import supertest from 'supertest'; import { describe, test } from 'vitest'; import { HEADERS, HEADER_TYPE, HTTP_STATUS, TOKEN_BEARER } from '@verdaccio/core'; import { buildToken } from '@verdaccio/utils'; import { createUser, initializeServer } from './_helper'; describe('profile ', () => { describe('get profile ', () => { test('should return Unauthorized if header token is missing', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('profile.yaml'); return supertest(app) .get('/-/npm/v1/user') .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.UNAUTHORIZED); }); test('should return user details', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('profile.yaml'); const credentials = { name: 'test', password: 'test' }; const response = await createUser(app,, credentials.password); return supertest(app) .get('/-/npm/v1/user') .set(HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION, buildToken(TOKEN_BEARER, response.body.token)) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.OK); }); }); describe('post profile ', () => { test('should return Unauthorized if header token is missing', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('profile.yaml'); return supertest(app) .post('/-/npm/v1/user') .send({}) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.UNAUTHORIZED); }); test('should return handle to short new password', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('profile.yaml'); const credentials = { name: 'test', password: 'test' }; const response = await createUser(app,, credentials.password); return supertest(app) .post('/-/npm/v1/user') .send({ password: { new: '_' } }) .set(HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION, buildToken(TOKEN_BEARER, response.body.token)) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.UNAUTHORIZED); }); test('should return handle to missing old password', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('profile.yaml'); const credentials = { name: 'test', password: 'test' }; const response = await createUser(app,, credentials.password); return supertest(app) .post('/-/npm/v1/user') .send({ password: { new: 'fooooo', old: undefined } }) .set(HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION, buildToken(TOKEN_BEARER, response.body.token)) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.BAD_REQUEST); }); test('should return handle to missing password', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('profile.yaml'); const credentials = { name: 'test', password: 'test' }; const response = await createUser(app,, credentials.password); return supertest(app) .post('/-/npm/v1/user') .send({ another: '_' }) .set(HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION, buildToken(TOKEN_BEARER, response.body.token)) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.INTERNAL_ERROR); }); test('should return handle change password', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('profile.yaml'); const credentials = { name: 'test', password: 'test' }; const response = await createUser(app,, credentials.password); return supertest(app) .post('/-/npm/v1/user') .send({ password: { new: 'good password_.%#@$@#$@#', old: 'test' } }) .set(HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION, buildToken(TOKEN_BEARER, response.body.token)) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.OK); }); test('should return handle change password failure', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('profile.yaml'); const credentials = { name: 'test', password: 'test' }; const response = await createUser(app,, credentials.password); return supertest(app) .post('/-/npm/v1/user') .send({ password: { new: 'good password_.%#@$@#$@#', old: 'test_do_not_match' } }) .set(HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION, buildToken(TOKEN_BEARER, response.body.token)) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.FORBIDDEN); }); test('should handle tfa ( two factor auth) disabled', async () => { const app = await initializeServer('profile.yaml'); const credentials = { name: 'test', password: 'test' }; const response = await createUser(app,, credentials.password); return supertest(app) .post('/-/npm/v1/user') .send({ tfa: '_' }) .set(HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION, buildToken(TOKEN_BEARER, response.body.token)) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); }); }); });