import _ from 'lodash'; import express, { Application } from 'express'; import compression from 'compression'; import cors from 'cors'; import { HttpError } from 'http-errors'; import { Storage } from '@verdaccio/store'; import { loadPlugin } from '@verdaccio/loaders'; import { Auth } from '@verdaccio/auth'; import apiEndpoint from '@verdaccio/api'; import { ErrorCode } from '@verdaccio/utils'; import { API_ERROR, HTTP_STATUS } from '@verdaccio/dev-commons'; import { Config as AppConfig } from '@verdaccio/config'; import { webAPI, renderWebMiddleware } from '@verdaccio/web'; import { IAuth } from '@verdaccio/auth'; import { IStorageHandler } from '@verdaccio/store'; import { Config as IConfig, IPluginMiddleware, IPluginStorageFilter } from '@verdaccio/types'; import { setup, logger } from '@verdaccio/logger'; import { log, final, errorReportingMiddleware } from '@verdaccio/middleware'; import { $ResponseExtend, $RequestExtend, $NextFunctionVer } from '../types/custom'; import hookDebug from './debug'; const defineAPI = function (config: IConfig, storage: IStorageHandler): any { const auth: IAuth = new Auth(config); const app: Application = express(); // run in production mode by default, just in case // it shouldn't make any difference anyway app.set('env', process.env.NODE_ENV || 'production'); app.use(cors()); // Router setup app.use(log(config)); app.use(errorReportingMiddleware); app.use(function (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, next: $NextFunctionVer): void { res.setHeader('X-Powered-By', config.user_agent); next(); }); app.use(compression()); app.get('/favicon.ico', function ( req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, next: $NextFunctionVer ): void { req.url = '/-/static/favicon.png'; next(); }); // Hook for tests only if (config._debug) { hookDebug(app, config.self_path); } // register middleware plugins const plugin_params = { config: config, logger: logger, }; const plugins: IPluginMiddleware[] = loadPlugin( config, config.middlewares, plugin_params, function (plugin: IPluginMiddleware) { return plugin.register_middlewares; } ); plugins.forEach((plugin: IPluginMiddleware) => { plugin.register_middlewares(app, auth, storage); }); // For npm request // @ts-ignore app.use(apiEndpoint(config, auth, storage)); // For WebUI & WebUI API if (_.get(config, 'web.enable', true)) { app.use('/', renderWebMiddleware(config, auth, storage)); app.use('/-/verdaccio/', webAPI(config, auth, storage)); } else { app.get('/', function (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, next: $NextFunctionVer) { next(ErrorCode.getNotFound(API_ERROR.WEB_DISABLED)); }); } // Catch 404 app.get('/*', function (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, next: $NextFunctionVer) { next(ErrorCode.getNotFound(API_ERROR.FILE_NOT_FOUND)); }); app.use(function ( err: HttpError, req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, next: $NextFunctionVer ) { if (_.isError(err)) { if (err.code === 'ECONNABORT' && res.statusCode === HTTP_STATUS.NOT_MODIFIED) { return next(); } if (_.isFunction(res.locals.report_error) === false) { // in case of very early error this middleware may not be loaded before error is generated // fixing that errorReportingMiddleware(req, res, _.noop); } res.locals.report_error(err); } else { // Fall to return next(err); } }); app.use(final); return app; }; export default (async function (configHash: any): Promise { setup(configHash.logs); const config: IConfig = new AppConfig(_.cloneDeep(configHash)); // register middleware plugins const plugin_params = { config: config, logger: logger, }; const filters = loadPlugin( config, config.filters || {}, plugin_params, (plugin: IPluginStorageFilter) => plugin.filter_metadata ); const storage: IStorageHandler = new Storage(config); // waits until init calls have been initialized await storage.init(config, filters); return defineAPI(config, storage); });