import supertest from 'supertest'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { HTTP_STATUS, API_ERROR } from '@verdaccio/commons-api'; import { HEADERS, HEADER_TYPE, API_MESSAGE } from '@verdaccio/dev-commons'; import { getBadRequest, getConflict, getUnauthorized } from '@verdaccio/commons-api'; import { $RequestExtend, $ResponseExtend } from '../../types/custom'; import { initializeServer } from './_helper'; const mockApiJWTmiddleware = jest.fn( () => (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, _next): void => { req.remote_user = { name: 'test', groups: [], real_groups: [] }; _next(); } ); const mockAuthenticate = jest.fn(() => (_name, _password, callback): void => { return callback(null, ['all']); }); const mockAddUser = jest.fn(() => (_name, _password, callback): void => { return callback(getConflict(API_ERROR.USERNAME_ALREADY_REGISTERED)); }); jest.mock('@verdaccio/auth', () => ({ getApiToken: () => 'token', Auth: class { apiJWTmiddleware() { return mockApiJWTmiddleware(); } allow_access(_d, f_, cb) { cb(null, true); } add_user(name, password, callback) { mockAddUser()(name, password, callback); } authenticate(_name, _password, callback) { mockAuthenticate()(_name, _password, callback); } }, })); describe('user', () => { const credentials = { name: 'test', password: 'test' }; test('should test add a new user', async (done) => { mockApiJWTmiddleware.mockImplementationOnce( () => (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, _next): void => { req.remote_user = { name: undefined }; _next(); } ); mockAddUser.mockImplementationOnce(() => (_name, _password, callback): void => { return callback(null, true); }); supertest(await initializeServer('user.yaml')) .put(`/-/user/org.couchdb.user:newUser`) .send({ name: 'newUser', password: 'newUser', }) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.CREATED) .end(function (err, res) { if (err) { return done(err); } expect(res.body.ok).toBeDefined(); expect(res.body.token).toBeDefined(); const token = res.body.token; expect(typeof token).toBe('string'); expect(res.body.ok).toMatch(`user 'newUser' created`); done(); }); }); test('should test fails on add a existing user with login', async (done) => { mockApiJWTmiddleware.mockImplementationOnce( () => (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, _next): void => { req.remote_user = { name: undefined }; _next(); } ); supertest(await initializeServer('user.yaml')) .put('/-/user/org.couchdb.user:jotaNew') .send(credentials) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.CONFLICT) .end(function (err, res) { if (err) { return done(err); } expect(res.body.error).toBeDefined(); expect(res.body.error).toMatch(API_ERROR.USERNAME_ALREADY_REGISTERED); done(); }); }); test('should log in as existing user', async (done) => { supertest(await initializeServer('user.yaml')) .put(`/-/user/org.couchdb.user:${}`) .send(credentials) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.CREATED) .end((err, res) => { if (err) { return done(err); } expect(res.body).toBeTruthy(); expect(res.body.ok).toMatch(`you are authenticated as \'${}\'`); done(); }); }); test('should test fails add a new user with missing name', async (done) => { mockApiJWTmiddleware.mockImplementationOnce( () => (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, _next): void => { req.remote_user = { name: undefined }; _next(); } ); mockAddUser.mockImplementationOnce(() => (_name, _password, callback): void => { return callback(getBadRequest(API_ERROR.USERNAME_PASSWORD_REQUIRED)); }); const credentialsShort = _.cloneDeep(credentials); delete; supertest(await initializeServer('user.yaml')) .put(`/-/user/org.couchdb.user:${}`) .send(credentialsShort) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.BAD_REQUEST) .end(function (err, res) { if (err) { return done(err); } expect(res.body.error).toBeDefined(); expect(res.body.error).toMatch(API_ERROR.USERNAME_PASSWORD_REQUIRED); done(); }); }); test('should test fails add a new user with missing password', async (done) => { mockApiJWTmiddleware.mockImplementationOnce( () => (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, _next): void => { req.remote_user = { name: undefined }; _next(); } ); const credentialsShort = _.cloneDeep(credentials); delete credentialsShort.password; supertest(await initializeServer('user.yaml')) .put(`/-/user/org.couchdb.user:${}`) .send(credentialsShort) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.BAD_REQUEST) .end(function (err, res) { if (err) { return done(err); } expect(res.body.error).toBeDefined(); // FIXME: message is not 100% accurate // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap expect(res.body.error).toMatch(API_ERROR.PASSWORD_SHORT()); done(); }); }); test('should test fails add a new user with wrong password', async (done) => { mockApiJWTmiddleware.mockImplementationOnce( () => (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, _next): void => { req.remote_user = { name: 'test' }; _next(); } ); mockAuthenticate.mockImplementationOnce(() => (_name, _password, callback): void => { return callback(getUnauthorized(API_ERROR.BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD)); }); const credentialsShort = _.cloneDeep(credentials); credentialsShort.password = 'failPassword'; supertest(await initializeServer('user.yaml')) .put('/-/user/org.couchdb.user:test') .send(credentialsShort) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.UNAUTHORIZED) .end(function (err, res) { if (err) { return done(err); } expect(res.body.error).toBeDefined(); expect(res.body.error).toMatch(API_ERROR.BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD); done(); }); }); test('should be able to logout an user', async (done) => { mockApiJWTmiddleware.mockImplementationOnce( () => (req: $RequestExtend, res: $ResponseExtend, _next): void => { req.remote_user = { name: 'test' }; _next(); } ); mockAuthenticate.mockImplementationOnce(() => (_name, _password, callback): void => { return callback(getUnauthorized(API_ERROR.BAD_USERNAME_PASSWORD)); }); const credentialsShort = _.cloneDeep(credentials); credentialsShort.password = 'failPassword'; supertest(await initializeServer('user.yaml')) .delete('/-/user/token/someSecretToken') .send(credentialsShort) .expect(HEADER_TYPE.CONTENT_TYPE, HEADERS.JSON_CHARSET) .expect(HTTP_STATUS.OK) .end(function (err, res) { if (err) { return done(err); } expect(res.body.ok).toMatch(API_MESSAGE.LOGGED_OUT); done(); }); }); });