/** * Search component */ import React from 'react'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import Search from '../../../../src/webui/src/components/Search/index'; console.error = jest.fn(); describe(' component', () => { it('should give error for the required fields', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); expect(console.error).toBeCalled(); expect(wrapper.find('input').prop('placeholder')).toEqual( 'Type to search...' ); }); it('should have element with correct properties', () => { const props = { handleSearchInput: () => {}, placeHolder: 'Test placeholder' }; const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.find('input')).toHaveLength(1); expect(wrapper.find('input').prop('placeholder')).toEqual( 'Test placeholder' ); }); it('should call the handleSearchInput function', () => { const props = { handleSearchInput: jest.fn() }; const wrapper = shallow(); wrapper.find('input').simulate('change'); expect(props.handleSearchInput).toBeCalled(); }); it('should match the snapshot', () => { const props = { handleSearchInput: () => {} }; const wrapper = shallow(); expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });