Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio.git synced 2025-03-11 02:15:57 -05:00
Juan Picado 54606976c3
chore(website): improve api docs part 2 (#3431)
* chore: remove unused package

* Update pnpm-lock.yaml

* chore: improve types in general plugins
2022-10-11 23:06:55 +02:00

241 lines
7.2 KiB

/* eslint-disable jest/no-mocks-import */
import path from 'path';
import { fileUtils, pluginUtils } from '@verdaccio/core';
import { logger, setup } from '@verdaccio/logger';
import LocalDatabase, { ERROR_DB_LOCKED } from '../src/local-database';
const mockWrite = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve());
const mockmkdir = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve());
const mockRead = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve());
jest.mock('../src/fs', () => ({
mkdirPromise: () => mockRead(),
readFilePromise: () => mockmkdir(),
writeFilePromise: () => mockWrite(),
const optionsPlugin: pluginUtils.PluginOptions = {
// @ts-expect-error
config: null,
let locaDatabase: pluginUtils.Storage<{}>;
describe('Local Database', () => {
let tmpFolder;
beforeEach(async () => {
tmpFolder = await fileUtils.createTempFolder('local-storage-plugin-');
const tempFolder = path.join(tmpFolder, 'verdaccio-test.yaml');
// @ts-expect-error
locaDatabase = new LocalDatabase(
// @ts-expect-error
storage: 'storage',
configPath: tempFolder,
checkSecretKey: () => 'fooX',
await (locaDatabase as any).init();
(locaDatabase as any).clean();
afterEach(() => {
test('should create an instance', () => {
test('should display log error if fails on load database', async () => {
mockmkdir.mockImplementation(() => {
throw Error();
const tmpFolder = await fileUtils.createTempFolder('local-storage-plugin-');
const tempFolder = path.join(tmpFolder, 'verdaccio-test.yaml');
const instance = new LocalDatabase(
// @ts-expect-error
storage: 'storage',
config_path: tempFolder,
await expect(instance.init()).rejects.toEqual(new Error(ERROR_DB_LOCKED));
// expect(optionsPlugin.logger.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
describe('should handle secret', () => {
test('should create get secret', async () => {
const secretKey = await locaDatabase.getSecret();
expect(typeof secretKey === 'string').toBeTruthy();
test('should create set secret', async () => {
await locaDatabase.setSecret('foooo');
const fetchedSecretKey = await locaDatabase.getSecret();
test.todo('write tarball');
test.todo('read tarball');
// describe('getPackageStorage', () => {
// test('should get default storage', () => {
// const pkgName = 'someRandomePackage';
// const storage = locaDatabase.getPackageStorage(pkgName);
// expect(storage).toBeDefined();
// if (storage) {
// const storagePath = path.normalize((storage as ILocalFSPackageManager).path).toLowerCase();
// expect(storagePath).toBe(
// path
// .normalize(
// path.join(__dirname, '__fixtures__', optionsPlugin.config.storage || '', pkgName)
// )
// .toLowerCase()
// );
// }
// });
// test('should use custom storage', () => {
// const pkgName = 'local-private-custom-storage';
// const storage = locaDatabase.getPackageStorage(pkgName);
// expect(storage).toBeDefined();
// if (storage) {
// const storagePath = path.normalize((storage as ILocalFSPackageManager).path).toLowerCase();
// expect(storagePath).toBe(
// path
// .normalize(
// path.join(
// __dirname,
// '__fixtures__',
// optionsPlugin.config.storage || '',
// 'private_folder',
// pkgName
// )
// )
// .toLowerCase()
// );
// }
// });
// });
// describe('Database CRUD', () => {
// test('should add an item to database', (done) => {
// const pgkName = 'jquery';
// locaDatabase.get((err, data) => {
// expect(err).toBeNull();
// expect(data).toHaveLength(0);
// locaDatabase.add(pgkName, (err) => {
// expect(err).toBeNull();
// locaDatabase.get((err, data) => {
// expect(err).toBeNull();
// expect(data).toHaveLength(1);
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// test('should remove an item to database', (done) => {
// const pgkName = 'jquery';
// locaDatabase.get((err, data) => {
// expect(err).toBeNull();
// expect(data).toHaveLength(0);
// locaDatabase.add(pgkName, (err) => {
// expect(err).toBeNull();
// locaDatabase.remove(pgkName, (err) => {
// expect(err).toBeNull();
// locaDatabase.get((err, data) => {
// expect(err).toBeNull();
// expect(data).toHaveLength(0);
// done();
// });
// });
// });
// });
// });
// });
// describe('search', () => {
// const onPackageMock = jest.fn((item, cb) => cb());
// const validatorMock = jest.fn(() => true);
// const callSearch = (db, numberTimesCalled, cb): void => {
// db.search(
// onPackageMock,
// function onEnd() {
// expect(onPackageMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(numberTimesCalled);
// cb();
// },
// validatorMock
// );
// };
// test('should find scoped packages', (done) => {
// const scopedPackages = ['@pkg1/test'];
// const stats = { mtime: new Date() };
// jest.spyOn(fs, 'stat').mockImplementation((_, cb) => cb(null, stats as fs.Stats));
// jest
// .spyOn(fs, 'readdir')
// .mockImplementation((storePath, cb) =>
// cb(null, storePath.match('test-storage') ? scopedPackages : [])
// );
// callSearch(locaDatabase, 1, done);
// });
// test('should find non scoped packages', (done) => {
// const nonScopedPackages = ['pkg1', 'pkg2'];
// const stats = { mtime: new Date() };
// jest.spyOn(fs, 'stat').mockImplementation((_, cb) => cb(null, stats as fs.Stats));
// jest
// .spyOn(fs, 'readdir')
// .mockImplementation((storePath, cb) =>
// cb(null, storePath.match('test-storage') ? nonScopedPackages : [])
// );
// const db = new LocalDatabase(
// assign({}, optionsPlugin.config, {
// // clean up this, it creates noise
// packages: {},
// }),
// optionsPlugin.logger
// );
// callSearch(db, 2, done);
// });
// test('should fails on read the storage', (done) => {
// const spyInstance = jest
// .spyOn(fs, 'readdir')
// .mockImplementation((_, cb) => cb(Error('fails'), null));
// const db = new LocalDatabase(
// assign({}, optionsPlugin.config, {
// // clean up this, it creates noise
// packages: {},
// }),
// optionsPlugin.logger
// );
// callSearch(db, 0, done);
// spyInstance.mockRestore();
// });
// });
// NOTE: Crear test para verificar que se crea el storage file