{ "_comment": "此文件由 write-translations.js 自动生成", "localized-strings": { "next": "下一个", "previous": "上一个", "tagline": "Verdaccio · 一个开源轻量的npm私服", "docs": { "amazon": { "title": "亚马逊Web服务" }, "ansible": { "title": "Ansible" }, "articles": { "title": "Articles" }, "authentication": { "title": "Authentication" }, "azure": { "title": "Windows Azure" }, "best": { "title": "Best Practices" }, "build": { "title": "创建" }, "caching": { "title": "Caching strategies" }, "chef": { "title": "Chef Cookbook" }, "ci": { "title": "持续集成" }, "cli-registry": { "title": "Using a private registry" }, "cli": { "title": "命令行工具" }, "configuration": { "title": "配置文件" }, "dev-plugins": { "title": "插件开发" }, "docker": { "title": "Docker" }, "e2e": { "title": "End to End testing" }, "github-actions": { "title": "GitHub Actions" }, "google-cloud": { "title": "Google Cloud" }, "aws": { "title": "亚马逊Web服务" }, "iss-server": { "title": "IIS server上进行安装" }, "installation": { "title": "安装" }, "kubernetes": { "title": "Kubernetes" }, "linking-remote-registry": { "title": "链接远程Registry" }, "logger": { "title": "记录器" }, "logo": { "title": "Logotype" }, "node-api": { "title": "Node API" }, "notifications": { "title": "通知" }, "packages": { "title": "包的访问" }, "plugin-auth": { "title": "Authentication Plugin(认证插件)" }, "plugin-generator": { "title": "Plugin Generator" }, "plugin-middleware": { "title": "Middleware Plugin(Middleware 插件)" }, "plugin-storage": { "title": "Storage Plugin(存储插件)" }, "plugins": { "title": "插件" }, "protect-your-dependencies": { "title": "保护包" }, "puppet": { "title": "Puppet" }, "repositories": { "title": "源代码" }, "reverse-proxy": { "title": "逆向代理服务器设置" }, "security-policy": { "title": "Security Policy" }, "server-configuration": { "title": "服务器配置" }, "ssl": { "title": "设置SSL 证书" }, "talks": { "title": "Talks" }, "test": { "title": "test" }, "uplinks": { "title": "上行链路" }, "webui": { "title": "Web 用户界面" }, "what-is-verdaccio": { "title": "Verdaccio是什么?" }, "who-is-using": { "title": "谁在使用 Verdaccio?" }, "windows": { "title": "作为 Windows 服务安装" } }, "links": { "Docs": "Docs", "Blog": "Blog", "Twitter": "Twitter", "Help": "Help", "GitHub": "GitHub", "Contributors": "Contributors", "Sponsor Us": "支持我们" }, "categories": { "Introduction": "Introduction", "Features": "Features", "Server": "Server", "Development": "Development", "DevOps": "DevOps", "Guides": "Guides" } }, "pages-strings": { "Contributors|no description given": "Contributors", "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "通过 [站内文档](/docs/en/installation.html) 了解更多信息", "Browse Docs|no description given": "浏览文档", "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "询问有关于文档或项目的问题", "Join the community|no description given": "加入社区", "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "了解项目中新增的内容", "Stay up to date|no description given": "保持最新版本", "Need help?|no description given": "需要帮助?", "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "这个项目有专业的组织维护。", "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "通过 [站内文档](/docs/en/installation.html) 了解更多信息", "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "您可在这里以关注并联系我们", "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "如果此文档无法帮忙,您可以试着浏览我们的", "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "你也可以在这里与 Verdaccio 社区交流", "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "这个项目由 Verdaccio 社区维护。", "Get Started|no description given": "开始", "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "就这么简单! 开始使用你的 私有 npm 仓库吧。", "Many great developers are already enjoying Verdaccio, join the community!|no description given": "很多好的开发人员已经开始享受使用Verdaccio, 请加入社区!", "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** 和**pnpm**是任何开发流程的一部分,我们试图在最新版本中赶上。", "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "支持所有主流的 npm 客户端", "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "我们有官方的 **Docker** 镜像可供使用", "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "和 ** Kubernetes Helm** 支持, 便于部署", "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "使 DevOps 工作轻松", "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio 是基于插件的,支持身份验证、中间件和存储插件。只需选择一个现有的即可使用或开发一个属于您自己的。", "Plugin Support|no description given": "插件支持", "Who's Using This?|no description given": "谁在用这个?", "More|no description given": "更多", "Users|no description given": "用户", "Verdaccio is sponsored by these awesome folks...|no description given": "Verdaccio is sponsored by these awesome folks...", "and used by many others, including:|no description given": "and used by many others, including:", "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "您是否正在使用此项目?不要害羞, 请添加您的公司/项目Logo到这里。", "Add your project|no description given": "Add your project", "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "帮助翻译", "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "编辑", "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "翻译" } }