--- id: amazon title: 'Amazon Web Services' --- This document describes several approaches for deploying Verdaccio in the AWS cloud. ## EC2 {#ec2} [CloudFormation template for deploying this stack.](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/contrib/aws/cloudformation-ec2-efs.yaml) Architecture: ``` Clients | | (HTTPS) v Application Load Balancer | | (HTTP) v EC2 Auto Scaling Group (Amazon Linux 2) Docker image (Verdaccio) | | (NFS) v Elastic File System ``` Architecture notes: - Deploy this stack into the region closest to your users for maximum performance. - We use an auto scaling group primarily for self-healing. The system requirements of Verdaccio are pretty low, so it's unlikely you'll need multiple instances to handle traffic load. - Because Amazon Linux 2 doesn't include Node, we run Verdaccio as a Docker image rather than natively on the instance. This is faster and more secure than relying on third party package sources for Node. - Elastic File System is cheap and stateful, and works across AZs. An alternative would be the [third-party S3 storage plugin](https://github.com/remitly/verdaccio-s3-storage). - For backup, use AWS Backup Estimated monthly cost for a small installation (in us-east-1): - ALB (1 LCU average): $22.265/mo - EC2 (t3.nano): $3.796/mo - EBS (8gb): $0.80/mo - EFS (5gb): $1.5/mo - Data transfer: (10gb): $0.9/mo - **TOTAL:** Under $30/mo ## ECS {#ecs} You can deploy Verdaccio as a task with an [ECS Volume](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/using_data_volumes.html) for persistent storage. Note: Fargate doesn't support persistent volumes, so you have to use the S3 storage plugin. ## EKS {#eks} See the documentation pages on [Kubernetes](kubernetes) and [Docker](docker). ### Deploying Verdaccio on AWS ## Setup & Configuration {#setup--configuration} **Step 1:** Open SSH & Login in using your EC2 key. **Step 2:** Install Node Version Manager (nvm) first, close and re-open the SSH using your EC2 key. `sudo apt update` `wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash` `exit` **Step 3:** Install Node using Node Version Manager (nvm) `nvm install node` **Step 4:** Install Verdaccio & pm2, will require to run Verdaccio service in background `npm i -g verdaccio pm2` **Step 5:** Set the verdaccio registry as a source. By default original NPM registry set. `npm set registry http://localhost:4873` `npm set ca null` **Step 6:** Run Verdaccio and stop it (ctrl+c). It will create a config file we will use. `verdaccio` **Step 7:** Now do below configuration for listening to all addresses on that server machine / EC2 instance. [(read more)](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/master/conf/full.yaml) Open and edit `config.yaml` file: ` nano .config/verdaccio/config.yaml` or ` nano ~/verdaccio/config.yaml` Add below lines at the end. [(read more)](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/ff409ab7c05542a152100e3bc39cfadb36a8a080/conf/full.yaml#L113) ``` listen: - ``` Change below line so that only authenticated person can access our registry `Replace "access: $all" with "access: $authenticated"` (Optional) Change below line according to how many users you wish to grant access to the scoped registry `Replace "#max_users: 1000" with "max_users: 1"` There are some more parameters available to configure it. Like storage, proxy, default port change. [(read more)](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/blob/ff409ab7c05542a152100e3bc39cfadb36a8a080/conf/full.yaml#L113) **Step 8:** Run Verdaccio in background using PM2: `pm2 start verdaccio` **Step 9:** Now, You can access your Verdaccio web UI. The URL will look like something: `http://ec2-..compute.amazonaws.com:4873` or `http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873 (You can check your EC2 instance public ip from AWS console)` To confirm Verdaccio's running status, run the command below: ` pm2 list` To make Verdaccio launch on startup, run the commands below: `pm2 stop verdaccio` `pm2 delete verdaccio` `pm2 startup` This will show a command in your terminal. Copy / paste it and execute it to have pm2 make a startup service for you. `which verdaccio` Copy the path shown by this command. `pm2 start /home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v17.1.0/bin/verdaccio` (put the path you copied from command above). `pm2 status` This should show "online" on the status of verdaccio service. `pm2 save` Now when you reboot the EC2 instance, it should launch verdaccio. **Step 10:** Registering a user in verdaccio registry ` npm adduser` It will ask for username, password and valid email id to be entered. Make a note of this details that will use later to login in verdaccio registry to publish our library. **Step 11:** Now we are ready to use our AWS server instance work as a private registry. Login into verdaccio registry. Enter the same username, password and email id set in above Step. ` npm set registry http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873` ` npm login` **Step 12:** Go to your custom library package path. In my case this is my Angular 7 package path -> `/libraries/dist/your-library-name/your-library-name-0.0.1.tgz` If you like to know how to create angular 7 library/package then [(click here)](https://www.howtoinmagento.com/2019/11/how-to-create-your-first-angular-7.html) ` cd [custom library package path]` **Step 13:** Finally publish our library `your-library-name-0.0.1.tgz` on verdaccio registry ` [custom library package path] >> npm publish your-library-name-0.0.1.tgz` or ` [custom library package path] >> npm publish` or ` [custom library package path] >> npm publish --registry http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873` Now browse ` http://your-ec2-public-ip-address:4873` and you will see new library package there.