/** * @prettier */ // @flow // this file is not aim to be tested, just to check flow definitions import Config from '../../../../src/lib/config'; import LoggerApi from '../../../../src/lib/logger'; import { Config as AppConfig, PackageAccess, IPluginAuth, RemoteUser, Logger, PluginOptions } from '@verdaccio/types'; class ExampleAuthPlugin implements IPluginAuth { config: AppConfig; logger: Logger; constructor(config: AppConfig, options: PluginOptions) { this.config = config; this.logger = options.logger; } adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void { cb(); } changePassword(username, password, newPassword, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void { cb(); } authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void { cb(); } allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: PackageAccess, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void { cb(); } allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: PackageAccess, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void { cb(); } } type SubTypePackageAccess = PackageAccess & { sub?: boolean; }; class ExampleAuthCustomPlugin implements IPluginAuth { config: AppConfig; logger: Logger; constructor(config: AppConfig, options: PluginOptions) { this.config = config; this.logger = options.logger; } adduser(user: string, password: string, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void { cb(); } changePassword(username, password, newPassword, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void { cb(); } authenticate(user: string, password: string, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void { cb(); } allow_access(user: RemoteUser, pkg: SubTypePackageAccess, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void { cb(); } allow_publish(user: RemoteUser, pkg: SubTypePackageAccess, cb: verdaccio$Callback): void { cb(); } } const config1: AppConfig = new Config({ storage: './storage', self_path: '/home/sotrage', }); const options: PluginOptions = { config: config1, logger: LoggerApi.logger.child(), }; const auth = new ExampleAuthPlugin(config1, options); const authSub = new ExampleAuthCustomPlugin(config1, options); const remoteUser: RemoteUser = { groups: [], real_groups: [], name: 'test', }; auth.authenticate('user', 'pass', () => {}); auth.allow_access(remoteUser, { access: [], publish: [], proxy: [] }, () => {}); auth.allow_publish(remoteUser, { access: [], publish: [], proxy: [] }, () => {}); authSub.authenticate('user', 'pass', () => {}); authSub.allow_access(remoteUser, { access: [], publish: [], proxy: [], sub: true }, () => {}); authSub.allow_publish(remoteUser, { access: [], publish: [], proxy: [], sub: true }, () => {});