import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import fs from 'fs'; import MockDate from 'mockdate'; import path from 'path'; import { Config, parseConfigFile } from '@verdaccio/config'; import { constants, pluginUtils } from '@verdaccio/core'; import HTPasswd, { DEFAULT_SLOW_VERIFY_MS, HTPasswdConfig } from '../src/htpasswd'; const options = { logger: { warn: jest.fn(), info: jest.fn() }, config: new Config(parseConfigFile(path.join(__dirname, './__fixtures__/config.yaml'))), } as any as pluginUtils.PluginOptions; const config = { file: './htpasswd', max_users: 1000, } as HTPasswdConfig; describe('HTPasswd', () => { let wrapper; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = new HTPasswd(config, options); jest.resetModules(); jest.clearAllMocks(); // @ts-ignore crypto.randomBytes = jest.fn(() => { return { toString: (): string => '$6', }; }); }); describe('constructor()', () => { const error = jest.fn(); const warn = jest.fn(); const info = jest.fn(); const emptyPluginOptions = { config: { configPath: '', }, logger: { warn, info, error }, } as any as pluginUtils.PluginOptions; test('should ensure file path configuration exists', () => { expect(function () { new HTPasswd({} as HTPasswdConfig, emptyPluginOptions); }).toThrow(/should specify "file" in config/); }); test('should switch to bcrypt if incorrect algorithm is set', () => { let invalidConfig = { algorithm: 'invalid', ...config } as HTPasswdConfig; new HTPasswd(invalidConfig, emptyPluginOptions); expect(warn).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'The algorithm selected %s is invalid, switching to to default one "bcrypt", password validation can be affected', 'invalid' ); expect(info).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('authenticate()', () => { test('it should authenticate user with given credentials', (done) => { const users = [ { username: 'test', password: 'test' }, { username: 'username', password: 'password' }, { username: 'bcrypt', password: 'password' }, ]; let usersAuthenticated = 0; const generateCallback = (username) => (error, userGroups) => { usersAuthenticated += 1; expect(error).toBeNull(); expect(userGroups).toContain(username); usersAuthenticated === users.length && done(); }; users.forEach(({ username, password }) => wrapper.authenticate(username, password, generateCallback(username)) ); }); test('it should not authenticate user with given credentials', (done) => { const users = ['test', 'username', 'bcrypt']; let usersAuthenticated = 0; const generateCallback = () => (error, userGroups) => { usersAuthenticated += 1; expect(error).toBeNull(); expect(userGroups).toBeFalsy(); usersAuthenticated === users.length && done(); }; users.forEach((username) => wrapper.authenticate(username, 'somerandompassword', generateCallback()) ); }); // TODO: flakes on CI test.skip('it should warn on slow password verification', (done) => { // @ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars = jest.fn((_passwd, _hash) => { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, DEFAULT_SLOW_VERIFY_MS + 1)).then( () => true ); }); const callback = (a, b): void => { expect(a).toBeNull(); expect(b).toContain('bcrypt'); const mockWarn = options.logger.warn as jest.MockedFn; expect(mockWarn.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); const [{ user, durationMs }, message] = mockWarn.mock.calls[0]; expect(user).toEqual('bcrypt'); expect(durationMs).toBeGreaterThan(DEFAULT_SLOW_VERIFY_MS); expect(message).toEqual('Password for user "@{user}" took @{durationMs}ms to verify'); done(); }; wrapper.authenticate('bcrypt', 'password', callback); }, 18000); }); describe('addUser()', () => { test('it should not pass sanity check', (done) => { const callback = (a): void => { expect(a.message).toEqual('unauthorized access'); done(); }; wrapper.adduser('test', 'somerandompassword', callback); }); test('it should add the user', (done) => { let dataToWrite; // @ts-ignore fs.writeFile = jest.fn((name, data, callback) => { dataToWrite = data; callback(); }); MockDate.set('2018-01-14T11:17:40.712Z'); const callback = (a, b): void => { expect(a).toBeNull(); expect(b).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(dataToWrite.indexOf('usernotpresent')).not.toEqual(-1); done(); }; wrapper.adduser('usernotpresent', 'somerandompassword', callback); }); describe('addUser() error handling', () => { test('sanityCheck should return an Error', (done) => { jest.doMock('../src/utils.ts', () => { return { sanityCheck: (): Error => Error('some error'), HtpasswdHashAlgorithm: constants.HtpasswdHashAlgorithm, }; }); const HTPasswd = require('../src/htpasswd.ts').default; const wrapper = new HTPasswd(config, options); wrapper.adduser('sanityCheck', 'test', (sanity) => { expect(sanity.message).toBeDefined(); expect(sanity.message).toMatch('some error'); done(); }); }); test('lockAndRead should return an Error', (done) => { jest.doMock('../src/utils.ts', () => { return { sanityCheck: (): any => null, lockAndRead: (_a, b): any => b(new Error('lock error')), HtpasswdHashAlgorithm: constants.HtpasswdHashAlgorithm, }; }); const HTPasswd = require('../src/htpasswd.ts').default; const wrapper = new HTPasswd(config, options); wrapper.adduser('lockAndRead', 'test', (sanity) => { expect(sanity.message).toBeDefined(); expect(sanity.message).toMatch('lock error'); done(); }); }); test('addUserToHTPasswd should return an Error', (done) => { jest.doMock('../src/utils.ts', () => { return { sanityCheck: (): any => null, parseHTPasswd: (): void => {}, lockAndRead: (_a, b): any => b(null, ''), unlockFile: (_a, b): any => b(), HtpasswdHashAlgorithm: constants.HtpasswdHashAlgorithm, }; }); const HTPasswd = require('../src/htpasswd.ts').default; const wrapper = new HTPasswd(config, options); wrapper.adduser('addUserToHTPasswd', 'test', () => { done(); }); }); test('writeFile should return an Error', (done) => { jest.doMock('../src/utils.ts', () => { return { sanityCheck: () => Promise.resolve(null), parseHTPasswd: (): void => {}, lockAndRead: (_a, b): any => b(null, ''), addUserToHTPasswd: (): void => {}, HtpasswdHashAlgorithm: constants.HtpasswdHashAlgorithm, }; }); jest.doMock('fs', () => { const original = jest.requireActual('fs'); return { ...original, writeFile: jest.fn((_name, _data, callback) => { callback(new Error('write error')); }), }; }); const HTPasswd = require('../src/htpasswd.ts').default; const wrapper = new HTPasswd(config, options); wrapper.adduser('addUserToHTPasswd', 'test', (err) => { expect(err).not.toBeNull(); expect(err.message).toMatch('write error'); done(); }); }); }); describe('reload()', () => { test('it should read the file and set the users', (done) => { const output = { test: '$6FrCaT/v0dwE', username: '$66to3JK5RgZM', bcrypt: '$2y$04$K2Cn3StiXx4CnLmcTW/ymekOrj7WlycZZF9xgmoJ/U0zGPqSLPVBe', }; const callback = (): void => { expect(wrapper.users).toEqual(output); done(); }; wrapper.reload(callback); }); test('reload should fails on check file', (done) => { jest.doMock('fs', () => { return { stat: (_name, callback): void => { callback(new Error('stat error'), null); }, }; }); const callback = (err): void => { expect(err).not.toBeNull(); expect(err.message).toMatch('stat error'); done(); }; const HTPasswd = require('../src/htpasswd.ts').default; const wrapper = new HTPasswd(config, options); wrapper.reload(callback); }); test('reload times match', (done) => { jest.doMock('fs', () => { return { stat: (_name, callback): void => { callback(null, { mtime: null, }); }, }; }); const callback = (err): void => { expect(err).toBeUndefined(); done(); }; const HTPasswd = require('../src/htpasswd.ts').default; const wrapper = new HTPasswd(config, options); wrapper.reload(callback); }); test('reload should fails on read file', (done) => { jest.doMock('fs', () => { return { stat: jest.requireActual('fs').stat, readFile: (_name, _format, callback): void => { callback(new Error('read error'), null); }, }; }); const callback = (err): void => { expect(err).not.toBeNull(); expect(err.message).toMatch('read error'); done(); }; const HTPasswd = require('../src/htpasswd.ts').default; const wrapper = new HTPasswd(config, options); wrapper.reload(callback); }); }); }); test('changePassword - it should throw an error for user not found', (done) => { const callback = (error, isSuccess): void => { expect(error).not.toBeNull(); expect(error.message).toBe( `Unable to change password for user 'usernotpresent': user does not currently exist` ); expect(isSuccess).toBeFalsy(); done(); }; wrapper.changePassword('usernotpresent', 'oldPassword', 'newPassword', callback); }); test('changePassword - it should throw an error for wrong password', (done) => { const callback = (error, isSuccess): void => { expect(error).not.toBeNull(); expect(error.message).toBe( `Unable to change password for user 'username': invalid old password` ); expect(isSuccess).toBeFalsy(); done(); }; wrapper.changePassword('username', 'wrongPassword', 'newPassword', callback); }); test('changePassword - it should change password', (done) => { let dataToWrite; // @ts-ignore fs.writeFile = jest.fn((_name, data, callback) => { dataToWrite = data; callback(); }); const callback = (error, isSuccess): void => { expect(error).toBeNull(); expect(isSuccess).toBeTruthy(); expect(fs.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(dataToWrite.indexOf('username')).not.toEqual(-1); done(); }; wrapper.changePassword('username', 'password', 'newPassword', callback); }); });