`verdaccio` is a fork of **sinopia** and it's backwards compatible. 🚀🚨🚨🚨🚨 **<--- Here we will have a fancy logo soon -->** 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚀 You can vote 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 or contribute in [this thread](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/237). ## Why should I use verdaccio?👌 * I am/was **sinopia** user and need an **easy migration**. * I need a lightweight and free solution 🎉 to host my private packages and no license worries 🎊. * I need long-term support and help when I got stuck. * I want a product compatible with the newer tools as **Yarn** and **DevOps (Docker, Ansible, Puppet, etc)** tools. * An evolving plugabble product, not only for **Authentification**, also for **Storage** and more in the future. * An active community 🙋♂️🙋. * Integration with **Nexus**, **Artifactoy** and any other npm compatible registry. A bunch more of reasons [you might be interested](https://medium.com/@jotadeveloper/five-use-cases-where-a-npm-private-proxy-fits-in-your-workflow-632a81779c14). ### Why we forked from Sinopia? 🚀 It [appeared that sinopia maintenance had stalled and the author had abandoned it](https://github.com/rlidwka/sinopia/issues/376), so there was a suggestion that the sinopia-using community would benefit from a fresh look at the code and the outstanding issues. So here we are 🎉🎉🎉. The last step about the [detach from sinopia](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/38). ### Near Future 🚧 `verdaccio` aims to be compatible with sinopia along the time preserving the main features, a lightweight app based on local file system and easy installation but being able to be pluggable and built over a modern tool stack. ## Getting Started * [Installation](install.md) * [Command Line](cli.md) * [Understand the configuration file](config.md) * [Setting up *uplinks*](uplinks.md) * [Packages Access](packages.md) * [Enable Notifications](notifications.md) * [Authorization and access](auth.md) * [Logs](logger.md) * [Configure the Web](web.md) ## Advanced Configurations * [SSL Certificates](ssl.md) * [Installing Plugins](plugins.md) ## Servers * [Advanced Server Configuration](server.md) * [Reverse Proxy](reverse-proxy.md) ### Windows Configurations * [Installing As a Windows Service](windows.md) * [Installing on IIS server](iis-server.md) ## DevOps * [Ansible](ansible.md) * [Docker](docker.md) ## Recipes * [Learn how to protect your packages](recipes/protect-your-dependencies.md)