import _ from 'lodash'; import Auth from '../../../../src/lib/auth'; import {CHARACTER_ENCODING, TOKEN_BEARER} from '../../../../src/lib/constants'; // $FlowFixMe import configExample from '../../partials/config'; import AppConfig from '../../../../src/lib/config'; import {setup} from '../../../../src/lib/logger'; import {buildToken, convertPayloadToBase64, parseConfigFile} from '../../../../src/lib/utils'; import { buildUserBuffer, getApiToken, getAuthenticatedMessage, getMiddlewareCredentials, getSecurity } from '../../../../src/lib/auth-utils'; import {aesDecrypt, verifyPayload} from '../../../../src/lib/crypto-utils'; import {parseConfigurationFile} from '../../__helper'; import { IAuth } from '../../../../types'; import {Config, Security, RemoteUser} from '@verdaccio/types'; setup([]); describe('Auth utilities', () => { jest.setTimeout(20000); const parseConfigurationSecurityFile = (name) => { return parseConfigurationFile(`security/${name}`); }; function getConfig(configFileName: string, secret: string) { const conf = parseConfigFile(parseConfigurationSecurityFile(configFileName)); const secConf= _.merge(configExample(), conf); secConf.secret = secret; const config: Config = new AppConfig(secConf); return config; } async function signCredentials( configFileName: string, username: string, password: string, secret = '12345', methodToSpy: string, methodNotBeenCalled: string): Promise { const config: Config = getConfig(configFileName, secret); const auth: IAuth = new Auth(config); // @ts-ignore const spy = jest.spyOn(auth, methodToSpy); // @ts-ignore const spyNotCalled = jest.spyOn(auth, methodNotBeenCalled); const user: RemoteUser = { name: username, real_groups: [], groups: [] }; const token = await getApiToken(auth, config, user, password); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(spyNotCalled).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(token).toBeDefined(); return token; } const verifyJWT = (token: string, user: string, password: string, secret: string) => { const payload = verifyPayload(token, secret); expect(; expect(payload.groups).toBeDefined(); expect(payload.real_groups).toBeDefined(); }; const verifyAES = (token: string, user: string, password: string, secret: string) => { const payload = aesDecrypt(convertPayloadToBase64(token), secret).toString(CHARACTER_ENCODING.UTF8); const content = payload.split(':'); expect(content[0]).toBe(user); expect(content[0]).toBe(password); }; describe('getApiToken test', () => { test('should sign token with aes and security missing', async () => { const token = await signCredentials('security-missing', 'test', 'test', '1234567', 'aesEncrypt', 'jwtEncrypt'); verifyAES(token, 'test', 'test', '1234567'); expect(_.isString(token)).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should sign token with aes and security empty', async () => { const token = await signCredentials('security-empty', 'test', 'test', '123456', 'aesEncrypt', 'jwtEncrypt'); verifyAES(token, 'test', 'test', '123456'); expect(_.isString(token)).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should sign token with aes', async () => { const token = await signCredentials('security-basic', 'test', 'test', '123456', 'aesEncrypt', 'jwtEncrypt'); verifyAES(token, 'test', 'test', '123456'); expect(_.isString(token)).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should sign token with legacy and jwt disabled', async () => { const token = await signCredentials('security-no-legacy', 'test', 'test', 'x8T#ZCx=2t', 'aesEncrypt', 'jwtEncrypt'); expect(_.isString(token)).toBeTruthy(); verifyAES(token, 'test', 'test', 'x8T#ZCx=2t'); }); test('should sign token with legacy enabled and jwt enabled', async () => { const token = await signCredentials('security-jwt-legacy-enabled', 'test', 'test', 'secret', 'jwtEncrypt', 'aesEncrypt'); verifyJWT(token, 'test', 'test', 'secret'); expect(_.isString(token)).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should sign token with jwt enabled', async () => { const token = await signCredentials('security-jwt', 'test', 'test', 'secret', 'jwtEncrypt', 'aesEncrypt'); expect(_.isString(token)).toBeTruthy(); verifyJWT(token, 'test', 'test', 'secret'); }); test('should sign with jwt whether legacy is disabled', async () => { const token = await signCredentials('security-legacy-disabled', 'test', 'test', 'secret', 'jwtEncrypt', 'aesEncrypt'); expect(_.isString(token)).toBeTruthy(); verifyJWT(token, 'test', 'test', 'secret'); }); }); describe('getAuthenticatedMessage test', () => { test('should sign token with jwt enabled', () => { expect(getAuthenticatedMessage('test')).toBe('you are authenticated as \'test\''); }); }); describe('getMiddlewareCredentials test', () => { describe('should get AES credentials', () => { test.concurrent('should unpack aes token and credentials', async () => { const secret = 'secret'; const user = 'test'; const pass = 'test'; const token = await signCredentials('security-legacy', user, pass, secret, 'aesEncrypt', 'jwtEncrypt'); const config: Config = getConfig('security-legacy', secret); const security: Security = getSecurity(config); const credentials = getMiddlewareCredentials(security, secret, `Bearer ${token}`); expect(credentials).toBeDefined(); // @ts-ignore expect(credentials.user).toEqual(user); // @ts-ignore expect(credentials.password).toEqual(pass); }); test.concurrent('should unpack aes token and credentials', async () => { const secret = 'secret'; const user = 'test'; const pass = 'test'; const token = buildUserBuffer(user, pass).toString('base64'); const config: Config = getConfig('security-legacy', secret); const security: Security = getSecurity(config); const credentials = getMiddlewareCredentials(security, secret, `Basic ${token}`); expect(credentials).toBeDefined(); // @ts-ignore expect(credentials.user).toEqual(user); // @ts-ignore expect(credentials.password).toEqual(pass); }); test.concurrent('should return empty credential wrong secret key', async () => { const secret = 'secret'; const token = await signCredentials('security-legacy', 'test', 'test', secret, 'aesEncrypt', 'jwtEncrypt'); const config: Config = getConfig('security-legacy', secret); const security: Security = getSecurity(config); const credentials = getMiddlewareCredentials(security, 'BAD_SECRET', buildToken(TOKEN_BEARER, token)); expect(credentials).not.toBeDefined(); }); test.concurrent('should return empty credential wrong scheme', async () => { const secret = 'secret'; const token = await signCredentials('security-legacy', 'test', 'test', secret, 'aesEncrypt', 'jwtEncrypt'); const config: Config = getConfig('security-legacy', secret); const security: Security = getSecurity(config); const credentials = getMiddlewareCredentials(security, secret, buildToken('BAD_SCHEME', token)); expect(credentials).not.toBeDefined(); }); test.concurrent('should return empty credential corrupted payload', async () => { const secret = 'secret'; const config: Config = getConfig('security-legacy', secret); const auth: IAuth = new Auth(config); const token = auth.aesEncrypt(Buffer.from(`corruptedBuffer`)).toString('base64'); const security: Security = getSecurity(config); const credentials = getMiddlewareCredentials(security, secret, buildToken(TOKEN_BEARER, token)); expect(credentials).not.toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('should get JWT credentials', () => { test('should return anonymous whether token is corrupted', () => { const config: Config = getConfig('security-jwt', '12345'); const security: Security = getSecurity(config); const credentials = getMiddlewareCredentials(security, '12345', buildToken(TOKEN_BEARER, 'fakeToken')); expect(credentials).toBeDefined(); // @ts-ignore expect(; // @ts-ignore expect(credentials.real_groups).toBeDefined(); // @ts-ignore expect(credentials.real_groups).toEqual([]); }); test('should return anonymous whether token and scheme are corrupted', () => { const config: Config = getConfig('security-jwt', '12345'); const security: Security = getSecurity(config); const credentials = getMiddlewareCredentials(security, '12345', buildToken('FakeScheme', 'fakeToken')); expect(credentials).not.toBeDefined(); }); test('should verify succesfully a JWT token', async () => { const secret = 'secret'; const user = 'test'; const config: Config = getConfig('security-jwt', secret); const token = await signCredentials('security-jwt', user, 'secretTest', secret, 'jwtEncrypt', 'aesEncrypt'); const security: Security = getSecurity(config); const credentials = getMiddlewareCredentials(security, secret, buildToken(TOKEN_BEARER, token)); expect(credentials).toBeDefined(); // @ts-ignore expect(; // @ts-ignore expect(credentials.real_groups).toBeDefined(); // @ts-ignore expect(credentials.real_groups).toEqual([]); }); }); }); });