import _ from 'lodash'; import { Logger, ILocalPackageManager } from '@verdaccio/types'; import { VerdaccioError, HTTP_STATUS } from '@verdaccio/core'; import { ERROR_MISSING_CONFIG } from '../src/data-storage'; import { VerdaccioConfigGoogleStorage } from '../src/types'; import storageConfig from './partials/config'; const loggerDefault: Logger = { error: jest.fn(), info: jest.fn(), debug: jest.fn(), child: jest.fn(), warn: jest.fn(), http: jest.fn(), trace: jest.fn(), }; describe.skip('Google Cloud Storage', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.resetModules(); }); const getCloudDatabase = (storageConfig, logger = loggerDefault): any => { const GoogleCloudDatabase = require('../src/index').default; const cloudDatabase = new GoogleCloudDatabase(storageConfig, { logger }); return cloudDatabase; }; describe('Google Cloud DataStore', () => { // **** DataStore describe('should test create instances', () => { test('should create an instance', () => { const cloudDatabase = getCloudDatabase(storageConfig); expect(cloudDatabase).toBeDefined(); }); test('should fails on create an instance due to bucket name invalid', () => { expect(() => { const testConf: VerdaccioConfigGoogleStorage = _.clone(storageConfig); delete testConf.bucket; getCloudDatabase(testConf); }).toThrow(new Error('Google Cloud Storage requires a bucket name, please define one.')); }); test('should fails on create an instance fails due projectId invalid', () => { expect(() => { const testConf: VerdaccioConfigGoogleStorage = _.clone(storageConfig); delete testConf.projectId; getCloudDatabase(testConf); }).toThrow(new Error('Google Cloud Storage requires a ProjectId.')); }); test('should fails on config is not to be provided', () => { expect(() => { getCloudDatabase(undefined); }).toThrow(new Error(ERROR_MISSING_CONFIG)); }); }); describe('DataStore basic calls', () => { const pkgName = 'dataBasicItem1'; test('should add an Entity', (done) => { // ** add, remove, get, getPackageStorage jest.doMock('../src/storage-helper', () => { const originalModule = jest.requireActual('../src/storage-helper').default; return { __esModule: true, default: class Foo extends originalModule { public datastore: object; public constructor(props) { super(props); this.datastore = { key: jest.fn(), save: (): Promise<[]> => Promise.resolve([]), createQuery: (): string => 'query', runQuery: (): Promise => Promise.resolve([ [ { name: pkgName, }, ], {}, ]), }; } }, }; }); const cloudDatabase = getCloudDatabase(storageConfig); cloudDatabase.add(pkgName, (err: VerdaccioError) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); cloudDatabase.get((err: VerdaccioError, results: string[]) => { expect(results).not.toBeNull(); expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(results).toHaveLength(1); expect(results[0]).toBe(pkgName); done(); }); }); }); test('should fails add an Entity', (done) => { // ** add, remove, get, getPackageStorage jest.doMock('../src/storage-helper', () => { const originalModule = jest.requireActual('../src/storage-helper').default; return { __esModule: true, default: class Foo extends originalModule { public datastore: object; public constructor(props) { super(props); this.datastore = { key: jest.fn(), save: (): Promise => Promise.reject(new Error('')), createQuery: (): string => 'query', runQuery: (): Promise => Promise.resolve([ [ { name: pkgName, }, ], {}, ]), }; } }, }; }); const cloudDatabase = getCloudDatabase(storageConfig); cloudDatabase.add(pkgName, (err: VerdaccioError) => { expect(err).not.toBeNull(); expect(err.code).toEqual(HTTP_STATUS.INTERNAL_ERROR); done(); }); }); test('should delete an entity', (done) => { const deleteDataStore = jest.fn(); jest.doMock('../src/storage-helper', () => { const originalModule = jest.requireActual('../src/storage-helper').default; return { __esModule: true, default: class Foo extends originalModule { public datastore: object; public constructor(props) { super(props); // gcloud sdk uses Symbols for metadata in entities const sym = Symbol('name'); this.datastore = { KEY: sym, key: jest.fn(() => true), int: jest.fn(() => 1), delete: deleteDataStore, createQuery: (): string => 'query', runQuery: (): Promise => { const entity = { name: pkgName, id: 1, }; entity[sym] = entity; return Promise.resolve([[entity], {}]); }, }; } }, }; }); const cloudDatabase = getCloudDatabase(storageConfig); cloudDatabase.remove(pkgName, (err, result) => { expect(err).toBeNull(); expect(result).not.toBeNull(); expect(deleteDataStore).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(deleteDataStore).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); done(); }); }); // // test('should fails on delete remove an entity', () => { // const cloudDatabase: ILocalData = new GoogleCloudDatabase(storageConfig, { logger }); // // cloudDatabase.remove('fakeName', err => { // expect(err).not.toBeNull(); // expect(err.message).toMatch(/not found/); // }); // }); test('should get a new instance package storage', () => { const cloudDatabase = getCloudDatabase(storageConfig); const store: ILocalPackageManager = cloudDatabase.getPackageStorage('newInstance'); expect(store).not.toBeNull(); expect(store).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('should test non implemented methods', () => { test('should test saveToken', (done) => { const warn = jest.fn(); const cloudDatabase = getCloudDatabase(storageConfig, { ...loggerDefault, warn }); cloudDatabase.saveToken({}).catch(() => { expect(warn).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); test('should test deleteToken', (done) => { const warn = jest.fn(); const cloudDatabase = getCloudDatabase(storageConfig, { ...loggerDefault, warn }); cloudDatabase.deleteToken({}).catch(() => { expect(warn).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); test('should test readTokens', (done) => { const warn = jest.fn(); const cloudDatabase = getCloudDatabase(storageConfig, { ...loggerDefault, warn }); cloudDatabase.readTokens({}).catch(() => { expect(warn).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); test('should test search', (done) => { const warn = jest.fn(); const cloudDatabase = getCloudDatabase(storageConfig, { ...loggerDefault, warn });, () => { expect(warn).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); test('should test sync', (done) => { const warn = jest.fn(); const cloudDatabase = getCloudDatabase(storageConfig, { ...loggerDefault, warn }); cloudDatabase.sync(); expect(warn).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); }); });