import buildDebug from 'debug'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { createAnonymousRemoteUser } from '@verdaccio/config'; import { API_ERROR, HTTP_STATUS, TOKEN_BASIC, TOKEN_BEARER, errorUtils, pluginUtils, } from '@verdaccio/core'; import { aesDecrypt, aesDecryptDeprecated, parseBasicPayload, verifyPayload, } from '@verdaccio/signature'; import { AuthPackageAllow, Config, Logger, RemoteUser, Security } from '@verdaccio/types'; import { ActionsAllowed, AllowAction, AllowActionCallback, AuthMiddlewarePayload, AuthTokenHeader, TokenEncryption, } from './types'; const debug = buildDebug('verdaccio:auth:utils'); /** * Split authentication header eg: Bearer [secret_token] * @param authorizationHeader auth token */ export function parseAuthTokenHeader(authorizationHeader: string): AuthTokenHeader { const parts = authorizationHeader.split(' '); const [scheme, token] = parts; return { scheme, token }; } export function parseAESCredentials( authorizationHeader: string, secret: string, enhanced: boolean ) { debug('parseAESCredentials'); const { scheme, token } = parseAuthTokenHeader(authorizationHeader); // basic is deprecated and should not be enforced // basic is currently being used for functional test if (scheme.toUpperCase() === TOKEN_BASIC.toUpperCase()) { debug('legacy header basic'); const credentials = convertPayloadToBase64(token).toString(); return credentials; } else if (scheme.toUpperCase() === TOKEN_BEARER.toUpperCase()) { debug('legacy header bearer'); debug('legacy header enhanced?', enhanced); const credentials = enhanced ? aesDecrypt(token.toString(), secret) : // FUTURE: once deprecated legacy is removed this logic won't be longer need it aesDecryptDeprecated(convertPayloadToBase64(token), secret).toString('utf-8'); return credentials; } } export function getMiddlewareCredentials( security: Security, secretKey: string, authorizationHeader: string, enhanced: boolean = true ): AuthMiddlewarePayload { debug('getMiddlewareCredentials'); // comment out for debugging purposes if (isAESLegacy(security)) { debug('is legacy'); const credentials = parseAESCredentials(authorizationHeader, secretKey, enhanced); if (!credentials) { debug('parse legacy credentials failed'); return; } const parsedCredentials = parseBasicPayload(credentials); if (!parsedCredentials) { debug('parse legacy basic payload credentials failed'); return; } return parsedCredentials; } const { scheme, token } = parseAuthTokenHeader(authorizationHeader); debug('is jwt'); if (_.isString(token) && scheme.toUpperCase() === TOKEN_BEARER.toUpperCase()) { return verifyJWTPayload(token, secretKey); } } export function isAESLegacy(security: Security): boolean { const { legacy, jwt } = security.api; return _.isNil(legacy) === false && _.isNil(jwt) && legacy === true; } export async function getApiToken( auth: TokenEncryption, config: Config, remoteUser: RemoteUser, aesPassword: string ): Promise { debug('get api token'); const { security } = config; if (isAESLegacy(security)) { debug('security legacy enabled'); // fallback all goes to AES encryption return await new Promise((resolve): void => { resolve(auth.aesEncrypt(buildUser( as string, aesPassword))); }); } const { jwt } = security.api; if (jwt?.sign) { return await auth.jwtEncrypt(remoteUser, jwt.sign); } return await new Promise((resolve): void => { resolve(auth.aesEncrypt(buildUser( as string, aesPassword))); }); } export const expireReasons: string[] = ['JsonWebTokenError', 'TokenExpiredError']; export function verifyJWTPayload(token: string, secret: string): RemoteUser { try { const payload: RemoteUser = verifyPayload(token, secret); return payload; } catch (error: any) { // #168 this check should be removed as soon AES encrypt is removed. if (expireReasons.includes( { // it might be possible the jwt configuration is enabled and // old tokens fails still remains in usage, thus // we return an anonymous user to force log in. return createAnonymousRemoteUser(); } throw errorUtils.getCode(HTTP_STATUS.UNAUTHORIZED, error.message); } } export function isAuthHeaderValid(authorization: string): boolean { return authorization.split(' ').length === 2; } /** * Return a default configuration for authentication if none is provided. * @param logger {Logger} * @returns object of default implementations. */ export function getDefaultPlugins(logger: Logger): pluginUtils.Auth { return { authenticate(_user: string, _password: string, cb: pluginUtils.AuthCallback): void { debug('triggered default authenticate method'); cb(errorUtils.getForbidden(API_ERROR.BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD)); }, adduser(_user: string, _password: string, cb: pluginUtils.AuthUserCallback): void { debug('triggered default adduser method'); return cb(errorUtils.getConflict(API_ERROR.BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD)); }, // @ts-ignore allow_access: allow_action('access', logger), // @ts-ignore allow_publish: allow_action('publish', logger), allow_unpublish: handleSpecialUnpublish(logger), }; } export function allow_action(action: ActionsAllowed, logger: Logger): AllowAction { return function allowActionCallback( user: RemoteUser, pkg: AuthPackageAllow, callback: AllowActionCallback ): void { logger.trace({ remote: }, `[auth/allow_action]: user: @{remote}`); const { name, groups } = user; debug('allow_action "%s": groups %s', action, groups); const groupAccess = pkg[action] as string[]; debug('allow_action "%s": groupAccess %s', action, groupAccess); const hasPermission = groupAccess.some((group) => { return name === group || groups.includes(group); }); debug('package "%s" has permission "%s"', name, hasPermission); logger.trace( { pkgName:, hasPermission, remote:, groupAccess }, `[auth/allow_action]: hasPermission? @{hasPermission} for user: @{remote}, package: @{pkgName}` ); if (hasPermission) { logger.trace({ remote: }, `auth/allow_action: access granted to: @{remote}`); return callback(null, true); } if (name) { callback( errorUtils.getForbidden(`user ${name} is not allowed to ${action} package ${}`) ); } else { callback( errorUtils.getUnauthorized(`authorization required to ${action} package ${}`) ); } }; } /** * */ export function handleSpecialUnpublish(logger: Logger): any { return function (user: RemoteUser, pkg: AuthPackageAllow, callback: AllowActionCallback): void { const action = 'unpublish'; // verify whether the unpublish prop has been defined const isUnpublishMissing: boolean = !pkg[action]; debug('is unpublish method missing ? %s', isUnpublishMissing); const hasGroups: boolean = isUnpublishMissing ? false : (pkg[action] as string[]).length > 0; logger.trace( { user:, name:, hasGroups }, `fallback unpublish for @{name} has groups: @{hasGroups} for @{user}` ); if (isUnpublishMissing || hasGroups === false) { return callback(null, undefined); } logger.trace( { user:, name:, action, hasGroups }, `allow_action for @{action} for @{name} has groups: @{hasGroups} for @{user}` ); return allow_action(action, logger)(user, pkg, callback); }; } export function buildUser(name: string, password: string): string { return String(`${name}:${password}`); } export function convertPayloadToBase64(payload: string): Buffer { return Buffer.from(payload, 'base64'); }