## Development notes The `5.x` still under development, key points: Ensure you have `nvm` installed or the latest Node.js (check `.nvmrc` for mode details). ```bash nvm install ``` Verdaccio uses **pnpm** as monorepo management. To install ```bash npm i -g pnpm@latest-6 ``` Install all needed packages ```bash pnpm install ``` For building the application: ```bash pnpm build ``` Running the test ``` pnpm test ``` ### Running the application (with UI hot reloading) ```bash pnpm start ``` with hot reloading (server and UI), `nodemon` will restart the server and `babel` runs in watch mode. ```bash pnpm start:watch ``` Running with `ts-node` ``` pnpm start:ts ``` ### Running the Website We use _Gatsbyjs_ as development stack for website, please [for more information check their official guidelines.](https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/quick-start/) ``` pnpm website:develop ``` ### Running E2E For running the CLI test ``` pnpm test:e2e:cli ``` For running the UI test ``` pnpm test:e2e:ui ``` ### Linting Linting the code. ```bash pnpm lint ``` For website runs ```bash pnpm website:lint ``` Formatting the code with prettier ```bash pnpm prettier ``` ### Debugging Run the server in debug mode (it does not include UI hot reload) with `--inspect` support. ``` pnpm debug pnpm debug:break ``` > requires `pnpm build` previously #### debug internal output Each verdaccio module uses `debug`, use the namespaces in combination with filters to get a verbose output about each action, for example: ``` DEBUG=verdaccio:* pnpm start ```