# Warning Codes ## VERWAR001 `Verdaccio doesn't need superuser privileges. Don't run it under root.` ## VERWAR002 `The configuration property "logs" has been deprecated, please rename to "log" for future compatibility` ## VERWAR003 `rotating-file type is not longer supported, consider use [logrotate] instead` ## VERWAR004 `invalid address - %s, we expect a port (e.g. "4873"), host:port (e.g. "localhost:4873") or full url '(e.g. "http://localhost:4873/")` Learn more at https://verdaccio.org/docs/en/configuration#listen-port ## VERWAR005 `n/a` ## VERWAR006 `the auth plugin method "add_user" in the auth plugin is deprecated and will be removed in next major release, rename to "adduser"` ## VERWAR007 `the secret length is too long, it must be 32 characters long, please consider generate a new one` Learn more at https://verdaccio.org/docs/configuration/#.verdaccio-db ## VERDEP001 > Changed to VERWAR002 (see above) ## VERDEP002 > After version `verdaccio@6.0.0-6-next.38` this is not longer a warning and will crash your application ## VERDEP003 `multiple addresses will be deprecated in the next major, only use one`