import { fillInMsgTemplate } from '../../../../src/lib/logger/formatter'; import { LOG_VERDACCIO_ERROR, LOG_VERDACCIO_BYTES } from '../../../../src/api/middleware'; import { HTTP_STATUS } from '@verdaccio/commons-api'; // the following mocks avoid use colors, thus the strings can be matched jest.mock('kleur', () => { // we emulate colors with this pattern color[msg] return { green: (r) => `g[${r}]`, yellow: (r) => `y[${r}]`, black: (r) => `b[${r}]`, blue: (r) => `bu[${r}]`, red: (r) => `r[${r}]`, cyan: (r) => `c[${r}]`, magenta: (r) => `m[${r}]`, white: (r) => `w[${r}]` }; }); jest.mock('util', () => { // we need to override only one method, but still we need others const originalModule = jest.requireActual('util'); return { ...originalModule, inspect: (r) => r }; }); describe('Logger Parser', () => { describe('basic messages', () => { test('number object property', () => { expect(fillInMsgTemplate('foo:@{foo}', { foo: 1 }, false)).toEqual('foo:1'); }); test('string object property', () => { expect(fillInMsgTemplate('foo:@{foo}', { foo: 'bar' }, false)).toEqual('foo:bar'); }); test('empty message no object property', () => { expect(fillInMsgTemplate('foo', undefined, false)).toEqual('foo'); }); test('string no object property', () => { expect(fillInMsgTemplate('foo', null, false)).toEqual('foo'); }); test('string no object property with break line', () => { expect(fillInMsgTemplate('foo \n bar', null, false)).toEqual('foo \n bar'); }); test('string no object property with colors', () => { expect(fillInMsgTemplate('foo', null, true)).toEqual('foo'); }); test('string object property with colors', () => { expect(fillInMsgTemplate('foo:@{foo}', { foo: 'bar' }, true)).toEqual(`foo:${'g[bar]'}`); }); }); describe('middleware log messages', () => { describe('test errors log', () => { const middlewareObject = { name: 'verdaccio', request: { method: 'POST', url: '/-/npm/v1/user' }, user: 'userTest2001', remoteIP: '::ffff:', status: HTTP_STATUS.UNAUTHORIZED, error: 'some error', msg: "@{status}, user: @{user}(@{remoteIP}), req: '@{request.method} @{request.url}', error: @{!error}" }; test('should display error log', () => { const expectedErrorMessage = `401, user: userTest2001(::ffff:, req: 'POST /-/npm/v1/user', error: some error`; expect(fillInMsgTemplate(LOG_VERDACCIO_ERROR, middlewareObject, false)).toEqual( expectedErrorMessage ); }); test('should display error log with colors', () => { const expectedErrorMessage = `401, user: g[userTest2001](g[::ffff:]), req: 'g[POST] g[/-/npm/v1/user]', error: r[some error]`; expect(fillInMsgTemplate(LOG_VERDACCIO_ERROR, middlewareObject, true)).toEqual( expectedErrorMessage ); }); }); describe('test bytes log', () => { const middlewareObject = { name: 'verdaccio', hostname: 'macbook-touch', pid: 85621, sub: 'in', level: 35, request: { method: 'PUT', url: '/-/user/org.couchdb.user:userTest2002' }, user: 'userTest2002', remoteIP: '::ffff:', status: 201, error: undefined, bytes: { in: 50, out: 405 }, msg: "@{status}, user: @{user}(@{remoteIP}), req: '@{request.method} @{request.url}', bytes: @{}/@{bytes.out}", time: '2019-07-20T11:31:49.939Z', v: 0 }; test('should display log with bytes', () => { expect(fillInMsgTemplate(LOG_VERDACCIO_BYTES, middlewareObject, false)).toEqual( `201, user: userTest2002(::ffff:, req: 'PUT /-/user/org.couchdb.user:userTest2002', bytes: 50/405` ); }); test('should display log with bytes with colors', () => { expect(fillInMsgTemplate(LOG_VERDACCIO_BYTES, middlewareObject, true)).toEqual( `201, user: g[userTest2002](g[::ffff:]), req: 'g[PUT] g[/-/user/org.couchdb.user:userTest2002]', bytes: 50/405` ); }); }); }); });