// @ts-ignore: Module has no default export import crypto from 'crypto'; import { HttpError } from 'http-errors'; import MockDate from 'mockdate'; import { constants } from '@verdaccio/core'; import { DEFAULT_BCRYPT_ROUNDS } from '../src/utils'; import { addUserToHTPasswd, changePasswordToHTPasswd, generateHtpasswdLine, lockAndRead, parseHTPasswd, sanityCheck, verifyPassword, } from '../src/utils'; const mockReadFile = jest.fn(); const mockUnlockFile = jest.fn(); const defaultHashConfig = { algorithm: constants.HtpasswdHashAlgorithm.bcrypt, rounds: DEFAULT_BCRYPT_ROUNDS, }; const mockTimeAndRandomBytes = () => { MockDate.set('2018-01-14T11:17:40.712Z'); // @ts-ignore: Module has no default export crypto.randomBytes = jest.fn(() => { return { toString: (): string => '$6', }; }); Math.random = jest.fn(() => 0.38849); }; jest.mock('@verdaccio/file-locking', () => ({ readFile: () => mockReadFile(), unlockFile: () => mockUnlockFile(), })); describe('parseHTPasswd', () => { it('should parse the password for a single line', () => { const input = 'test:$6b9MlB3WUELU:autocreated 2017-11-06T18:17:21.957Z'; const output = { test: '$6b9MlB3WUELU' }; expect(parseHTPasswd(input)).toEqual(output); }); it('should parse the password for two lines', () => { const input = `user1:$6b9MlB3WUELU:autocreated 2017-11-06T18:17:21.957Z user2:$6FrCaT/v0dwE:autocreated 2017-12-14T13:30:20.838Z`; const output = { user1: '$6b9MlB3WUELU', user2: '$6FrCaT/v0dwE' }; expect(parseHTPasswd(input)).toEqual(output); }); it('should parse the password for multiple lines', () => { const input = `user1:$6b9MlB3WUELU:autocreated 2017-11-06T18:17:21.957Z user2:$6FrCaT/v0dwE:autocreated 2017-12-14T13:30:20.838Z user3:$6FrCdfd\v0dwE:autocreated 2017-12-14T13:30:20.838Z user4:$6FrCasdvppdwE:autocreated 2017-12-14T13:30:20.838Z`; const output = { user1: '$6b9MlB3WUELU', user2: '$6FrCaT/v0dwE', user3: '$6FrCdfd\v0dwE', user4: '$6FrCasdvppdwE', }; expect(parseHTPasswd(input)).toEqual(output); }); }); describe('verifyPassword', () => { it('should verify the MD5/Crypt3 password with true', async () => { const input = ['test', '$apr1$sKXK9.lG$rZ4Iy63Vtn8jF9/USc4BV0']; expect(await verifyPassword(input[0], input[1])).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should verify the MD5/Crypt3 password with false', async () => { const input = ['testpasswordchanged', '$apr1$sKXK9.lG$rZ4Iy63Vtn8jF9/USc4BV0']; expect(await verifyPassword(input[0], input[1])).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should verify the plain password with true', async () => { const input = ['testpasswordchanged', '{PLAIN}testpasswordchanged']; expect(await verifyPassword(input[0], input[1])).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should verify the plain password with false', async () => { const input = ['testpassword', '{PLAIN}testpasswordchanged']; expect(await verifyPassword(input[0], input[1])).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should verify the crypto SHA password with true', async () => { const input = ['testpassword', '{SHA}i7YRj4/Wk1rQh2o740pxfTJwj/0=']; expect(await verifyPassword(input[0], input[1])).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should verify the crypto SHA password with false', async () => { const input = ['testpasswordchanged', '{SHA}i7YRj4/Wk1rQh2o740pxfTJwj/0=']; expect(await verifyPassword(input[0], input[1])).toBeFalsy(); }); it('should verify the bcrypt password with true', async () => { const input = ['testpassword', '$2y$04$Wqed4yN0OktGbiUdxSTwtOva1xfESfkNIZfcS9/vmHLsn3.lkFxJO']; expect(await verifyPassword(input[0], input[1])).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should verify the bcrypt password with false', async () => { const input = [ 'testpasswordchanged', '$2y$04$Wqed4yN0OktGbiUdxSTwtOva1xfESfkNIZfcS9/vmHLsn3.lkFxJO', ]; expect(await verifyPassword(input[0], input[1])).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('generateHtpasswdLine', () => { beforeAll(mockTimeAndRandomBytes); const [user, passwd] = ['username', 'password']; it('should correctly generate line for md5', async () => { const md5Conf = { algorithm: constants.HtpasswdHashAlgorithm.md5 }; expect(await generateHtpasswdLine(user, passwd, md5Conf)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should correctly generate line for sha1', async () => { const sha1Conf = { algorithm: constants.HtpasswdHashAlgorithm.sha1 }; expect(await generateHtpasswdLine(user, passwd, sha1Conf)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should correctly generate line for crypt', async () => { const cryptConf = { algorithm: constants.HtpasswdHashAlgorithm.crypt }; expect(await generateHtpasswdLine(user, passwd, cryptConf)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should correctly generate line for bcrypt', async () => { const bcryptAlgoConfig = { algorithm: constants.HtpasswdHashAlgorithm.bcrypt, rounds: 2, }; expect(await generateHtpasswdLine(user, passwd, bcryptAlgoConfig)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe('addUserToHTPasswd - bcrypt', () => { beforeAll(mockTimeAndRandomBytes); it('should add new htpasswd to the end', async () => { const input = ['', 'username', 'password']; expect( await addUserToHTPasswd(input[0], input[1], input[2], defaultHashConfig) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should add new htpasswd to the end in multiline input', async () => { const body = `test1:$6b9MlB3WUELU:autocreated 2017-11-06T18:17:21.957Z test2:$6FrCaT/v0dwE:autocreated 2017-12-14T13:30:20.838Z`; const input = [body, 'username', 'password']; expect( await addUserToHTPasswd(input[0], input[1], input[2], defaultHashConfig) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('should throw an error for incorrect username with space', async () => { const [a, b, c] = ['', 'firstname lastname', 'password']; await expect( addUserToHTPasswd(a, b, c, defaultHashConfig) ).rejects.toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot(); }); }); describe('lockAndRead', () => { it('should call the readFile method', () => { const cb = (): void => {}; lockAndRead('.htpasswd', cb); expect(mockReadFile).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('sanityCheck', () => { let users; beforeEach(() => { users = { test: '$6FrCaT/v0dwE' }; }); test('should throw error for user already exists', async () => { const verifyFn = jest.fn(); const input = await sanityCheck('test', users.test, verifyFn, users, Infinity); expect((input as HttpError).status).toEqual(401); expect((input as HttpError).message).toEqual('unauthorized access'); expect(verifyFn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test('should throw error for registration disabled of users', async () => { const verifyFn = (): void => {}; const input = await sanityCheck('username', users.test, verifyFn, users, -1); expect((input as HttpError).status).toEqual(409); expect((input as HttpError).message).toEqual('user registration disabled'); }); test('should throw error max number of users', async () => { const verifyFn = (): void => {}; const input = await sanityCheck('username', users.test, verifyFn, users, 1); expect((input as HttpError).status).toEqual(403); expect((input as HttpError).message).toEqual('maximum amount of users reached'); }); test('should not throw anything and sanity check', async () => { const verifyFn = (): void => {}; const input = await sanityCheck('username', users.test, verifyFn, users, 2); expect(input).toBeNull(); }); test('should throw error for required username field', async () => { const verifyFn = (): void => {}; // @ts-expect-error const input = await sanityCheck(undefined, users.test, verifyFn, users, 2); expect((input as HttpError).message).toEqual('username and password is required'); expect((input as HttpError).status).toEqual(400); }); test('should throw error for required password field', async () => { const verifyFn = (): void => {}; // @ts-expect-error const input = await sanityCheck('username', undefined, verifyFn, users, 2); expect((input as HttpError).message).toEqual('username and password is required'); expect((input as HttpError).status).toEqual(400); }); test('should throw error for required username & password fields', async () => { const verifyFn = (): void => {}; // @ts-expect-error const input = await sanityCheck(undefined, undefined, verifyFn, users, 2); expect((input as HttpError).message).toEqual('username and password is required'); expect((input as HttpError).status).toEqual(400); }); test('should throw error for existing username and password', async () => { const verifyFn = jest.fn(() => true); const input = await sanityCheck('test', users.test, verifyFn, users, 2); expect((input as HttpError).status).toEqual(409); expect((input as HttpError).message).toEqual('username is already registered'); expect(verifyFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); test( 'should throw error for existing username and password with max number ' + 'of users reached', async () => { const verifyFn = jest.fn(() => true); const input = await sanityCheck('test', users.test, verifyFn, users, 1); expect((input as HttpError).status).toEqual(409); expect((input as HttpError).message).toEqual('username is already registered'); expect(verifyFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); } ); }); describe('changePasswordToHTPasswd', () => { test('should throw error for wrong password', async () => { const body = 'test:$6b9MlB3WUELU:autocreated 2017-11-06T18:17:21.957Z'; try { await changePasswordToHTPasswd( body, 'test', 'somerandompassword', 'newPassword', defaultHashConfig ); } catch (error: any) { expect(error.message).toEqual( `Unable to change password for user 'test': invalid old password` ); } }); test('should throw error when user does not exist', async () => { const body = 'test:$6b9MlB3WUELU:autocreated 2017-11-06T18:17:21.957Z'; try { await changePasswordToHTPasswd( body, 'test2', 'somerandompassword', 'newPassword', defaultHashConfig ); } catch (error: any) { expect(error.message).toEqual( `Unable to change password for user 'test2': user does not currently exist` ); } }); test('should change the password', async () => { const body = 'root:$6qLTHoPfGLy2:autocreated 2018-08-20T13:38:12.164Z'; expect( await changePasswordToHTPasswd(body, 'root', 'demo123', 'newPassword', defaultHashConfig) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });