import {HTTP_STATUS, PACKAGE_ERROR} from "../../../src/lib/constants"; export default function(server2) { // credentials const USER1 = 'authtest'; const USER2 = 'authtest2'; const CORRECT_PASSWORD = 'blahblah'; const WRONG_PASSWORD = 'wrongpass1'; // package names const DENY_PKG_NAME = 'test-auth-deny'; const AUTH_PKG_ACCESS_NAME = 'test-auth-regular'; const ONLY_ACCESS_BY_USER_2 = 'test-deny'; const UNEXISTING_PKG_NAME = 'test-auth-allow'; const requestAuthFail = (user, pass, message, statusCode) => { return server2.auth(user, pass) .status(statusCode) .body_error(message) .then(function() { return server2.whoami(); }) .then(function(username) { expect(username).toBeUndefined(); }); }; const requestAuthOk = (user, pass, regex, statusCode) => { return server2.auth(user, pass) .status(statusCode) .body_ok(regex) .then(function() { return server2.whoami(); }) .then(function(username) { expect(username).toBe(user); }); }; describe('plugin authentication', () => { describe('test users authentication', () => { test('should not authenticate user1 with wrong password', () => { return requestAuthFail(USER1, WRONG_PASSWORD, 'i don\'t like your password', HTTP_STATUS.UNAUTHORIZED); }); test('should not authenticate user2 with wrong password', () => { return requestAuthFail(USER2, WRONG_PASSWORD, 'i don\'t like your password', HTTP_STATUS.UNAUTHORIZED); }); test('should right user2 password handled by plugin', () => { return requestAuthOk(USER2, CORRECT_PASSWORD, new RegExp(USER2), HTTP_STATUS.CREATED); }); test('should right user1 password handled by plugin', () => { return requestAuthOk(USER1, CORRECT_PASSWORD, new RegExp(USER1), HTTP_STATUS.CREATED); }); }); describe('test package access authorization', () => { describe(`access with user ${USER1} on server2`, () => { beforeAll(function() { return server2.auth(USER1, CORRECT_PASSWORD) .status(HTTP_STATUS.CREATED) .body_ok(new RegExp(USER1)); }); test(`should fails (404) on access ${UNEXISTING_PKG_NAME}`, () => { return server2.getPackage(UNEXISTING_PKG_NAME) .status(HTTP_STATUS.NOT_FOUND) .body_error(PACKAGE_ERROR.NO_PACKAGE); }); test(`should fails (403) access ${ONLY_ACCESS_BY_USER_2}`, () => { return server2.getPackage(ONLY_ACCESS_BY_USER_2) .status(HTTP_STATUS.FORBIDDEN) .body_error(PACKAGE_ERROR.NOT_ALLOWED); }); test(`should fails (404) access ${AUTH_PKG_ACCESS_NAME}`, () => { return server2.getPackage(AUTH_PKG_ACCESS_NAME) .status(HTTP_STATUS.NOT_FOUND) .body_error(PACKAGE_ERROR.NO_PACKAGE); }); }); describe(`access with user ${USER2} on server2`, () => { beforeAll(function() { return server2.auth(USER2, CORRECT_PASSWORD) .status(HTTP_STATUS.CREATED) .body_ok(new RegExp(USER2)); }); test(`should fails (403) on access ${UNEXISTING_PKG_NAME}`, () => { return server2.getPackage(UNEXISTING_PKG_NAME) .status(HTTP_STATUS.FORBIDDEN) .body_error(PACKAGE_ERROR.NOT_ALLOWED); }); test(`should fails (403) on access ${DENY_PKG_NAME}`, () => { return server2.getPackage(DENY_PKG_NAME) .status(HTTP_STATUS.FORBIDDEN) .body_error(PACKAGE_ERROR.NOT_ALLOWED); }); test(`should fails (404) access ${AUTH_PKG_ACCESS_NAME}`, () => { return server2.getPackage(AUTH_PKG_ACCESS_NAME) .status(HTTP_STATUS.NOT_FOUND) .body_error(PACKAGE_ERROR.NO_PACKAGE); }); }); }); }); }