import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import { DIST_TAGS, DEFAULT_USER } from '@verdaccio/dev-commons'; import { spliceURL, validateName, convertDistRemoteToLocalTarballUrls, parseReadme, validatePackage, validateMetadata, combineBaseUrl, getVersion, normalizeDistTags, getWebProtocol, getVersionFromTarball, sortByName, formatAuthor, isHTTPProtocol, } from '../src/index'; const readmeFile = (fileName = '') => { return fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, `./partials/readme/${fileName}`)); } describe('Utilities', () => { const buildURI = (host, version) => `http://${host}/npm_test/-/npm_test-${version}.tgz`; const fakeHost = ''; const metadata: any = { name: 'npm_test', versions: { '1.0.0': { dist: { tarball: '' } }, '1.0.1': { dist: { tarball: '' } } } }; const cloneMetadata = (pkg = metadata) => Object.assign({}, pkg); describe('API utilities', () => { describe('Sort packages', () => { const packages = [ { name: 'ghc' }, { name: 'abc' }, { name: 'zxy' } ]; test('should order ascending', () => { expect(sortByName(packages)).toEqual([ { name: 'abc' }, { name: 'ghc' }, { name: 'zxy' } ]); }); test('should order descending', () => { expect(sortByName(packages, false)).toEqual([ { name: 'zxy' }, { name: 'ghc' }, { name: 'abc' } ]); }); }); describe('getWebProtocol', () => { test('should handle undefined header', () => { expect(getWebProtocol(undefined, 'http')).toBe('http'); }); test('should handle emtpy string', () => { expect(getWebProtocol('', 'http')).toBe('http'); }); test('should have header priority over request protocol', () => { expect(getWebProtocol("https", 'http')).toBe('https'); }); test('should have handle empty protocol', () => { expect(getWebProtocol("https", '')).toBe('https'); }); describe('getWebProtocol and HAProxy variant', () => { // test('should handle http', () => { expect(getWebProtocol("http,http", 'https')).toBe('http'); }); test('should handle https', () => { expect(getWebProtocol("https,https", 'http')).toBe('https'); }); }); }); describe('convertDistRemoteToLocalTarballUrls', () => { test('should build a URI for dist tarball based on new domain', () => { const convertDist = convertDistRemoteToLocalTarballUrls(cloneMetadata(), { headers: { host: fakeHost }, // @ts-ignore get: () => 'http', protocol: 'http' }); expect(convertDist.versions['1.0.0'].dist.tarball).toEqual(buildURI(fakeHost, '1.0.0')); expect(convertDist.versions['1.0.1'].dist.tarball).toEqual(buildURI(fakeHost, '1.0.1')); }); test('should return same URI whether host is missing', () => { const convertDist = convertDistRemoteToLocalTarballUrls(cloneMetadata(), { headers: {}, // @ts-ignore get: () => 'http', protocol: 'http' }); expect(convertDist.versions['1.0.0'].dist.tarball).toEqual(convertDist.versions['1.0.0'].dist.tarball); }); }); describe('normalizeDistTags', () => { test('should delete a invalid latest version', () => { const pkg = cloneMetadata(); pkg[DIST_TAGS] = { latest: '20000' }; normalizeDistTags(pkg) expect(Object.keys(pkg[DIST_TAGS])).toHaveLength(0); }); test('should define last published version as latest', () => { const pkg = cloneMetadata(); pkg[DIST_TAGS] = {}; normalizeDistTags(pkg) expect(pkg[DIST_TAGS]).toEqual({latest: '1.0.1'}); }); test('should define last published version as latest with a custom dist-tag', () => { const pkg = cloneMetadata(); pkg[DIST_TAGS] = { beta: '1.0.1' }; normalizeDistTags(pkg); expect(pkg[DIST_TAGS]).toEqual({beta: '1.0.1', latest: '1.0.1'}); }); test('should convert any array of dist-tags to a plain string', () => { const pkg = cloneMetadata(); pkg[DIST_TAGS] = { latest: ['1.0.1'] }; normalizeDistTags(pkg); expect(pkg[DIST_TAGS]).toEqual({latest: '1.0.1'}); }); }); describe('getVersion', () => { test('should get the right version', () => { expect(getVersion(cloneMetadata(), '1.0.0')).toEqual(metadata.versions['1.0.0']); expect(getVersion(cloneMetadata(), 'v1.0.0')).toEqual(metadata.versions['1.0.0']); }); test('should return nothing on get non existing version', () => { expect(getVersion(cloneMetadata(), '0')).toBeUndefined(); expect(getVersion(cloneMetadata(), '2.0.0')).toBeUndefined(); expect(getVersion(cloneMetadata(), 'v2.0.0')).toBeUndefined(); expect(getVersion(cloneMetadata(), undefined)).toBeUndefined(); expect(getVersion(cloneMetadata(), null)).toBeUndefined(); expect(getVersion(cloneMetadata(), 2)).toBeUndefined(); }) }); describe('combineBaseUrl', () => { test('should create a URI', () => { expect(combineBaseUrl("http", 'domain')).toEqual('http://domain'); }); test('should create a base url for registry', () => { expect(combineBaseUrl("http", 'domain', '')).toEqual('http://domain'); expect(combineBaseUrl("http", 'domain', '/')).toEqual('http://domain'); expect(combineBaseUrl("http", 'domain', '/prefix/')).toEqual('http://domain/prefix'); expect(combineBaseUrl("http", 'domain', '/prefix/deep')).toEqual('http://domain/prefix/deep'); expect(combineBaseUrl("http", 'domain', 'only-prefix')).toEqual('only-prefix'); }); }); describe('validatePackage', () => { test('should validate package names', () => { expect(validatePackage("package-name")).toBeTruthy(); expect(validatePackage("@scope/package-name")).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should fails on validate package names', () => { expect(validatePackage("package-name/test/fake")).toBeFalsy(); expect(validatePackage("@/package-name")).toBeFalsy(); expect(validatePackage("$%$%#$%$#%#$%$#")).toBeFalsy(); expect(validatePackage("node_modules")).toBeFalsy(); expect(validatePackage("__proto__")).toBeFalsy(); expect(validatePackage("favicon.ico")).toBeFalsy(); }); describe('validateName', () => { test('should fails with no string', () => { // intended to fail with Typescript, do not remove // @ts-ignore expect(validateName(null)).toBeFalsy(); // @ts-ignore expect(validateName(undefined)).toBeFalsy(); }); test('good ones', () => { expect(validateName('verdaccio')).toBeTruthy(); expect(validateName('some.weird.package-zzz')).toBeTruthy(); expect(validateName('old-package@0.1.2.tgz')).toBeTruthy(); // fix expect(validateName('-build-infra')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should be valid using uppercase', () => { expect(validateName('ETE')).toBeTruthy(); expect(validateName('JSONStream')).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should fails with path seps', () => { expect(validateName('some/thing')).toBeFalsy(); expect(validateName('some\\thing')).toBeFalsy(); }); test('should fail with no hidden files', () => { expect(validateName('.bin')).toBeFalsy(); }); test('should fails with reserved words', () => { expect(validateName('favicon.ico')).toBeFalsy(); expect(validateName('node_modules')).toBeFalsy(); expect(validateName('__proto__')).toBeFalsy(); }); test('should fails with other options', () => { expect(validateName('pk g')).toBeFalsy(); expect(validateName('pk\tg')).toBeFalsy(); expect(validateName('pk%20g')).toBeFalsy(); expect(validateName('pk+g')).toBeFalsy(); expect(validateName('pk:g')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); }); describe('validateMetadata', () => { test('should fills an empty metadata object', () => { // intended to fail with flow, do not remove // @ts-ignore expect(Object.keys(validateMetadata({}))).toContain(DIST_TAGS); // @ts-ignore expect(Object.keys(validateMetadata({}))).toContain('versions'); // @ts-ignore expect(Object.keys(validateMetadata({}))).toContain('time'); }); test('should fails the assertions is not an object', () => { expect(function ( ) { // @ts-ignore validateMetadata(''); // @ts-ignore }).toThrow(expect.hasAssertions()); }); test('should fails the assertions is name does not match', () => { expect(function ( ) { // @ts-ignore validateMetadata({}, "no-name"); // @ts-ignore }).toThrow(expect.hasAssertions()); }); }); describe('getVersionFromTarball', () => { test('should get the right version', () => { const simpleName = 'test-name-4.2.12.tgz' const complexName = 'test-5.6.4-beta.2.tgz' const otherComplexName = 'test-3.5.0-6.tgz' expect(getVersionFromTarball(simpleName)).toEqual('4.2.12') expect(getVersionFromTarball(complexName)).toEqual('5.6.4-beta.2') expect(getVersionFromTarball(otherComplexName)).toEqual('3.5.0-6') }) test('should don\'n fall at incorrect tarball name', () => { expect(getVersionFromTarball('incorrectName')).toBeUndefined() }) }); }); describe('String utilities', () => { test('should splice two strings and generate a url', () => { const url: string = spliceURL('', '/-/static/logo.png'); expect(url).toMatch(''); }); test('should splice a empty strings and generate a url', () => { const url: string = spliceURL('', '/-/static/logo.png'); expect(url).toMatch('/-/static/logo.png'); }); test('should check HTTP protocol correctly', () => { expect(isHTTPProtocol('')).toBeTruthy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('')).toBeTruthy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('//')).toBeTruthy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('file:///home/user/logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('file:///F:/home/user/logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); // Note that uses ftp protocol in src was deprecated in modern browsers expect(isHTTPProtocol('')).toBeFalsy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('./logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('.\\logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('../logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('..\\logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('../../static/logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('..\\..\\static\\logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('.logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('/static/logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); expect(isHTTPProtocol('F:\\static\\logo.png')).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('parseReadme', () => { test('should parse makrdown text to html template', () => { const markdown = '# markdown'; expect(parseReadme('testPackage', markdown)).toEqual( '


' ); expect( parseReadme('testPackage', String(readmeFile(''))) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test('should pass for conversion of non-ascii to markdown text', () => { const simpleText = 'simple text'; const randomText = '%%%%%**##=='; const randomTextMarkdown = 'simple text \n # markdown'; expect(parseReadme('testPackage', randomText)).toEqual( '


' ); expect(parseReadme('testPackage', simpleText)).toEqual( '

simple text

' ); expect(parseReadme('testPackage', randomTextMarkdown)).toEqual( '

simple text



' ); }); test('should show error for no readme data', () => { const noData = ''; const loggerError = jest.fn(); const logger = { error: loggerError }; expect(parseReadme('testPackage', noData, logger)).toEqual( '

ERROR: No README data found!

' ); expect(loggerError).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { packageName: 'testPackage' }, '@{packageName}: No readme found' ); }); }); describe('formatAuthor', () => { test('should check author field different values', () => { const author = 'verdaccioNpm'; expect(formatAuthor(author).name).toEqual(author); }); test('should check author field for object value', () => { const user = { name: 'Verdaccion NPM', email: '', url: '' }; expect(formatAuthor(user).url).toEqual(user.url); expect(formatAuthor(user).email).toEqual(; expect(formatAuthor(user).name).toEqual(; }); test('should check author field for other value', () => { expect(formatAuthor(null).name).toEqual(DEFAULT_USER); expect(formatAuthor({}).name).toEqual(DEFAULT_USER); expect(formatAuthor([]).name).toEqual(DEFAULT_USER); }); }); });