true" and "false"
* ``comment``: comment
* ``class``: message, interface or enum definition header
* ``title``: message, interface or enum identifier
Thrift ("thrift")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``built_in``: built-in types (e.g. `byte`, `i32`)
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``literal``: "true" and "false"
* ``comment``: comment
* ``class``: struct, enum, service or exception definition header
* ``title``: struct, enum, service or exception identifier
* ``stl_container``: instantiation of STL-like containers ("list<...>")
HTTP ("http")
* ``request``: first line of a request
* ``status``: first line of a response
* ``attribute``: header name
* ``string``: header value or query string in a request line
* ``number``: status code
Lua ("lua")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``built_in``: built-in operator
* ``function``: header of a function
* ``title``: name of a function inside a header
* ``params``: everything inside parentheses in a function's header
* ``long_brackets``: multiline string in [=[ .. ]=]
Delphi ("delphi")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``comment``: comment (of any type)
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``function``: header of a function, procedure, constructor and destructor
* ``title``: name of a function, procedure, constructor or destructor inside a header
* ``params``: everything inside parentheses in a function's header
* ``class``: class' body from "= class" till "end;"
Oxygene ("oxygene")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``comment``: comment (of any type)
* ``string``: string/char
* ``function``: method, destructor, procedure or function
* ``title``: name of a function (inside function)
* ``params``: everything inside parentheses in a function's header
* ``number``: number
* ``class``: class' body from "= class" till "end;"
Java ("java", "jsp")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``annotaion``: annotation
* ``javadoc``: javadoc comment
* ``class``: class header from "class" till "{"
* ``function``: method header
* ``title``: class or method name
* ``params``: everything in parentheses inside a class header
* ``inheritance``: keywords "extends" and "implements" inside class header
Processing ("processing")
* ``constant``: Processing constants
* ``variable``: Processing special variables
* ``keyword``: Variable types
* ``function``: Processing setup and draw functions
* ``built_in``: Processing built in functions
AspectJ ("aspectj")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``annotation``: annotation
* ``javadoc``: javadoc comment
* ``operation``: method and intertype method header
* ``aspect``: aspect header from "aspect" till "{"
* ``params``: everything in parentheses inside an aspect header
* ``inheritance``: keywords "extends" and "implements" inside an aspect header
* ``title``: aspect, method name or pointcut name inside an aspect header
C++ ("cpp", "c", "h", "c++", "h++")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string and character
* ``comment``: comment
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
* ``stl_container``: instantiation of STL containers ("vector<...>")
Objective C ("objectivec", "m", "mm", "objc", "obj-c")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``built_in``: Cocoa/Cocoa Touch constants and classes
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
* ``class``: interface/implementation, protocol and forward class declaration
* ``title``: title (id) of interface, implementation, protocol, class
* ``variable``: properties and struct accessors
Vala ("vala")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``class``: class definitions
* ``title``: in class definition
* ``constant``: ALL_UPPER_CASE
C# ("cs", "csharp")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``xmlDocTag``: xmldoc tag ("///", "<!--", "-->", "<..>")
* ``class``: class header from "class" till "{"
* ``function``: method header
* ``title``: title of namespace or class
F# ("fsharp", "fs")
* ``keywords``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``class``: any custom F# type
* ``title``: the name of a custom F# type
* ``annotation``: any attribute
OCaml ("ocaml", "ml")
* ``keywords``: keyword
* ``literal``: true false etc.
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``char``: character
* ``comment``: comment
* ``built_in``: built-in type (int, list etc.)
* ``type``: variant constructor, module name
* ``tag``: polymorphic variant tag
* ``symbol``: type variable
D ("d")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string constant
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: language keywords (including @attributes)
* ``constant``: true false null
* ``built_in``: built-in plain types (int, string etc.)
RenderMan RSL ("rsl")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string (including @"..")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
* ``shader``: shader keywords
* ``shading``: shading keywords
* ``built_in``: built-in function
RenderMan RIB ("rib")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``commands``: command
Maya Embedded Language ("mel")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``variable``: variable
SQL ("sql")
* ``keyword``: keyword (mostly SQL'92, SQL'99 and T-SQL)
* ``literal``: special literal: "true" and "false"
* ``built_in``: built-in type name
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string (of any type: "..", '..', \`..\`)
* ``comment``: comment
Smalltalk ("smalltalk", "st")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``symbol``: symbol
* ``array``: array
* ``class``: name of a class
* ``char``: char
* ``localvars``: block of local variables
Lisp ("lisp")
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``variable``: variable
* ``literal``: b, t and nil
* ``list``: non-quoted list
* ``keyword``: first symbol in a non-quoted list
* ``body``: remainder of the non-quoted list
* ``quoted``: quoted list, both "(quote .. )" and "'(..)"
Clojure ("clojure", "clj")
* ``comment``: comments and hints
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``collection``: collections
* ``attribute``: :keyword
* ``list``: non-quoted list
* ``keyword``: first symbol in a list
* ``built_in``: built-in function name as the first symbol in a list
* ``prompt``: REPL prompt
Scheme ("scheme")
* ``shebang``: script interpreter header
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``regexp``: regexp
* ``variable``: single-quote 'identifier
* ``list``: non-quoted list
* ``keyword``: first symbol in a list
* ``built_in``: built-in function name as the first symbol in a list
* ``literal``: #t, #f, #\...\
Ini ("ini")
* ``title``: title of a section
* ``value``: value of a setting of any type
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: boolean value keyword
Apache ("apache", "apacheconf")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``comment``: comment
* ``literal``: On and Off
* ``sqbracket``: variables in rewrites "%{..}"
* ``cbracket``: options in rewrites "[..]"
* ``tag``: begin and end of a configuration section
Nginx ("nginx", "nginxconf")
* ``title``: directive title
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``comment``: comment
* ``built_in``: built-in constant
* ``variable``: $-variable
* ``regexp``: regexp
Diff ("diff", "patch")
* ``header``: file header
* ``chunk``: chunk header within a file
* ``addition``: added lines
* ``deletion``: deleted lines
* ``change``: changed lines
DOS ("dos", "bat", "cmd")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``flow``: batch control keyword
* ``stream``: DOS special files ("con", "prn", ...)
* ``winutils``: some commands (see dos.js specifically)
* ``envvar``: environment variables
PowerShell ("powershell", "ps")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``comment``: comment
* ``literal``: special literal: "true" and "false"
* ``variable``: variable
Bash ("bash", "sh", "zsh")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``comment``: comment
* ``literal``: special literal: "true" and "false"
* ``variable``: variable
* ``shebang``: script interpreter header
Makefile ("makefile", "mk", "mak")
* ``keyword``: keyword ".PHONY" within the phony line
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``variable``: $(..) variable
* ``title``: target title
* ``constant``: constant within the initial definition
CMake ("cmake", "cmake.in")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``envvar``: $-variable
* ``operator``: operator (LESS, STREQUAL, MATCHES, etc)
Nix ("nix")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``built_in``: built-in constant
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: single and double quotes
* ``subst``: antiquote ${}
* ``comment``: comment
* ``variable``: function parameter name
NSIS ("nsis")
* ``symbol``: directory constants
* ``number``: number
* ``constant``: definitions, language-strings, compiler commands
* ``variable``: $-variable
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``params``: parameters
* ``keyword``: keywords
* ``literal``: keyword options
Axapta ("axapta")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``class``: class header from "class" till "{"
* ``title``: class name inside a header
* ``params``: everything in parentheses inside a class header
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
Oracle Rules Language ("ruleslanguage")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string constant
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: language keywords
* ``built_in``: built-in functions
* ``array``: array stem
1C ("1c")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``date``: date
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``function``: header of function or procedure
* ``title``: function name inside a header
* ``params``: everything in parentheses inside a function header
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
x86 Assembly ("x86asm")
* ``keyword``: instruction mnemonic
* ``literal``: register name
* ``pseudo``: assembler's pseudo instruction
* ``preprocessor``: macro
* ``built_in``: assembler's keyword
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``label``: jump label
* ``argument``: macro's argument
AVR assembler ("avrasm")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``built_in``: pre-defined register
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``label``: label
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
* ``localvars``: substitution in .macro
VHDL ("vhdl")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``literal``: signal logical value
* ``typename``: typename
* ``attribute``: signal attribute
Parser3 ("parser3")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``comment``: comment
* ``variable``: variable starting with "$"
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
* ``title``: user-defined name starting with "@"
LiveCode Server ("livecodeserver")
* ``variable``: variable starting with "g", "t", "p", "s", "$_"
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``title``: name of a command or a function
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``constant``: constant
* ``operator``: operator
* ``built_in``: built_in functions and commands
* ``function``: header of a function
* ``command``: header of a command
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor marks: "<?", "<?rev", "<?lc", "<?livecode" and "?>"
TeX ("tex")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``command``: command
* ``parameter``: parameter
* ``formula``: formula
* ``special``: special symbol
Haskell ("haskell", "hs")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``pragma``: GHC pragma
* ``preprocessor``: CPP preprocessor directive
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``title``: function or variable name
* ``type``: value, type or type class constructor name (i.e. capitalized)
* ``container``: (..., ...) or {...; ...} list in declaration or record
* ``module``: module declaration
* ``import``: import declaration
* ``class``: type class or instance declaration
* ``typedef``: type declaration (type, newtype, data)
* ``default``: default declaration
* ``infix``: infix declaration
* ``foreign``: FFI declaration
* ``shebang``: shebang line
Erlang ("erlang", "erl")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``record_name``: record access (#record_name)
* ``title``: name of declaration function
* ``variable``: variable (starts with capital letter or with _)
* ``pp``:.keywords module's attribute (-attribute)
* ``function_name``: atom or atom:atom in case of function call
Elixir ("elixir")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``string``: string
* ``subst``: in-string substitution (#{...})
* ``comment``: comment
* ``function``: function header "def some_name(...):"
* ``class``: defmodule and defrecord headers
* ``title``: name of a function or a module inside a header
* ``symbol``: atom
* ``constant``: name of a module
* ``number``: number
* ``variable``: variable
* ``regexp``: regexp
Rust ("rust", "rs")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``title``: name of declaration
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
Matlab ("matlab")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``title``: function name
* ``function``: function
* ``param``: params of function
* ``matrix``: matrix in [ .. ]
* ``cell``: cell in { .. }
Scilab ("scilab", "sci")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``title``: function name
* ``function``: function
* ``param``: params of function
* ``matrix``: matrix in [ .. ]
R ("r")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string constant
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: language keywords (function, if) plus "structural" functions (attach, require, setClass)
* ``literal``: special literal: TRUE, FALSE, NULL, NA, etc.
OpenGL Shading Language ("glsl")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``preprocessor``: preprocessor directive
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``built_in``: GLSL built-in functions and variables
* ``literal``: true false
AppleScript ("applescript", "osascript")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``command``: core AppleScript command
* ``constant``: AppleScript built in constant
* ``type``: AppleScript variable type (integer, etc.)
* ``property``: Applescript built in property (length, etc.)
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``title``: name of a handler
Vim Script ("vim")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``built_in``: built-in functions
* ``string``: string, comment
* ``number``: number
* ``function``: function header "function Foo(...)"
* ``title``: name of a function
* ``params``: everything inside parentheses in a function's header
* ``variable``: vim variables with different visibilities "g:foo, b:bar"
Brainfuck ("brainfuck", "bf")
* ``title``: Brainfuck while loop command
* ``literal``: Brainfuck inc and dec commands
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: Brainfuck input and output commands
Mizar ("mizar")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``comment``: comment
AutoHotkey ("autohotkey")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``literal``: A (active window), true, false, NOT, AND, OR
* ``built_in``: built-in variables
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``var_expand``: variable expansion (enclosed in percent sign)
* ``label``: label, hotkey label, hotstring label
Monkey ("monkey")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``built_in``: built-in functions, variables and types of variables
* ``literal``: True, False, Null, And, Or, Shl, Shr, Mod
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``function``: header of a function, method and constructor
* ``class``: class header
* ``title``: name of an alias, class, interface, function or method inside a header
* ``variable``: self and super keywords
* ``preprocessor``: import and preprocessor
* ``pi``: Strict directive
FIX ("fix")
* ``attribute``: attribute name
* ``string``: attribute value
Gherkin ("gherkin")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string
Nimrod ("nimrod")
* ``decorator`` pragma
* ``string`` string literal
* ``type`` variable type
* ``number`` numeric literal
* ``comment`` comment
Swift ("swift")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``literal``: special literal: "true", "false" and "nil"
* ``built_in``: built-in Swift functions
* ``func``: header of a function
* ``class``: class, protocol, enum, struct, or extension declaration
* ``title``: name of a function or class (or protocol, etc)
* ``generics``: generic type of a function
* ``params``: parameters of a function
* ``type``: a type
* ``preprocessor``: @attributes
G-Code ("gcode", "nc")
* ``keyword``: G words, looping constructs and conditional operators
* ``comment``: comment
* ``number``: number
* ``built_in``: trigonometric and mathematical functions
* ``title``: M words and variable registers
* ``preprocessor``: program number and ending character
* ``label``: block number
Q ("k", "kdb")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string constant
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: language keywords
* ``constant``: 0/1b
* ``typename``: built-in plain types (int, symbol etc.)
* ``built_in``: built-in function
Tcl ("tcl", "tk")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``comment``: comment
* ``symbol``: function (proc)
* ``variable``: variable
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
Puppet ("puppet", "pp")
* ``comment``: comment
* ``string``: string
* ``number``: number
* ``keyword``: classes and types
* ``constant``: dependencies
Stata ("stata")
* ``keyword``: commands and control flow
* ``label``: macros (locals and globals)
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``literal``: built-in functions
XL ("xl", "tao")
* ``keyword``: keywords defined in the default syntax file
* ``literal``: names entered in the compiler (true, false, nil)
* ``type``: basic types (integer, real, text, name, etc)
* ``built_in``: built-in functions (sin, exp, mod, etc)
* ``module``: names of frequently used Tao modules
* ``id``: names of frequently used Tao functions
* ``constant``: all-uppercase names such as HELLO
* ``variable``: Mixed-case names such as Hello (style convention)
* ``id``: Lower-case names such as hello
* ``string``: Text between single or double quote, long text << >>
* ``number``: Number values
* ``function``: Function or variable definition
* ``import``: Import clause
Roboconf ("graph", "instances")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``string``: names of imported variables
* ``comment``: comment
* ``facet``: a **facet** section
* ``component``: a **component** section
* ``instance-of``: an **instance** section
STEP Part 21 ("p21", "step", "stp")
* ``preprocessor``: delimiters
* ``comment``: single- or multi-line comment
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``number``: number
* ``string``: string
* ``label``: variable reference starting with "#"
Mercury ("mercury")
* ``keyword``: keyword
* ``pragma``: compiler directive
* ``preprocessor``: foreign language interface
* ``built_in``: control flow, logical, implication, head-body conjunction, purity
* ``number``: number, numcode of character
* ``comment``: comment
* ``label``: TODO label inside comment
* ``string``: string
* ``constant``: string format
Smali ("smali")
* ``string``: string
* ``comment``: comment
* ``keyword``: smali keywords
* ``instruction``: instruction
* ``class``: classtypes
* ``function``: function (call or signature)
* ``variable``: variable or parameter
Verilog ("verilog", "v")
* ``keyword``: keyword, operator
* ``comment``: comment
* ``typename``: types of data, register, and net
* ``number``: number literals (including X and Z)
* ``value``: parameters passed to instances