id: source-code
date: 2017-07-10T23:36:56.503Z
title: Source Code
`verdaccio` is composed or multiple repositories you might contribute. Look into the **issues** tab whether there is a ticket waiting for you 

| Repository                                         | Usage                                                                                                            | Stack                                                                |
| -------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio>           | The main repository                                                                                              | Node, Express, async, React, Babel, ES6, Mocha, Markdown, HTML, Sass |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/streams>             | Small library to handle streams                                                                                  | ES6, Babel, *Soon: Flow*                                             |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/file-locking>        | Small library to handle locked files                                                                             | ES6, Babel, *Soon: Flow*                                             |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/local-storage>       | Default dependency for verdaccio to handle local file system storage (since `v3.x`)                              | ES6, Babel, Flow                                                     |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/flow-types>          | `flow` type definitions for verdaccio and sub dependencies.                                                      | Flow, flow-typed                                                     |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio.github.io> | Public `verdaccio` website and future documentation page.                                                        | Markdown, HTML, Sass, Github Pages                                   |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/docker-examples>     | Docker examples with `docker-compose` to play around with integrations, (nginx, kubernetes, apache, ldap, etc..) | Docker Compose, Docker                                               |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/puppet-verdaccio>    | Puppet support                                                                                                   | Puppet                                                               |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/ansible-verdaccio>   | Ansible support                                                                                                  | Ansible                                                              |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-cookbook>  | Chef support                                                                                                     | Chef                                                                 |

## Experimental Repos

The following repositories aims to be part of the future infraestructure of `verdaccio` and are just PoC looking for active colaborators.

| Repository                                                    | Usage                                          | Stack              |
| ------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/verdaccio-plugin-auth-htpasswd> | Default authentification plugin based on Babel | ES6, Babel, Flow   |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/generator-verdaccio-plugin>     | Yeoman generators for future verdaccio plugins | ES6, Babel, Yeoman |
| <https://github.com/verdaccio/blog>                           | Any article related with verdaccio             | Markdown           |