#!/usr/bin/env node var pkg_file = '../package.yaml'; var fs = require('fs'); var yaml = require('js-yaml'); var commander = require('commander'); var server = require('../lib/index'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var pkg = require(pkg_file); commander .option('-l, --listen <[host:]port>', 'host:port number to listen on (default: localhost:4873)') .option('-c, --config ', 'use this configuration file (default: ./config.yaml)') .version(pkg.version) .parse(process.argv); if (commander.args.length == 1 && !commander.config) { // handling "sinopia [config]" case if "-c" is missing in commandline commander.config = commander.args.pop(); } if (commander.args.length != 0) { commander.help(); } try { var config, config_path; if (commander.config) { config_path = commander.config; config = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(config_path, 'utf8')); } else { config_path = './config.yaml'; try { config = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(config_path, 'utf8')); } catch(err) { var created_config = require('../lib/config_gen')(); config = yaml.safeLoad(created_config.yaml); console.log('starting with default config, use user: "%s", pass: "%s" to authenticate', created_config.user, created_config.pass); fs.writeFileSync(config_path, created_config.yaml); } } } catch(err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { console.error('ERROR: cannot open configuration file "'+config_path+'", file not found'); process.exit(1); } else { throw err; } } if (!config.user_agent) config.user_agent = 'Sinopia/'+pkg.version; if (!config.self_path) config.self_path = config_path; // command line || config file || default var hostport = commander.listen || String(config.listen || '') || '4873'; hostport = hostport.split(':'); if (hostport.length < 2) { hostport = [undefined, hostport[0]]; } if (hostport[0] == null) { hostport[0] = 'localhost'; } server(config).listen(hostport[1], hostport[0]); console.log('Server is listening on http://%s:%s/', hostport[0], hostport[1]); // undocumented stuff for tests if (typeof(process.send) === 'function') { process.send({sinopia_started: hostport}); }