# Verdaccio and simple local storage This example shows a simple configuration for `verdaccio` plus the default local storage with the minimum configuration required using `docker-compose`. Contains - conf: Configuration file and default user httpasswd - storage: A published default package with 2 versions. ```bash $> docker-compose up ``` ## Login If you want to login into the Verdaccio instance created via these Docker Examples, please try: Username: jpicado Password: jpicado ## Running in Dokku If you use Dokku, an open-source alternative for Heroku, you can run this example using the following steps: 1. Create a new application `dokku apps:create verdaccio` 2. Pull the verdaccio image `docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:` 3. Tag the docker image for the app: `docker tag verdaccio/verdaccio:4 dokku/verdaccio:v1` 4. Create the directories for persistent storage `mkdir -p /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/verdaccio/storage`, `mkdir -p /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/verdaccio/storage` 5. Mount the volumes: `dokku storage:mount verdaccio /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/verdaccio/storage:/verdaccio/storage` and `dokku storage:mount verdaccio /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/verdaccio/conf:/verdaccio/conf` 6. Deploy the docker image `dokku tags:deploy verdaccio v1` 7. Enjoy the application