# Security Policy ## Supported Versions Use this section to tell people about which versions of your project are currently being supported with security updates. | Version | Supported | | ------- | ------------------ | | 2.x | :x: | | 3.x | :white_check_mark: | | 4.x | :white_check_mark: | ## Reporting a Vulnerability At Verdaccio, we consider the security of our systems a top priority. But no matter how much effort we put into system security, there can still be vulnerabilities present. If you've discovered a vulnerability, please follow the guidelines below to report it to our team: * Report it either [Snyk Security Team](https://snyk.io/vulnerability-disclosure/) or [npmjs Security Team](https://www.npmjs.com/advisories/report?package=verdaccio), they will be in contact with us in case of confirming the vulnerability. * E-mail your findings to [verdaccio@pm.me](mailto:verdaccio@pm.me). If the report contains highly sensitive information, please consider encrypting your findings using our [PGP key](https://verdaccio.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/gpg/publickey.verdaccio@pm.me.asc). Please follow these rules when testing/reporting vulnerabilities: * Do not take advantage of the vulnerability you have discovered, for example by downloading more data than is necessary to demonstrate the vulnerability. * Do not read, modify or delete data that isn't your own. * We ask that you do not disclose the findings to third parties until it has been resolved. What we promise: * We will respond to your report within 3 business days with our evaluation of the report and an expected resolution date. * We will keep you informed during all stages of resolving the problem. * To show our appreciation for your effort and cooperation during the report, we will list your name and a link to a personal website/social network profile on the page below so that the public can know you've helped keep Verdaccio secure.