id: uplinks
title: "Uplinks"

An *uplink* is a link with an external registry that provides acccess to external packages.


### Usage

   url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
    url: http://mirror.local.net/
    timeout: 100ms
    url: http://mirror2.local.net:9000/
    url: http://localhost:55666/
### Configuration

You can define mutiple uplinks and each of them must have an unique name (key). They can have two properties:

Property | Type | Required | Example | Support | Description | Default
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
url | string | Yes | https://registry.npmjs.org/ | all | The registry url | npmjs
ca | string | No | ~./ssl/client.crt' | all | SSL path certificate | No default
timeout | string | No | 100ms | all | set new timeout for the request | 30s
maxage | string | No |10m | all | limit maximun failure request | 2m
fail_timeout | string | No |10m | all | defines max time when a request becomes a failure | 5m
max_fails | number | No |2 | all | limit maximun failure request | 2
cache | boolean | No |[true,false] | >= 2.1 | cache all remote tarballs in storage | true
auth | list | No | [see below](uplinks.md#auth-property)  | >= 2.5 | assigns the header 'Authorization' [more info](http://blog.npmjs.org/post/118393368555/deploying-with-npm-private-modules) | disabled
headers | list | No | authorization: "Bearer SecretJWToken==" | all | list of custom headers for the uplink | disabled
strict_ssl |boolean | No | [true,false] | >= 3.0 | If true, requires SSL certificates be valid. | true

#### Auth property

The `auth` property allows you to use an auth token with an uplink. Using the default environment variable:

    url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
      type: bearer
      token_env: true # defaults to `process.env['NPM_TOKEN']`   

or via a specified environment variable: 

    url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
      type: bearer
      token_env: FOO_TOKEN

`token_env: FOO_TOKEN `internally will use `process.env['FOO_TOKEN']`

or by directly specifying a token:

    url: https://private-registry.domain.com/registry
      type: bearer
      token: "token"

> Note: `token` has priority over `token_env`

### You Must know

* Verdaccio does not use Basic Authentication since version `v2.3.0`. All tokens generated by verdaccio are based on JWT ([JSON Web Token](https://jwt.io/))
* Uplinks must be registries compatible with the `npm` endpoints. Eg: *verdaccio*, `sinopia@1.4.0`, *npmjs registry*, *yarn registry*, *JFrog*, *Nexus* and more.
* Setting `cache` to false will help to save space in your hard drive. This will avoid store `tarballs` but [it will keep metadata in folders](https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio/issues/391).
* Exceed with multiple uplinks might slow down the lookup of your packages due for each request a npm client does, verdaccio does 1 call for each uplink.
* The (timeout, maxage and fail_timeout) format follow the [NGINX measurement units](http://nginx.org/en/docs/syntax.html)