/** * @prettier */ // @flow export const DEFAULT_PORT: string = '4873'; export const DEFAULT_PROTOCOL: string = 'http'; export const DEFAULT_DOMAIN: string = 'localhost'; export const TIME_EXPIRATION_24H: string = '24h'; export const TIME_EXPIRATION_7D: string = '7d'; export const DIST_TAGS = 'dist-tags'; export const DEFAULT_MIN_LIMIT_PASSWORD: number = 3; export const keyPem = 'verdaccio-key.pem'; export const certPem = 'verdaccio-cert.pem'; export const csrPem = 'verdaccio-csr.pem'; export const HEADERS = { JSON: 'application/json', CONTENT_TYPE: 'Content-type', FORWARDED_PROTO: 'X-Forwarded-Proto', ETAG: 'ETag', JSON_CHARSET: 'application/json; charset=utf-8', OCTET_STREAM: 'application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8', TEXT_CHARSET: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8', WWW_AUTH: 'WWW-Authenticate', GZIP: 'gzip', }; export const CHARACTER_ENCODING = { UTF8: 'utf8', }; export const HEADER_TYPE = { CONTENT_ENCODING: 'content-encoding', CONTENT_TYPE: 'content-type', CONTENT_LENGTH: 'content-length', ACCEPT_ENCODING: 'accept-encoding', }; export const ERROR_CODE = { token_required: 'token is required', }; export const TOKEN_BASIC = 'Basic'; export const TOKEN_BEARER = 'Bearer'; export const DEFAULT_REGISTRY = 'https://registry.npmjs.org'; export const DEFAULT_UPLINK = 'npmjs'; export const ROLES = { $ALL: '$all', ALL: 'all', $AUTH: '$authenticated', $ANONYMOUS: '$anonymous', DEPRECATED_ALL: '@all', DEPRECATED_AUTH: '@authenticated', DEPRECATED_ANONYMOUS: '@anonymous', }; export const HTTP_STATUS = { OK: 200, CREATED: 201, MULTIPLE_CHOICES: 300, NOT_MODIFIED: 304, BAD_REQUEST: 400, UNAUTHORIZED: 401, FORBIDDEN: 403, NOT_FOUND: 404, CONFLICT: 409, UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA: 415, BAD_DATA: 422, INTERNAL_ERROR: 500, SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: 503, LOOP_DETECTED: 508, }; export const API_MESSAGE = { PKG_CREATED: 'created new package', PKG_CHANGED: 'package changed', PKG_REMOVED: 'package removed', PKG_PUBLISHED: 'package published', TARBALL_UPLOADED: 'tarball uploaded successfully', TARBALL_REMOVED: 'tarball removed', TAG_UPDATED: 'tags updated', TAG_REMOVED: 'tag removed', TAG_ADDED: 'package tagged', LOGGED_OUT: 'Logged out', }; export const SUPPORT_ERRORS = { PLUGIN_MISSING_INTERFACE: 'the plugin does not provide implementation of the requested feature', TFA_DISABLED: 'the two-factor authentication is not yet supported', }; export const API_ERROR = { PASSWORD_SHORT: (passLength: number = DEFAULT_MIN_LIMIT_PASSWORD) => `The provided password is too short. Please pick a password longer than ${passLength} characters.`, MUST_BE_LOGGED: 'You must be logged in to publish packages.', PLUGIN_ERROR: 'bug in the auth plugin system', CONFIG_BAD_FORMAT: 'config file must be an object', BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD: 'bad username/password, access denied', NO_PACKAGE: 'no such package available', BAD_DATA: 'bad data', NOT_ALLOWED: 'not allowed to access package', INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: 'internal server error', UNKNOWN_ERROR: 'unknown error', NOT_PACKAGE_UPLINK: 'package does not exist on uplink', UPLINK_OFFLINE_PUBLISH: 'one of the uplinks is down, refuse to publish', UPLINK_OFFLINE: 'uplink is offline', CONTENT_MISMATCH: 'content length mismatch', NOT_FILE_UPLINK: "file doesn't exist on uplink", MAX_USERS_REACHED: 'maximum amount of users reached', VERSION_NOT_EXIST: "this version doesn't exist", FILE_NOT_FOUND: 'File not found', BAD_STATUS_CODE: 'bad status code', PACKAGE_EXIST: 'this package is already present', BAD_AUTH_HEADER: 'bad authorization header', WEB_DISABLED: 'Web interface is disabled in the config file', DEPRECATED_BASIC_HEADER: 'basic authentication is deprecated, please use JWT instead', BAD_FORMAT_USER_GROUP: 'user groups is different than an array', RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE: 'resource unavailable', BAD_PACKAGE_DATA: 'bad incoming package data', }; export const APP_ERROR = { CONFIG_NOT_VALID: 'CONFIG: it does not look like a valid config file', PROFILE_ERROR: 'profile unexpected error', }; export const DEFAULT_NO_README = 'ERROR: No README data found!'; export const MODULE_NOT_FOUND = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; export const WEB_TITLE = 'Verdaccio'; export const PACKAGE_ACCESS = { SCOPE: '@*/*', ALL: '**', }; export const UPDATE_BANNER = { CHANGELOG_URL: 'https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/releases/tag/', }; export const STORAGE = { PACKAGE_FILE_NAME: 'package.json', FILE_EXIST_ERROR: 'EEXISTS', NO_SUCH_FILE_ERROR: 'ENOENT', DEFAULT_REVISION: '0-0000000000000000', };