import { Callback } from '@verdaccio/types'; import Memory from '../src/index'; import { VerdaccioMemoryConfig } from '../src/types'; describe('Memory', function () { let auth; const logger = { child: jest.fn(() => {}), http: jest.fn(() => {}), trace: jest.fn(() => {}), warn: jest.fn(() => {}), info: jest.fn(() => {}), debug: jest.fn(() => {}), error: jest.fn(() => {}), fatal: jest.fn(() => {}), }; beforeEach(function () { auth = new Memory({ max_users: 100 } as VerdaccioMemoryConfig, { config: {} as VerdaccioMemoryConfig, logger, }); }); describe('#adduser', function () { test('adds users', function (done) { auth.adduser('test', 'secret', function (err, user) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(user).toEqual('test'); done(); }); }); test('login existing users', function (done) { auth.adduser('test', 'secret', function (err, user) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(user).toEqual('test'); auth.adduser('test', 'secret', function (err, user) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(user).toBe(true); done(); }); }); }); test('max users reached', function (done) { const auth = new Memory({} as VerdaccioMemoryConfig, { config: { max_users: -1, } as VerdaccioMemoryConfig, logger, }); auth.adduser('test', 'secret', function (err) { expect(err).not.toBeNull(); expect(err.message).toMatch(/maximum amount of users reached/); done(); }); }); }); describe('replace user', function () { beforeAll(function (done) { auth.adduser('test', 'secret', function () { done(); }); }); test('replaces password', function (done) { auth.adduser('test', 'new_secret', function (err, user) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(user).toEqual('test'); auth.authenticate('test', 'new_secret', function (err) { expect(err).toBeNull(); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('#allow_access', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { auth.adduser('test', 'secret', function () { done(); }); }); const accessBy = (roles: string[], done: Callback): void => { auth.allow_access( { name: 'test', groups: [], real_groups: [], }, { access: roles, publish: [], proxy: [] }, function (err, groups) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(groups).toBe(true); done(); } ); }; test('should be allowed to access as $all to the package', function (done) { accessBy(['$all'], done); }); test('should be allowed to access as $anonymous to the package', function (done) { accessBy(['$anonymous'], done); }); test('should be allowed to access as $authenticated to the package', function (done) { accessBy(['$authenticated'], done); }); test('should be allowed to access as test to the package', function (done) { accessBy(['test'], done); }); test('should not to be allowed to access any package', function (done) { auth.allow_access({}, { access: [], publish: [], proxy: [] }, function (err) { expect(err).not.toBeNull(); expect(err.message).toMatch(/not allowed to access package/); done(); }); }); test('should not to be allowed to access the anyOtherUser package', function (done) { auth.allow_access({}, { access: ['anyOtherUser'], publish: [], proxy: [] }, function (err) { expect(err).not.toBeNull(); expect(err.message).toMatch(/not allowed to access package/); done(); }); }); }); describe('#allow_publish', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { auth.adduser('test', 'secret', function () { done(); }); }); const accessBy = (roles: string[], done: Callback): void => { auth.allow_publish( { name: 'test', groups: [], real_groups: [], }, { publish: roles, proxy: [], access: [] }, function (err, groups) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(groups).toBe(true); done(); } ); }; test('should be allowed to access as $all to the package', function (done) { accessBy(['$all'], done); }); test('should be allowed to access as $anonymous to the package', function (done) { accessBy(['$anonymous'], done); }); test('should be allowed to access as $authenticated to the package', function (done) { accessBy(['$authenticated'], done); }); test('should be allowed to access as test to the package', function (done) { accessBy(['test'], done); }); test('should not to be allowed to access any package', function (done) { auth.allow_publish({}, { publish: [], proxy: [], access: [] }, function (err) { expect(err).not.toBeNull(); expect(err.message).toMatch(/not allowed to publish package/); done(); }); }); test('should not to be allowed to access the anyOtherUser package', function (done) { auth.allow_publish({}, { publish: ['anyOtherUser'], proxy: [], access: [] }, function (err) { expect(err).not.toBeNull(); expect(err.message).toMatch(/not allowed to publish package/); done(); }); }); }); describe('#changePassword', function () { let auth; beforeEach(function (done) { auth = new Memory({} as VerdaccioMemoryConfig, { config: {} as VerdaccioMemoryConfig, logger, }); auth.adduser('test', 'secret', function () { done(); }); }); test('should change password', function (done) { auth.changePassword('test', 'secret', 'newSecret', function (err, user) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(user.password).toEqual('newSecret'); done(); }); }); test('should fail change password with user not found', function (done) { auth.changePassword('NOTFOUND', 'secret', 'newSecret', function (err) { expect(err).not.toBeNull(); expect(err.message).toMatch(/user not found/); done(); }); }); }); describe('#authenticate', function () { beforeEach(function (done) { auth.adduser('test', 'secret', function () { done(); }); }); test('validates existing users', function (done) { auth.authenticate('test', 'secret', function (err, groups) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(groups).toBeDefined(); done(); }); }); test('fails if wrong password', function (done) { auth.authenticate('test', 'no-secret', function (err) { expect(err).not.toBeNull(); done(); }); }); test('fails if user doesnt exist', function (done) { auth.authenticate('john', 'secret', function (err, groups) { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(groups).toBeFalsy(); done(); }); }); }); });