import MockDate from 'mockdate'; import supertest from 'supertest'; import { beforeEach, describe, expect, test } from 'vitest'; import { HEADERS, HEADER_TYPE, HTTP_STATUS } from '@verdaccio/core'; import { createUser, initializeServer, publishVersionWithToken } from './_helper'; describe('search', () => { let app; beforeEach(async () => { app = await initializeServer('search.yaml'); }); describe('search authenticated', () => { test.each([['foo']])('should return a foo private package', async (pkg) => { const mockDate = '2018-01-14T11:17:40.712Z'; MockDate.set(mockDate); const res = await createUser(app, 'test', 'test'); await publishVersionWithToken(app, pkg, '1.0.0', res.body.token); // this should not be displayed as part of the search await publishVersionWithToken(app, 'private-auth', '1.0.0', res.body.token); const response = await supertest(app) .get( `/-/v1/search?text=${encodeURIComponent( pkg )}&size=2000&from=0&quality=1&popularity=0.1&maintenance=0.1` ) .set(HEADERS.ACCEPT, HEADERS.JSON) .set(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON) .expect(HEADERS.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.OK); expect(response.body).toEqual({ objects: [ { package: { author: { email: '', name: 'User NPM', }, date: mockDate, description: 'package generated', keywords: [], links: { npm: '', }, maintainers: [ { email: '', name: 'test', }, ], name: pkg, publisher: {}, scope: '', version: '1.0.0', }, score: { detail: { maintenance: 0, popularity: 1, quality: 1, }, final: 1, }, searchScore: 1, verdaccioPkgCached: false, verdaccioPrivate: true, }, ], time: 'Sun, 14 Jan 2018 11:17:40 GMT', total: 1, }); }); test.each([['@scope/foo']])('should return a scoped foo private package', async (pkg) => { const mockDate = '2018-01-14T11:17:40.712Z'; MockDate.set(mockDate); const res = await createUser(app, 'test', 'test'); await publishVersionWithToken(app, pkg, '1.0.0', res.body.token); // this should not be displayed as part of the search await publishVersionWithToken(app, '@private/auth', '1.0.0', res.body.token); const response = await supertest(app) .get( `/-/v1/search?text=${encodeURIComponent( pkg )}&size=2000&from=0&quality=1&popularity=0.1&maintenance=0.1` ) .set(HEADERS.ACCEPT, HEADERS.JSON) .set(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON) .expect(HEADERS.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.OK); expect(response.body).toEqual({ objects: [ { package: { author: { email: '', name: 'User NPM', }, date: mockDate, description: 'package generated', keywords: [], links: { npm: '', }, maintainers: [ { email: '', name: 'test', }, ], name: pkg, publisher: {}, scope: '@scope', version: '1.0.0', }, score: { detail: { maintenance: 0, popularity: 1, quality: 1, }, final: 1, }, searchScore: 1, verdaccioPkgCached: false, verdaccioPrivate: true, }, ], time: 'Sun, 14 Jan 2018 11:17:40 GMT', total: 1, }); }); }); describe('error handling', () => { test.todo('should able to abort the request'); }); });