'use strict'; const JSONStream = require('JSONStream'); const Error = require('http-errors'); const request = require('request'); const Stream = require('readable-stream'); const URL = require('url'); const parse_interval = require('./config').parse_interval; const Logger = require('./logger'); const MyStreams = require('./streams'); const Utils = require('./utils'); const encode = function(thing) { return encodeURIComponent(thing).replace(/^%40/, '@'); }; /** * Implements Storage interface * (same for storage.js, local-storage.js, up-storage.js) */ class Storage { /** * Constructor * @param {*} config * @param {*} mainconfig */ constructor(config, mainconfig) { this.config = config; this.failed_requests = 0; this.userAgent = mainconfig.user_agent; this.ca = config.ca; this.logger = Logger.logger.child({sub: 'out'}); this.server_id = mainconfig.server_id; this.url = URL.parse(this.config.url); this._setupProxy(this.url.hostname, config, mainconfig, this.url.protocol === 'https:'); this.config.url = this.config.url.replace(/\/$/, ''); if (Number(this.config.timeout) >= 1000) { this.logger.warn(['Too big timeout value: ' + this.config.timeout, 'We changed time format to nginx-like one', '(see http://wiki.nginx.org/ConfigNotation)', 'so please update your config accordingly'].join('\n')); } // a bunch of different configurable timers this.maxage = parse_interval(config_get('maxage', '2m' )); this.timeout = parse_interval(config_get('timeout', '30s')); this.max_fails = Number(config_get('max_fails', 2 )); this.fail_timeout = parse_interval(config_get('fail_timeout', '5m' )); return this; /** * Just a helper (`config[key] || default` doesn't work because of zeroes) * @param {*} key * @param {*} def * @return {String} */ function config_get(key, def) { return config[key] != null ? config[key] : def; } } /** * Set up a proxy. * @param {*} hostname * @param {*} config * @param {*} mainconfig * @param {*} isHTTPS */ _setupProxy(hostname, config, mainconfig, isHTTPS) { let no_proxy; let proxy_key = isHTTPS ? 'https_proxy' : 'http_proxy'; // get http_proxy and no_proxy configs if (proxy_key in config) { this.proxy = config[proxy_key]; } else if (proxy_key in mainconfig) { this.proxy = mainconfig[proxy_key]; } if ('no_proxy' in config) { no_proxy = config.no_proxy; } else if ('no_proxy' in mainconfig) { no_proxy = mainconfig.no_proxy; } // use wget-like algorithm to determine if proxy shouldn't be used if (hostname[0] !== '.') { hostname = '.' + hostname; } if (typeof(no_proxy) === 'string' && no_proxy.length) { no_proxy = no_proxy.split(','); } if (Array.isArray(no_proxy)) { for (let i=0; i= this.max_fails && Math.abs(Date.now() - this.last_request_time) < this.fail_timeout) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { if (alive) { if (this.failed_requests >= this.max_fails) { this.logger.warn({host: this.url.host}, 'host @{host} is back online'); } this.failed_requests = 0; } else { this.failed_requests++; if (this.failed_requests === this.max_fails) { this.logger.warn({host: this.url.host}, 'host @{host} is now offline'); } } this.last_request_time = Date.now(); } } /** * Determine whether can fetch from the provided URL. * @param {*} url * @return {Boolean} */ can_fetch_url(url) { url = URL.parse(url); return url.protocol === this.url.protocol && url.host === this.url.host && url.path.indexOf(this.url.path) === 0; } /** * Get a remote package. * @param {*} name * @param {*} options * @param {*} callback */ get_package(name, options, callback) { if (typeof(options) === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } const headers = {}; if (options.etag) { headers['If-None-Match'] = options.etag; headers['Accept'] = 'application/octet-stream'; } this.request({ uri: `/${encode(name)}`, json: true, headers: headers, req: options.req, }, function(err, res, body) { if (err) return callback(err); if (res.statusCode === 404) { return callback( Error[404]('package doesn\'t exist on uplink') ); } if (!(res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300)) { let error = Error('bad status code: ' + res.statusCode); error.remoteStatus = res.statusCode; return callback(error); } callback(null, body, res.headers.etag); }); } /** * Retrieve a tarball. * @param {*} name * @param {*} options * @param {*} filename * @return {Stream} */ get_tarball(name, options, filename) { // FUTURE: es6 note: this must be default parameter if (!options) { options = {}; } return this.get_url(`${this.config.url}'/'${name}/-/${filename}`); } /** * Get an url. * @param {String} url * @return {Stream} */ get_url(url) { const stream = MyStreams.ReadTarballStream(); stream.abort = function() {}; let current_length = 0; let expected_length; let rstream = this.request({ uri_full: url, encoding: null, headers: {Accept: 'application/octet-stream'}, }); rstream.on('response', function(res) { if (res.statusCode === 404) { return stream.emit('error', Error[404]('file doesn\'t exist on uplink')); } if (!(res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 300)) { return stream.emit('error', Error('bad uplink status code: ' + res.statusCode)); } if (res.headers['content-length']) { expected_length = res.headers['content-length']; stream.emit('content-length', res.headers['content-length']); } rstream.pipe(stream); }); rstream.on('error', function(err) { stream.emit('error', err); }); rstream.on('data', function(d) { current_length += d.length; }); rstream.on('end', function(d) { if (d) current_length += d.length; if (expected_length && current_length != expected_length) stream.emit('error', Error('content length mismatch')); }); return stream; } /** * Perform a stream search. * @param {*} startkey keyword * @param {*} options request options * @return {Stream} */ search(startkey, options) { const stream = new Stream.PassThrough({objectMode: true}); let req = this.request({ uri: options.req.url, req: options.req, headers: { referer: options.req.headers.referer, }, }); req.on('response', (res) => { if (!String(res.statusCode).match(/^2\d\d$/)) { return stream.emit('error', Error('bad status code ' + res.statusCode + ' from uplink')); } res.pipe(JSONStream.parse('*')).on('data', (pkg) => { if (Utils.is_object(pkg)) { stream.emit('data', pkg); } }); res.on('end', () => { stream.emit('end'); }); }); req.on('error', (err) => { stream.emit('error', err); }); stream.abort = () => { req.abort(); stream.emit('end'); }; return stream; } /** * Add proxy headers. * @param {*} req the http request * @param {*} headers the request headers */ _add_proxy_headers(req, headers) { if (req) { // Only submit X-Forwarded-For field if we don't have a proxy selected // in the config file. // // Otherwise misconfigured proxy could return 407: // https://github.com/rlidwka/sinopia/issues/254 // if (!this.proxy) { headers['X-Forwarded-For'] = ( req && req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] ? req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] + ', ' : '' ) + req.connection.remoteAddress; } } // always attach Via header to avoid loops, even if we're not proxying headers['Via'] = req && req.headers['via'] ? req.headers['via'] + ', ' : ''; headers['Via'] += '1.1 ' + this.server_id + ' (Verdaccio)'; } } module.exports = Storage;