const { join } = require('path'); const { fileUtils } = require('@verdaccio/core'); const { parseConfigFile } = require('@verdaccio/config'); const { Registry, ServerQuery } = require('verdaccio'); describe('basic functionality', () => { let registry1; let page; beforeAll(async () => { const configProtected = parseConfigFile(join(__dirname, './config/config.yaml')); const registry1storage = await fileUtils.createTempStorageFolder('storage-1'); const protectedRegistry = await Registry.fromConfigToPath({ ...configProtected, storage: registry1storage, }); registry1 = new Registry(protectedRegistry.configPath); await registry1.init(); const query1 = new ServerQuery(registry1.getRegistryUrl()); await query1.createUser('test', 'test'); page = await global.__BROWSER__.newPage(); await page.goto(`${registry1.getPort()}`); page.on('console', (msg) => console.log('PAGE LOG:', msg.text())); }); afterAll(async () => { await page.close(); registry1.stop(); }); // this might be increased based on the delays included in all test jest.setTimeout(20000); test('should display title', async () => { const text = await page.title(); await page.waitForTimeout(1000); expect(text).toContain('verdaccio-server-e2e'); }); test('should match title with no packages published', async () => { const text = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#help-card__title').textContent); expect(text).toMatch('No Package Published Yet.'); }); test('should match title with first step', async () => { const text = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#help-card').textContent); expect(text).toContain(`npm adduser --registry${registry1.getPort()}`); }); test('should match title with second step', async () => { const text = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('#help-card').textContent); expect(text).toContain(`npm publish --registry${registry1.getPort()}`); }); test('should go to 404 page', async () => { await page.goto(`${registry1.getPort()}/-/web/detail/@verdaccio/not-found`); await page.waitForTimeout(500); const text = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.not-found-text').textContent); expect(text).toMatch("Sorry, we couldn't find it..."); }); });