import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { describe, expect, test } from 'vitest'; import { lockFile, readFile, unlockFile } from '../src/index'; interface Error { message: string; } const getFilePath = (filename: string): string => { return path.resolve(__dirname, `assets/legacy/${filename}`); }; const removeTempFile = (filename: string): void => { const filepath = getFilePath(filename); fs.unlink(filepath, (error) => { if (error) { throw error; } }); }; describe('testing locking', () => { describe('lockFile', () => { test('file should be found to be locked', () => { return new Promise((done) => { lockFile(getFilePath('package.json'), (error: Error) => { expect(error).toBeNull(); removeTempFile('package.json.lock'); done(true); }); }); }); test('file should fail to be found to be locked', () => { return new Promise((done) => { lockFile(getFilePath(''), (error: Error) => { expect(error.message).toMatch( /ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '(.*)'/ ); done(true); }); }); }); }); describe('unlockFile', () => { test('file should to be found to be unLock', () => { return new Promise((done) => { unlockFile(getFilePath('package.json.lock'), (error: Error) => { expect(error).toBeNull(); done(true); }); }); }); }); describe('readFile', () => { test('read file with no options should to be found to be read it as string', () => { return new Promise((done) => { readFile(getFilePath('package.json'), {}, (error: Error, data: string) => { expect(error).toBeNull(); expect(data).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ "name": "assets", "version": "0.0.1" } " `); done(true); }); }); }); test('read file with no options should to be found to be read it as object', () => { const options = { parse: true, }; return new Promise((done) => { readFile(getFilePath('package.json'), options, (error: Error, data: string) => { expect(error).toBeNull(); expect(data).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "name": "assets", "version": "0.0.1", } `); done(true); }); }); }); test('read file with options (parse) should to be not found to be read it', () => { const options = { parse: true, }; return new Promise((done) => { readFile(getFilePath(''), options, (error: Error) => { expect(error.message).toMatch(/ENOENT/); done(true); }); }); }); test('read file with options should be found to be read it and fails to be parsed', () => { const options = { parse: true, }; return new Promise((done) => { readFile(getFilePath('wrong.package.json'), options, (error: Error) => { expect(error.message).toBeDefined(); done(true); }); }); }); test('read file with options (parse, lock) should be found to be read it as object', () => { const options = { parse: true, lock: true, }; return new Promise((done) => { readFile(getFilePath('package2.json'), options, (error: Error, data: string) => { expect(error).toBeNull(); expect(data).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` { "name": "assets", "version": "0.0.1", } `); removeTempFile('package2.json.lock'); done(true); }); }); }); test.skip( 'read file with options (parse, lock) should be found to be read and ' + 'fails to be parsed', () => { const options = { parse: true, lock: true, }; return new Promise((done) => { readFile(getFilePath('wrong.package.json'), options, (error: Error) => { expect(error.message).toMatch(/Unexpected token } in JSON at position \d+/); removeTempFile('wrong.package.json.lock'); done(true); }); }); } ); }); });