import path from 'path'; import supertest from 'supertest'; import { afterEach, beforeAll, describe, expect, test, vi } from 'vitest'; import { HEADERS, HEADER_TYPE, HTTP_STATUS } from '@verdaccio/core'; import { setup } from '@verdaccio/logger'; import { publishVersion } from '@verdaccio/test-helper'; import { NOT_README_FOUND } from '../src/api/readme'; import { initializeServer } from './helper'; setup({}); const mockManifest = vi.fn(); vi.mock('@verdaccio/ui-theme', () => mockManifest()); describe('readme api', () => { beforeAll(() => { mockManifest.mockReturnValue(() => ({ staticPath: path.join(__dirname, 'static'), manifestFiles: { js: ['runtime.js', 'vendors.js', 'main.js'], }, manifest: require('./partials/manifest/manifest.json'), })); }); afterEach(() => { vi.clearAllMocks(); mockManifest.mockClear(); }); test('should fetch readme scoped package', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('default-test.yaml'); await publishVersion(app, '@scope/pk1-test', '1.0.0', { readme: 'my readme scoped' }); const response = await supertest(app) .get('/-/verdaccio/data/package/readme/@scope/pk1-test') .set('Accept', HEADERS.TEXT_PLAIN) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.TEXT_PLAIN_UTF8) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.OK); expect(response.text).toMatch('my readme scoped'); }, 70000); test('should fetch readme scoped package with not found message', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('default-test.yaml'); await publishVersion(app, '@scope/pk1-test', '1.0.0', { readme: null }); const response = await supertest(app) .get('/-/verdaccio/data/package/readme/@scope/pk1-test') .set('Accept', HEADERS.TEXT_PLAIN) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.TEXT_PLAIN_UTF8) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.OK); expect(response.text).toMatch(NOT_README_FOUND); }); test('should fetch readme a package', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('default-test.yaml'); await publishVersion(app, 'pk1-test', '1.0.0', { readme: 'my readme' }); const response = await supertest(app) .get('/-/verdaccio/data/package/readme/pk1-test') .set('Accept', HEADERS.TEXT_PLAIN) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.TEXT_PLAIN_UTF8) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.OK); expect(response.text).toMatch('my readme'); }); test('should fetch readme a package with not found message', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('default-test.yaml'); await publishVersion(app, 'pk1-test', '1.0.0', { readme: null }); const response = await supertest(app) .get('/-/verdaccio/data/package/readme/pk1-test') .set('Accept', HEADERS.TEXT_PLAIN) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.TEXT_PLAIN_UTF8) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.OK); expect(response.text).toMatch(NOT_README_FOUND); }); });