{ "_comment": "Este arquivo é gerado automaticamente pelo script write-translations.js", "localized-strings": { "next": "Próximo", "previous": "Anterior", "tagline": "Um simples e eficiente registro privado para npm", "ansible": "Instalação com Ansible", "authentification": "Autenticação", "build": "Usando a partir do codigo fonte", "cli": "Utilitário da Linha de Comando", "configuration": "Arquivo de Configuração", "contributing": "Contribuindo com o Verdaccio", "dev-plugins": "Criando Plugins", "docker": "Docker", "iss-server": "Instalando em um Servidor ISS", "installation": "Instalação", "kubernetes": "Kubernetes", "logger": "Logs", "node-api": "Api Node", "notifications": "Notificações", "packages": "Permissões dos Pacotes", "plugins": "Plugins", "protect-your-dependencies": "Protegendo seus pacotes", "source-code": "Código Fonte", "reverse-proxy": "Configuração de Proxy Reverso", "server-configuration": "Configuração do Servidor", "ssl": "Configurar SSL", "unit-testing": "Unit Testing", "uplinks": "Uplinks", "use-cases": "Use Cases", "webui": "Interface Web", "what-is-verdaccio": "O que é o Verdaccio?", "windows": "Instalando como um Serviço no Windows", "Docs": "Docs", "Help": "Ajuda", "Blog": "Blog", "Introduction": "Introdução", "Configuration": "Configuração", "Server": "Servidor", "Plugins": "Plugins", "DevOps": "DevOps", "Development": "Development", "Guides": "Tutoriais" }, "pages-strings": { "Learn more using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Saiba mais, acessando a [documentação.](/docs/en/installation.html)", "Browse Docs|no description given": "Documentação", "Ask questions about the documentation and project|no description given": "Faça perguntas sobre a documentação e o projeto", "Join the community|no description given": "Faça parte", "Find out what's new with this project|no description given": "Descubra todas as novidades sobre o projeto", "Stay up to date|no description given": "Saiba as Novidades", "Need help?|no description given": "Precisa de Ajuda?", "This project is maintained by a dedicated group of people.|statement made to reader": "Este projeto é mantido por um grupo dedicado de pessoas.", "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)|no description given": "Learn more about Verdaccio using the [documentation on this site.](/docs/en/installation.html)", "You can follow and contact us on|no description given": "You can follow and contact us on", "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our|no description given": "If the documentation is not enough help, you can try browsing into our", "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at|no description given": "and also you can chat with the Verdaccio community at", "More Help?|no description given": "More Help?", "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.|no description given": "This project is maintained by the Verdaccio community.", "Documentation|no description given": "Documentation", "Contribute|no description given": "Contribute", "Easy to Install|no description given": "Easy to Install", "Easy to Set Up|no description given": "Easy to Set Up", "Easy to Use|no description given": "Easy to Use", "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.|no description given": "That’s it ! Enjoy your private package manager.", "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.|no description given": "**npm**, **yarn** and **pnpm** are part of any development workflow we try to catch up with the latest updates.", "The most popular npm clients are supported|no description given": "The most popular npm clients are supported", "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use|no description given": "We have an official **Docker** image ready to use", "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment|no description given": "and **Kubernetes Helm** support for easy deployment", "Making the DevOps work easy|no description given": "Making the DevOps work easy", "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.|no description given": "Verdaccio is plugin based, authentication, middleware and storage support. Just pick one or create your custom one.", "Plugin Support|no description given": "Plugin Support", "Who's Using This?|no description given": "Who's Using This?", "This project is used by all these people|no description given": "This project is used by all these people", "More|no description given": "More", "Users|no description given": "Users", "This project is used by many folks|no description given": "This project is used by many folks", "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.|no description given": "Are you using this project? Do not be shy and add your company/project logo.", "Add your company|no description given": "Add your company", "Help Translate|recruit community translators for your project": "Ajude-nos a Traduzir", "Edit this Doc|recruitment message asking to edit the doc source": "Editar", "Translate this Doc|recruitment message asking to translate the docs": "Traduzir" } }