# we try to avoid adding files to the docker images that change often # or that are not needed for running the docker image # this greatly reduces the amount of times we need to rerun `npm install` when building image locally # https://codefresh.io/blog/not-ignore-dockerignore/ # https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#dockerignore-file # consider them hidden .* # you can add exceptions like in .gitignore to maintain a whitelist: # e.g. !babel.config.js !.eslintrc !.prettierrc !.eslintignore !.stylelintrc !.jest.config.js !.jestEnvironment.js !.yarnrc.yml !.yarn/releases/yarn-*.cjs !.yarn/plugins/* # do not copy over node_modules we will run `npm install` anyway node_modules # output from test runs and similar things *.log coverage/ .vscode/ # IDE config files jsconfig.json *.iml # let's not get too recursive ;) Dockerfile* docker-compose*.yaml