import { spawn } from 'child_process'; import buildDebug from 'debug'; import fs from 'fs'; import { yellow } from 'kleur'; import os from 'os'; import path from 'path'; import * as __global from '../utils/global.js'; import { pnpmGlobal } from '../utils/process'; import { SETUP_VERDACCIO_PORT } from '../utils/utils'; // import { waitOnRegistry } from '../utils/registry'; const debug = buildDebug('verdaccio:e2e:setup'); module.exports = async () => { const tempRoot = fs.mkdtempSync(path.join(fs.realpathSync(os.tmpdir()), 'verdaccio-cli-e2e-')); debug('dirname folder %o', __dirname); debug('temporary folder %o', tempRoot); // @ts-ignore __global.addItem('dir-root', tempRoot); debug(yellow(`Add temp root folder: ${tempRoot}`)); const destinationConfigFile = path.join(tempRoot, 'verdaccio.yaml'); debug('destination config file %o', destinationConfigFile); fs.copyFileSync( path.join(__dirname, '../config/_bootstrap_verdaccio.yaml'), destinationConfigFile ); // @ts-ignore global.__namespace = __global; debug(`current directory %o`, process.cwd()); const verdaccioPath = path.normalize( path.join(process.cwd(), '../../packages/verdaccio/debug/bootstrap.js') ); debug(process.env.DEBUG); debug('verdaccio path %o', verdaccioPath); const childProcess = spawn( 'node', [verdaccioPath, '-c', './verdaccio.yaml', '-l', SETUP_VERDACCIO_PORT], // @ts-ignore { cwd: tempRoot, env: { ...process.env, }, stdio: 'ignore', } ); // @ts-ignore global.registryProcess = childProcess; // await waitOnRegistry(SETUP_VERDACCIO_PORT); // publish current build version on local registry const rootFolder = path.normalize(path.join(process.cwd(), '../../')); // install the local changes to verdaccio // the published package will be installed from every suite await pnpmGlobal( rootFolder, 'publish', '--filter', ' ./packages', '--access', 'public', '--git-checks', 'false', '--registry', `http://localhost:${SETUP_VERDACCIO_PORT}` ); };